Latest Science Results (not yet published) (click on title for more information)
Controls on transpiration in a desert riparian cottonwood forest Atmospheric carbon mitigation potential of agricultural management in the southwestern USA Spatial patterns of soil erosion and deposition in two small semi-arid watersheds | Papers Published This Quarter: (click on title to download a reprint) Baron-Gafford, G., Martens, D.A., Grieve, K., McLain, J.E.T., Lipson, D., Murthy, R. 2005. Growth of eastern cottonwoods (Populus deltoids) in elevated CO2 stimulates stand level respiration and rhizodeposition of carbohydrates, accelerates soil nutrient depletion, yet stimulates above and belowground biomass production.Global Change Biology. 11:1-14. Martens, D.A., Emmerich, W.E., McLain, J.E., Johnsen, T.N., Jr. 2005. Atmospheric carbon mitigation potential of agricultural management in the southwestern USA.Soil and Tillage Res. 83:95-119. Ricke-Zapp, D., Nearing, M.A. 2005. Slope shape effects on erosion: A laboratory study.Soil Sci. Am. J. 69: 1463-1471. Zhang, G.H., Nearing, M., Liu, B. 2005. Potential effects of climate change on rainfall erosivity in the Yellow River Basin of China.Trans. ASAE. 48(2): 511-517. Nagler, P.L., Scott, R.L., Westenburg, C., Cleverly, J.R., Glenn, E.P., Huete, A.R. 2005. Evapotranspiration on western U.S. rivers estimated using the enhanced vegetation index from MODIS and data from eddy covariance and Bowen ratio flux towers.Rem. Sens. Environ. 97(3): 337-351. Our full publication list is available at . Future Science Events: There is new instrumentation being tested at Walnut Gulch. Also, presentations from the Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium and the 2005 Watershed Management Conference are available on line and on CD-ROM. (click here for more information). Rainfall Report: 

WGEW and SRER data can be downloaded from the web site at Awards: Congratulations to SWRC Scientist Chandra Holifield Collins for receiving recognition at the highest level in ARS with the Administrator's EEO Award. (click here for more information) Staff News: Meet new SWRC employees Holly Harris and Jennifer Moore Kucera and hear about the 2005 Monsoon season. This newsletter is dedicated to Shelby Bennett, a native son of Tombstone and long-time landholder in Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, who passed away on 10 July 2005. (click here for more information). SWRC Quarterly: Contact the SWRC Research Leader, Dr. Susan Moran at 670-6380 X171 or Mailing address is USDA ARS SWRC, 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ85719 and web address is . The SWRC Quarterly is on-line at /News/News.htm?modecode=53-42-45-00. SWRC Mission: The Southwest Watershed Research Center conducts long-term research of soil, water and climate processes to better understand interactions with plants, animals and humans as a basis for management of semiarid watersheds. SWRC develops new technologies for land managers, including remote sensing, computer-aided decision tools, and ecosystem models. |