Prosser Worksite |
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The USDA Temperate Tree Fruit and Vegetable Research Unit has three scientists working on potato germplasm improvement at a worksite co-located with the Washington State University Irrigated Agriculture Research and Education Center (IAREC) near Prosser, WA. This research team aims to develop improved germplasm for use by other breeding programs and to develop new potato breeding lines with improved disease and pest resistance, nutritional value and quality traits. The group has over 3000 sq ft of laboratory space, 5000 sq ft of greenhouse space and access to over 1000 acres of IAREC research farms.
A total of 15 USDA-ARS scientists from 6 Research Units work from the Prosser worksite. The worksite provides the researchers with close proximity to vegetable, grape, hops, and tree fruit production areas. Co-location at IAREC provides USDA scientists with opportunities to collaborate with researchers from Washington State University.
One of five laboratories. In this chemistry lab, potato nutritional content is measured.
A tissue culture room maintains a large collection of wild potato species, cultivars, and transgenic lines.
Harvest of field trials assessing disease resistance at the Prosser research farm.
Potato cold storage facility.