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Catherine Reardon
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Educational Background:

I received a Ph.D. in microbiology in 2005 from Montana State University in Bozeman and a Bachelor of Science in 2001 from Idaho State University in Pocatello.

Skills and Expertise

qPCR, T-RFLP, DNA sequencing, soil enzyme activity, microscopy

Research Program: Soil Microbiology

Broad Research Objectives

Evaluating effects of crop management on soil microbial communities and nutrient cycling activity

Identifying microbial populations beneficial to plant health in dryland cropping systems

Focus of the Microbiology Program

The focus of the microbiology program is to develop new knowledge about microbial benefits derived from diversified crop rotations. The primary objective of the current research plan is to determine whether wheat-oilseed rotations compared to traditional winter wheat-summer fallow provide belowground benefits from changes in the soil microbiology such as increased nitrogen availability, improved soil structure, and reduced disease. DNA- and culture-based methods are being employed to (i) characterize and compare changes in the microbial diversity, composition and function in response to crop rotation, (ii) identify key changes in fungal and bacterial populations with relation to soil structure, and (iii) determine whether Brassica oilseed crops inhibit or “biofumigate” soil communities near the root (or rhizosphere).

Current Research Projects

Research is funded under the USDA-ARS NP 216

  • Agricultural System Competitiveness and Sustainability
  • Evaluate effects of crop diversification and intensification in dryland wheat-fallow rotation on microbial community structure and activity
  • Determine whether oilseeds benefit soil heath through changes to soil structure, water infiltration, microbial diversity or nutrient cycling capacity

Additional Research Projects:

  • USDA-NIFA, AFRI Competitive Grants Program Climate Change Research, 2011-2015. Project Title: Site-specific climate-friendly farming. In collaboration with Washington State University-Pullman (David Brown, P.I.)


