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TABLE 1.  Isolates of Phytophthora spp. used in this investigation.


Species                                                Groupa              Isolate #b                                               Host                                         Origin

Phytophthora boehmeriae                II                             325PT, P1257MC                                                      Boehmeriae nivia                                Papua New Guinea


Phytophthora cactorum                     I                               SB2079GB                                                               Fragaria x ananassa                          California


Phytophthora capsici                         II                             Cp-25DJM  (A-2)                                                     Citrullus lantatus                                Florida


Phytophthora cinnamomi                  VI                            Cn-2DJM  (A-2 mating type)                                 Vaccinium spp.                                    Florida


Phytophthora citricola                      III                            SB2078GB                                                               Fragaria x ananassa                           California


Phytophthora citrophthora              II                             Ct-1DJM                                                                   Theobroma cacao                               Brazil


Phytophthora clandestine                 I                               IMI287317DC                                                          Trifolium subterranean                      Australia


Phytophthora colocasiae                  IV                            346PT, P3773MC                                                      Colocasia esculenta                           Indonesia


Phytophthora cryptogea                   VI                            IMI 045168                                                            Lycopersicon esculentum                     New Zealand


Phytophthora drechsleri                   VI                            ATCC 46724 (Type)                                             Beta vulgaris                                          U.S.A.


Phytophthora erythroseptica           VI                            367PT                                                                       Solanum tuberosum                              New York


Phytophthora fragariae fragariae V                               395PT, ATCC 13974                                              Fragaria x ananassa                            New York


Phytophthora gonapodyides            VI                            393PT, NY353WW                                                    Malus sylvestris                                   New York

                                                                                                P245DC, IMI389725                                               Salix mastsudana                                  U.K.

                                                                                                P501DC, IMI389729                                               Ilex roots                                                 U.K.


Phytophthora heveae                         II                             Hv-2DJM                                                                  Theobroma cacao                                 Brazil


Phytophthora hibernalis                   IV                            337PT, ATCC 32995, P0647MC                                     Citrus sinensus                              California


Phytophthora humicola                     V                             IMI302303DC                                                          soil from citrus                                        Taiwan


Phytophthora idaei                            I                               IDA3DC (Type)                                                      Rubus idaeus                                          Scotland


Phytophthora ilicis                             IV                            343PT, P6100MC, 802PH                                           Ilex aquifolium                                     Oregon


Phytophthora inflata                          III                            IMI342898DC                                                          Syringa sp.


Phytophthora infestans                      IV                            127PT, ATCC 48723                                              Solanum tuberosum                              New York


Phytophthora iranica                        I                               IMI158964DC                                                          Solanum melongera                              Iran


Phytophthora katsurae                      II                             IMI360596DC                                                          Cocos nucifera                                       Ivory Coast


Phytophthora lateralis                      V                             IMI 040503 (Type)                                               Chamaecyparis                                        U.S.A.   


Phytophthora medii                            II                             IMI129185DC                                                          Hevea brasiliensis                                 India


Phytophthora megasperma               V                             IMI133317                                                             Malus sylvestris                                       Australia


Phytophthora megakarya                II                             328PT, P184CB                                                         Theobroma cacao                                 Cameroon


Phytophthora melonis                        VI                            IMI325917DC                                                          Cucumis sp.                                           China


Phytophthora mirabilis                     IV                            340PT, ATCC 64070, P3007MC                              Mirabilis jalapa                                   Mexico


Phytophthora nemorosa                    IV                            P-13EH, 482PT Type                                               Lithocarpus densiflorus                      California                              

                                                                                                2052.1EH, 483PT                                                      Lithocarpus densiflorus                      Oregon                                  


Phytophthora nicotianae                  II                             331PT                                                                       Nicotiana tabacum                               North Carolina


Phytophthora palmivora                   II                             Pl-5DJM, P626UCR                                                    Theobroma cacao                                Brazil


Phytophthora phaseoli                      V                             352PT, ATCC 60171, CBS 556.88                         Phaseolus lunatus                                 unknown                                                                                                                                                               373PT,                                                                      Phaseolus lunatus                                Delaware

                                                                                                403PT                                                                       Phaseolus lunatus                                Delaware

                                                                                                406PT (Race D)                                                      Phaseolus lunatus                                 Maryland


Phytophthora porri                            III                            CBS782.97DC                                                          Brassica chinensis                                The Netherlands


Phytophthora primulae                     III                            CBS620.97DC                                                          Primula acaulis                                     Germany


Phytophthora pseudosyringae         IV                            PSEU16TJ, 484PT, NFV-BU97-15                          Fagus sylvatica                                    Germany                               

                                                                                                P96EH, 485PT                                                           Umbellularia californica                    Contra Costa Co., CA

470PT, P193907ACDFA                                            Manzanita sp.                                       Royal Oaks, CA

                                                                                                471PT, 1168699CDFA                                                Umbellularia californica                   Napa, CA

                                                                                                472PT, 1168676CDFA                                                Umbellularia californica                   Calistoga, CA

                                                                                                473PT, P110361CDFA                                               Umbellularia californica                   Yountville, CA


Phytophthora pseudotsugae             I                               308PT, H270PH                                                        Pseudotsugae menziesii                      Oregon


Phytophthora quercina                     V                             IMI340618DC                                                          Quercus robur                                        Germany


Phytophthora ramorum                     IV                            Prn-1, PD93/844sw                                                  Rhododendron sp.                               Netherlands

Prn-2, PD94/844sw                                                 Rhododendron sp.                               Netherlands

Prn-3, PD98/8/6743sw                                            Rhododendron sp.                               Netherlands

Prn-4, PD98/8/6285sw                                            Rhododendron sp.                               Netherlands

Prn-5, PD98/8/2627sw                                            Rhododendronsp.                               Netherlands

Prn-6, PD98/8/5233sw                                            Viburnum sp.                                        Netherlands

Prg-1, BBA 69082sw                                              Rhododendron sp.                               Germany

Prg-2, BBA 9/95sw, CBS101553 (Type)              Rhododendron catawbiense              Germany

Prg-3, BBA 14/98-asw                                           Rhododendron catawbiense               Germany

Prg-4, BBA 12/98sw                                               Rhododendron catawbiense             Germany

Prg-5, BBA 13/99-1sw                                           Rhododendron catawbiense             Germany

Prg-6, BBA 16/99sw                                               Viburnum bodnantense                      Germany

Prg-7, BBA 9/3sw                                                   water                                                      Germany

Prg-8. BBA 104sw                                                  water                                                      Germany

288MG                                                                      Rhododendron sp.                              California

73101CDFA                                                               Lithocarpus densiflorus                     California

044519CDFA                                                             Umbellularia californica                   California

044522CDFA                                                             Lithocarpus densiflorus                     California

P072648 CDFA                                                          Quercus agrifolia                               California

201CDR                                                                    Rhododendron sp.                              California

0217DR                                                                    Rhododendron sp.                              California

CoenMG                                                                  Rhododendron sp.                              California

013DR                                                                      Lithocarpus densiflorus                     California

016DR                                                                      Quercus agrifolia                                California


Phytophthora richardiae                  VI                            ATCC46538DC                                                       Zantedeschia sp. root                         The Netherlands


Phytophthora sojae                            V                             312PT, ATCC 48068                                              Glycine max                                          Wisconsin


Phytophthora syringae                      III                            IMI 296829                                                            Rubus idaeus                                        Scotland


Phytophthora tentaculata                 I                               CBS552.96DC                                                          Chrysanthemum leucanth.                 Germany


Phytophthora sp. "O" groupc                                            P246DC, IMI389751                                               Salix roots                                            U.K.


P. taxon Pgchlamydoc                                                          P510DC, IMI389731                                               Pseudotsugae roots                            Canada


P. taxon Raspberryc                                                             P896DC, IMI389744                                               soil                                                          Tasmania






a Waterhouse morphological group (Waterhouse 1963)


b CB = Clive Brasier, DC= DNA supplied by David Cooke, MC=Michael Coffey,GB= Greg Brown, KD = Ken Deahl, PH = Phil Hamm (E. Hansen), DJM=Dave Mitchell, DS=Dave Shaw, PT=Paul Tooley, UCR = University of California at Riverside, SW= Sabine Werres, WW=Wayne Wilcox, DR= Dave Rizzo, CDFA=Cheryl Blomquist, California Dept. of Food and Agriculture.


 c Species groupings of Brasier et al. (5)