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SWRC Bulletin (Spring 2006)
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 Southwest Watershed Research Center 

The SWRC Quarterly

Sound Science for Watershed Decisions

Spring 2006


Latest Science Results (not yet published)

(click on title for more information)


A new dynamic, rangeland soil erosion model based on WEPP and KINEROS2


A four year record of tracking sediment sources in small agricultural watershed


Chapter 3:  Assessment of climate change impacts on water resources, adaptation and vulnerabilities


Estimation of rainfall erosivity using 5 to 60 minute fixed-interval rainfall data from China


Seasonal and Interannual Variation of Evapotranspiration for a Semiarid


Statistical protocols for quality control of ecosystem CO2 fluxes over an abandoned field in Kazakhstan.


Decision support for nitrogen management in tile-drained agriculture


Optimization of grazing management for watershed sediment control


A web-based tool for economic analysis of sediment control on rangeland watersheds


Runoff and erosion modeling by WEPP in an experimental Mediterranean watershed


Partitioning evapotranspiration using diurnal surface temperature variation


Temporal Persistence and Stability of Surface Soil Moisture in a Semi-Arid watershed

Watershed Estimated by MoistureFluxTowers and MODIS Vegetation Indices

Papers Published This Quarter:

(click on title to download a reprint)


Nichols, M.H. 2006. Measured sediment yield rates from semiarid rangeland watersheds.Rangeland Ecol. and Manage. 59(1):55-62.


Scott, R.L., Huxman, T.E., Williams, D., Goodrich, D.C. 2006. Ecohydrological impacts of woody plant encroachment: Seasonal patterns of water and carbon dioxide exchange within a semiarid riparian environment.Global Change Biology, 12:311-324.


Thoma, D., Moran, M.S., Bryant, R., Rahman, M.M., Holifield Collins, C.D., Skirvin, S.M., Sano, E.E., Slocum, K, 2006. Comparison of four models for determining surface soil moisture from c-band radar imagery.Water Resour. Res. 42(1): 1-12.


Hernandez, M., Semmens, D., Miller, S., Goodrich, D.C., Kepner, W. 2006. Development and application of the automated geospatial watershed assessment tool.Proc. ARS/INIFAP Binat'l. Sym. on Modeling and Remote Sensing in Agriculture.


Moran, M.S., McElroy, S, Watts, J.M., Peters, L.C.D. 2006. Radar remote sensing for estimation of surface soil moisture at the watershed scale.Proc. ARS/INIFAP Binational Sym. on Modeling and Remote Sensing in Agriculture, June 2-6, 2003, Aquascalientes, Mexico.


Heilman, P., Stone, J.J., Sanchez-Cohen, I., Rodriquez, H., Mann, R. 2006. Working smarter: Research and decision support systems in Mexican agriculture.Proc. ARS/INIFAP Binational Sym. on Modeling and Remote Sensing in Agriculture, June 2-6, 2003, Aquascalientes, Mexico.


Kimoto, A., Nearing, M.A., Zhang, X.J., Powell, D.M. 2006. Applicability of rare earth element oxides as sediment tracers for coarse-textured soils.Catena 65:24.-221.


Gazal, R.M., Scott, R.L., Goodrich, D.C., Williams, D.G. 2006. Controls on transpiration in a desert riparian cottonwood forest.Ag. & Forest Meteorology. 137(56-67).


Our full publication list is available at . 


Future Science Events:
SWRC Scientists Mary Nichols, Dave Goodrich and Bill Emmerich will be making presentations at local and national workshops.  Dean Martens' work will be honored with a Clark Distinguished Lectureship and Poster Session at the Annual Meeting of Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).  Also, our "greatest" historic publications are now available on our web site. (click here for more information)


Rainfall Report:


WGEW and SRER data can be downloaded from the web site at   


Geographic locations of the three precipitation records can be found at /ARSUserFiles/20221000/images/sw_az3.jpg



Congratulations to SWRC Scientist Bill Emmerich who received a promotion.  And our webmaster Jason Wong received a commendation for the SWRC web site from the ARS webmasters. (click here for more information)


Staff News:
Jennifer Kucera and Ross Bryant are leaving SWRC.  Donna King and Bob Lamb are new employees.  Ken Renard is out of the hospital and doing well. (Click here for more about our staff and recent events)


SWRC Quarterly:

Contact the SWRC Research Leader, Dr. Mark Nearing at 670-6380 x152 or  Mailing address is USDA ARS SWRC, 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ85719 and web address is .  The SWRC Quarterly is on-line at  /News/News.htm?modecode=53-42-45-00. 


SWRC Mission:

The Southwest Watershed Research Center conducts long-term research of soil, water and climate processes to better understand interactions with plants, animals and humans as a basis for management of semiarid watersheds.  SWRC develops new technologies for land managers, including remote sensing, computer-aided decision tools, and ecosystem models.