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arid lands ecology lab
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                                    Arid Lands Ecology Lab




Current research projects include:

  1. Wind-driven soil erosion after wildfire in dryland systems
  2. Post-fire vegetation and soil monitoring
  3. Evaluating effects of prescribed fire, tree removal, and herbicide on Great Basin ecosystems
  4. Grazing effects on grass establishment after fire
  5. Post-fire rehabilitation effects on plant communities and fire regimes
  6. Long-term ecosystem recovery after wildfire across the western US​
  7. Restoring annual grass invaded sites in the Mojave Desert


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Dr. Beth Newingham

Research Ecologist

920 Valley Rd. Reno NV 89512

Office: 1-775-453-4961 



Brian Morra (post-doc)

Nicole Havrilchak (post-doc)

Claire Williams (research technician)

Marco Donoso (research technician)

Alina Evans (undergraduate biological science tech)