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Paula Moore
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Contact Information

     59 Johnson Hall, WSU
     Pullman, WA 99164-6402

Paula Lundt with Daughter Micheala



2001 - Extended Education Courses
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Seed analysis program for preparation of AOSA certification test.
1997 - B.S. Animal Sciences
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
1993 - Associates of Veterinary Medicine
Associates of General Education
Centralia College, Centralia, WA


Professional Experience

1997 - Present Seed Technician
USDA-ARS Western Regional Plant Introduction Station
Pullman, WA

As a Plant Technician, my main responsibility is the daily operation of the seed storage facility. Perform operations in several areas associated with managing a large and complex germplasm collection. This involves collection inventory, proper seed storage, preparation and shipment of seed orders. I handle the processing of incoming seed which includes making packets or containers for each accession. I am also responsible for the quantity inventory for all accessions maintained in the cold room. This includes updating on the database when quantities change, entering quantities for new accessions when received and changing packets when the taxon name changes. I provide technical support to research scientists, germplasm curators and other staff in the seed germination testing program and seed science. Perform germination viability on seeds of diverse plant species according to AOSA standard procedures. I maintain accurate records; enter, edit and maintain germination viability, seed weights and seed counts using computer systems. I closely coordinate activities with curators, research scientists and others in order to assure timely completion of duties. I supervise student hourly employment.

1997 - 1997 Laboratory Technician Assistant
WSU Department of Plant Pathology
Pullman, WA

Microbiology analysis of Pseudomonas Fluorescence bacteria as a treatment for Take-All disease caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (G.g.t.). The purpose of the study is to monitor the decline of Take-All disease on roots of wheat by soil population frequencies and total Pseudomonas bacteria adhering to the roots. My duties include management of a research plot, supervise sample collection on two week intervals; bacteria plate dilution, incubation of bacteria, sterile techniques to obtain pure cultures of fungus; make buffer stock solutions, prepare antibiotics for cultures; sterilize glassware; prepare salmon sperm DNA for colony hybridization; plant wheat seeds for greenhouse growth and manage lab supplies. This is USDA-ARS Root Disease and Biological Control position located at WSU under the direction of Dr. Jim Cook.

1995 - 1997 Laboratory Technician Assistant
WSU Department of Pharmacy
Pullman, WA

Pharmicokinetic analyses of anti-tumor drug Camptothecin (CPT) by in vitro and in vivo study. The purpose of the study is to monitor the amount and half-life of CPT in non-tumor mice and tumor nude mice plasma and five tissue samples by HPLC analyses. Introductory exposure to the operation and independent use of HPLC analysis equipment during the summer of 1996. My duties also included general lab clean-up; biohazard waste; making buffer stocks; sterile media preparation, sterilize glassware and supply/chemical ordering for Lab use. Employment was part-time during the school year and full-time during summer.

1992 - 1994 Laboratory Technician
Weyerhaeuser Research and Development
Centralia, WA

Allozyme electrophoresis study on Douglas Firtrees from managed and natural Weyerhaeuser seed orchards. The purpose of the study is to map genetic diversity and heredity through genotypes. Calculation of genetic frequencies determined paternity and the possibility of genetic drift within the population. My duties included direct management of the project; germination of seeds; pouring starch gels and electrophoretic processes; reading genotypes and participating when assistance is needed with the Taxol project. Taxol study duties included tissue sampling, tissue grinding, cloning seedlings, test plot design, crew management and greenhouse maintenance such as watering, fertilizing and cleaning the green houses. Isozyme data collected during this period was summarized and published.


Selected Publications

Wheeler, N.C., K.S. Jech and P. Rose. 1995. Genetic Variation in Weyerhaeuser's Natural and Domesticated Douglas-fir Population: I. Allozyme Diversity. Weyerhaeuser Research Technical Report 051-1206/2.

* I using my married name, Paula Moore instead of Paula Rose or Paula Lundt.