ARS Memorial Lectureship Series
Episode 3 – Developing Healthier Edible Fats and Oils
The Agricultural Research Service's Memorial Lectureships recognize scientists who have made outstanding contributions to agriculture.
The Sterling B. Hendricks Lecture was established in 1981 by ARS to honor the memory of Sterling B. Hendricks (1902-1981) and to recognize scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the chemical science of agriculture.
The 2023 Sterling B. Hendricks Memorial Lecturer recipient, Gary List is a veteran of the U.S. Army and served as a technician at the US Army medical laboratory at Edgewood Arsenal, MD. Dr. List worked for ARS for 44 years (1963-2007) at the Northern Regional Research Laboratory in Peoria, IL. His research has encompassed every phase of oilseed processing and edible fats and oils. Dr. List has 490 publications, including forty-five book chapters, and has edited eight books. He has received the top awards in lipids, food, and agricultural chemistry from the American Oil Chemists Society, the Institute of Food Technologists, the American Chemical Society, and the European Federation Lipid Technology. The University of Illinois awarded Dr. List an honorary Doctor of Science degree in 2011 in recognition for his research on soybean oil.