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Mona Chambers
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Mona Chambers


Biological Lab Technician (Insects)
Eastern Apiculture Society certified Master Beekeeper
Phone: 520-647-9293 

Mona Chambers is a Tucson native whose passion for honeybees has guided her career from the start. As a technician for over 19 years with the Carl Hayden Bee Research Center, she is active in disease, nutrition, and overwintering research and collaborates regularly with commercial beekeepers, scholars, and scientists. She is the founder of See the Bees, whose mission is to raise awareness and provide education for children and adults on honeybees and their importance. With a drive to help underserved communities through beekeeping, she has volunteered at the Washington State Penitentiary and Pima County Juvenile Detention. She regularly presents at schools, museums, and other organizations. In 2018 Mona became the first Master Beekeeper in Arizona certified by the Eastern Apiculture Society. Besides working with bees, she trains in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and plays the cello. 

Beekeeping Speaking / Engagements

Honors, Awards, and Special Accomplishments:


Acknowledged for research participation in the following publications:

Johnson, Zaman, Decelle, Siegel, Tarpy, and Starks, 2005. Multiple Micro-Organisms in
Chalkbrood Mummies: Evidence and Implications. J of Apicultural Research 44(1): 29-32.
Lobo, Ton, Hill, Emore, Romero-Severson, Hunt, and Collins, 2003. Genomic Analysis in the
sting-2 Quantitative Trait Locus for Defensive Behavior in the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera.
Genome Research 13:2588-2593.

Schneider SS, LJ Leamy, LA Lewis and G DeGrandi-Hoffman, 2003. The influence of
hybridization between African and European honeybees, Apis mellifera , on asymmetries in wing
size and shape. Evolution 57: 2350-2364.

Schneider SS and G DeGrandi-Hoffman, 2003.The influence of paternity on virgin queen
success in hybrid colonies of European and African honey bees, Apis mellifera . Animal
Behaviour 65: 883-892.

DeGrandi-Hoffman G, D Tarpy and SS Schneider,2003. Patriline composition of worker
populations in honey bee ( Apis mellifera L) colonies headed by queens inseminated with semen
from African and European drones. Apidologie 34:111-120.

Schneider, SS and G DeGrandi-Hoffman, 2002.The influence of worker behavior and
paternity on the development and emergence of honeybee queens. Insectes Sociaux 49:

DeGrandi-Hoffman, G. & J.C. Watkins, 2000. The influence that honeybees and wild Bees
foraging together have on sunflower cross-pollination and seed set. Am. Bee J. 137:565-566.

DeGrandi-Hoffman, G. & Hagler, J., 2000. The flow of incoming nectar in a honeybee ( Apis
mellifera L.) colony as revealed by a protein marker. Insectes Soc. 47:302-306.


Pima Community College
Tucson, AZ 85709, UDA
Supplemental courses 2004, 1997

University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85719
Bachelor of Arts, 2001
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies - International Relations
Honors: Cum Laude

Instituto Falcón
Guanajuato, Gto 36000, Mexico
Spanish language course, 1999