Integrated Pest Management (since 2005) |
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Spatial scale of non-target effects of cotton insecticides (PDF)
Mortality dynamics of a polyphagous invasive herbivore reveal clues in its agroecosystem success (PDF)
Bt maize and non-target arthropods: A global meta-analysis (PDF) (PDF)
Transgenic cotton and sterile insect releases synergize eradication of pink bollworm (PDF)
Methyl salicylate fails to enhance biological control (PDF)
Novel insecticides support conservation biological control in cotton (PDF)
The role of genetically engineered insect-resistant crops in IPM (PDF)
Genetically engineered crops help support conservation biological control (PDF)
Quantifying conservation biological control for management of Bemisia tabaci (PDF)
Comparative toxicities of newer and conventional insecticides against four generalist predator species (PDF)
Economic value of biological control in IPM. (PDF) (PDF)
Detection and monitoring of pink bollworm with pheromone traps and encounter-rate models. (PDF)
Interaction of irrigation regimes and insecticides Lygus hesperus, and predators dynamics in cotton. (PDF)
Landscape refuge strategy for delaying insecticide resistance. (PDF)
Baseline susceptibilities of B- and Q-biotype Bemisia tabaci to anthranilic diamides in Arizona. (PDF)
Compatibility of insecticides with natural enemies of agricultural pests. (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF)
Impacts of Bt transgenic cotton on integrated pest management. (PDF) (PDF) (PDF)
Sampling methods and plans for estimating density of glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis on citrus. (PDF) (PDF)
Spatial-temporal models for the optimal control of invasive species. (PDF) (PDF)
50 years of the Integrated Control Concept. (PDF)
iPM as Informed Pest Management. (PDF)
Conservation biological control of Bemisia tabaci in cotton. (PDF)
New sampling methods and plans estimating predator densities in cotton. (PDF)
Sampling and management of Bemisia tabaci in Australian cotton. (PDF)
Sampling methods for estimating cotton lint stickiness. (PDF)
Resampling validation of arthropod sampling plans. (PDF)
Sticky cotton sources and solutions. (PDF)
Making whitefly and natural enemy counts! (PDF)
Save money the easy was with bio-control. (PDF)
Minute bug with enormous impacts on insect pests. (PDF)
Natural enemies of the Southwest: A field guide to the arthropod natural enemies of southwestern field crops. (Link)
A guide to terminating insecticide control of Lygus. (PDF)
Being selective [insecticide use in cotton]. (PDF)
Sampling whiteflies in 7 minutes or less. (PDF)
Assassin bugs top the food web. (PDF)
Big-eyed bugs have a big appetite for pests. (PDF)
Untangling the webSpiders in Arizona fields! (PDF)
Keeping cotton green! (PDF)
Soft-bodied Collops likes soft bodies. (PDF)
$1+ Cotton? New thresholds? (PDF)
Whitefly management in Arizona cotton 2006. (PDF)
Sampling whitefly nymphs. (PDF)
Sampling whitefly adults. (PDF)