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Risk Assessment in Transgenic Crops (since 2005)
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Bt maize and non-target arthropods: A global meta-analysis (PDF) (PDF)

The role of genetically engineered insect-resistant crops in IPM (PDF)

Genetically engineered crops help support conservation biological control (PDF)

Bt eggplant efficacy and non-target effects (PDF)

Multitrophic Cry-protein flow in a dual-gene Bt-cotton field (PDF)

Impacts of Bt transgenic cotton on integrated pest management. (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF)

Impact of Bt crops on life history of natural enemies using resistant or non-susceptible prey


The end of a myth Bt (Cry1Ab) maize does not harm green lacewings (PDF)

Does the growing of Bt maize change populations or ecological functions of non-target animals (PDF)

Meta-analyses of the impacts of Bt crops on non-target organisms and insecticide use patterns. (PDF) (PDF) (PDF)

Long-term assessment of the effects of transgenic Bt cotton on the abundance and function of non-target arthropod natural enemies. (PDF) (PDF)