SWRC Bulletin (Winter 2009) |
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![]() | The SWRC BulletinSound Science for Water Decisions Winter 2009 |
Latest Science Results (not yet published) (click on title for more information) Soil Evaporation Response to Lehmann Lovegrass ( Eragrostis lehmanniana) | Highlight from Recently Published Research:
Papers Published 2nd Half 2008:Moran, M.S., Scott, R.L., Keefer, T.O., Emmerich, W.E., Hernandez, M., Nearing, G.S., Paige, G.B., Cosh, M.H., O'Neill, P.E. 2009. Partitioning evapotranspiration in semiarid grassland and shrubland ecosystems using time series of soil surface temperature. J. Ag. & Forest Meteorology. 149:59 72. (944 KB PDF) Rhoton, F., Emmerich, W., DiCarol, D., McChesney, D., Nearing, M., Ritchie, J. 2008. Identification of suspended sources using soil characteristics in a semiarid watershed. Soil Science Society of America. 72(4): 1102-1112. (1.01 MB PDF) Xiao, J., Zhuang, Q., Baldocchi, D., Law, B., Richardson, A., Chen, J., Oren, R., Starr, G., Noormets, A., Ma, S., Verma, S., Wharton, S., Wofsy, S., Bolstad, P., Burns, S., Cook. D., Curtis, P., Drake, B., Falk, M., Fischer, M., Foster, D., Gu, L., Hadley, J., Hollinger, C., Katul, G., Litvak, M., Martin, T., Matamala, R., McNulty, S., Meyers, T., Monson, R,, Munger, J., Oechel, W., Paw U, K., Schmid, H., Scott, R., Sun, G., Suyker, A., Torn, M. 2008. Estimation of Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange for the Conterminous United States by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data. Ag. & Forest Meteorology. 148:1827-1847. (4 MB PDF) Verhoest, N.E.C., Lievens, H., Wagner, W., ?lvarez-Mozos J., Moran, M.S., Mattia F. 2008. On the soil roughness parameterization problem in soil moisture retrieval of bare surfaces from Synthetic Aperture Radar. Sensors. 2008, 8:4213-4248; DOI: 10.3390/s8074213. (254 KB PDF) Sanchez-Cohen, I., Moreno, J.M.M., Spring, U.O., Heilman, P., Gonzalez Barrios, J.L., Padilla, G.D., Velasquez Valle, M. 2008. Integrated water management research in Mexico: Opportunity for North American collaboration. J. of Soil and Water Conservation. 63(6): 212A-231A. (349 KB PDF) Moran, M.S., Peters, D.C., McClaren, M.P., Nichols, M.H., Adams, M.B. 2008. Long-term data collection at USDA experimental sites for studies of ecohydrology. Ecohydrology. 1:377-393. (432 KB PDF) Zreda, M., Desilets, D., Ferre, T.P.A., Scott, R.L. 2008. Measuring soil moisture content non-invasively at intermediate spatial scale using cosmic-ray neutrons. Geophysical Research Letters. 35:L21402. (227 KB PDF) Our full publication list is available at: Future Science Events:Click here for information about upcoming conferences and workshops, including the 6th Annual RISE Symposium at University of Arizona. Rainfall Report:![]() ![]() ![]() WGEW and SRER data can be downloaded from the web site at http://www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/dap Awards:SWRC Scientists won big national awards in 2008, including the ARS Award for Excellence in Information to Jason Wong, the ARS Technology Transfer Award to the Team AGWA, and election of Susan Moran for AAAS Fellow. Click here for more information.Staff News:Click here for staff news, including Bill Emmerich's and Waite Osterkamp's retirements, new hires Zach Sugg, Leonard Cratic III and James Gregory, fellowship reports from Dave Goodrich and Mark Nearing, and SWRC Scientists Mary Nichols and John Smith in the news. SWRC Bulletin:Contact the SWRC Research Leader, Dr. Mark Nearing at 520-670-6381 x152 or mark.nearing@ars.usda.gov. Mailing address is USDA ARS SWRC, 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ 85719 and web address is http://www.tucson.ars.ag.gov. The SWRC Bulletin is online at /News/News.htm?modecode=53-42-45-00.SWRC Mission:To develop knowledge and technology to conserve water and soil in semi-arid lands. |