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Charles Burks
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Dr. Burks (Ph.D. Entomology, University of Missouri, 1991) has worked as at USDA-ARS in Parlier since 1997. His research mission in their Commodity and Protection and Quality Research Unit is to improve methods of protecting commodities from insects of postharvest concern, including classical postharvest pests and field pests that reduce quality or marketability postharvest, with emphasis on developing and improving semiochemical methods for monitoring and control. This research has examined nitidulid beetles, codling moth, and Indian meal moth in figs, walnuts, and processing and storage facilities, respectively. Much of his current research is on navel orangeworm in almond, pistachio, and walnut orchards. His ongoing collaborations with scientist from USDA, universities, and industry seek to improve and diversify mating disruption approaches for control of navel orangeworm, and to improve monitoring of the navel orangeworm in the presence of mating disruption.