Joshua Campbell
Research Ecologist
(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Avenues towards reconciling wild and managed bee proponents
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beaurepaire, A.L., Hogendoorn, K., Kleijn, D., Otis, G.W., Potts, S.G., Singer, T.L., Boff, S., Pirk, C., Settele, J., Paxton, R.J., Raine, N.E., Tosi, S., Williams, N., Klein, A., Le Conte, Y., Campbell, J.W., Williams, G.R., Marini, L., Brockmann, A., Sgolastra, F., Boyle, N., Neuditschko, M., Straub, L., Neumann, P., Charriere, J., Albrecht, M., Dietemann, V. 2024. Avenues towards reconciling wild and managed bee proponents . Trends in Ecology and Evolution. Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 7-10.
Fire in feces: bats reliably record fire history in their guano
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tsalickis, A., Vachula, R.S., Welch, C.J., Campbell, J.W., Waters, M.N. 2024. Fire in feces: bats reliably record fire history in their guano. Geophysical Research Letters. 51, e2024GL112045.
Soil microbial properties of durum growth after camelina, carinata, CC mix and fallow
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rana Dangi, S., Allen, B.L., Jabro, J.D., Rand, T.A., Campbell, J.W., Calderon, R.B. 2024. Soil microbial properties of durum growth after camelina, carinata, CC mix and fallow. Agronomy Journal. 14(9).
Mixed responses of tenebrionid beetles to solar energy development in the Mojave Desert
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grodsky, S.M., Campbell, J.W., Roeder, K.A., Waite, E.S., Wright, E.R., Johnston, A.M. 2024. Mixed responses of tenebrionid beetles to solar energy development in the Mojave Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. Volume 225. Article 105243.
Evaluating the effect of tillage on ground nesting Aculeate wasps in the southeastern United States
(Abstract Only)
Cuminale, A., Abbate, A.P., Campbell, J.W., Balkcom, K.S., Williams, G.W. 2024. Evaluating the effect of tillage on ground nesting Aculeate wasps in the southeastern United States [abstract]. Entomological Society of America (ESA) International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ Nov. 10-13-2024.
Evaluating the effect of tillage regime on ground-nesting bee incidence, abundance, and diversity in the Southeastern United States
(Abstract Only)
Cuminale, A., Abbate, A.P., Campbell, J.W., Balkcom, K.S., Williams, G.W. 2024. Evaluating the effect of tillage regime on ground-nesting bee incidence, abundance, and diversity in the Southeastern United States [abstract]. Entomological Society of America (ESA) International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ Nov. 10-13-2024.
Integrated vegetation management within electric power transmission rights-of-way promotes the abundance and richness of floral resources and flower-visiting insects
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kimmel, C.B., De Bem Oliveira, I., Campbell, J.W., Khazan, E., Bremer, J., Rossetti, K., Standridge, M., Epstein, S., Tsalickis, A., Daniels, J.C. 2024. Integrated vegetation management within electric power transmission rights-of-way promotes the abundance and richness of floral resources and flower-visiting insects. PLOS ONE. 19(8) Article e0308263.
The LTAR Grazing Land Common Experiment at Northern Plains
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Toledo, D.N., Hendrickson, J.R., Kobilansky, C.L., Liebig, M.A., Kronberg, S.L., Christensen, R., Archer, D.W., Branson, D.H., Rand, T.A., Campbell, J.W., Igathinathane, C. 2024. The LTAR Grazing Land Common Experiment at Northern Plains. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1-9.
Assessing the attractiveness of native wildflower species to bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) in the southeastern United States
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abbate, A.P., Campbell, J.W., Grodsky, S.M., Williams, G.R. 2024. Assessing the attractiveness of native wildflower species to bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) in the southeastern United States. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 5, e12363.
Bat guano isotope systems (d13C, d15N, and d2H) integrate environmental, climatic, and ecological signals
Campbell, J.W., Tsalickis, A., Waters, M.N., Vachula, R.S. 2024. Bat guano isotope systems (d13C, d15N, and d2H) integrate environmental, climatic, and ecological signals. Ag Data Commons.
Gynandromorph records of Melissodes trinodis and Melissodes communis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from North Dakota, USA
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., Pei, C.K., Wright, K.W. 2024. Gynandromorph records of Melissodes trinodis and Melissodes communis (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from North Dakota, USA. Journal of Hymenoptera Research. 97:505-511.
Bat guano isotope systems (d13C, d15N, and d2H) integrate environmental, climatic, and ecological signals
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tsalickis, A., Waters, M.N., Campbell, J.W. 2024. Bat guano isotope systems (d13C, d15N, and d2H) integrate environmental, climatic, and ecological signals. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Assessing the attractiveness of native wildflower species to bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila): in the southeastern United States
2024. Assessing the attractiveness of native wildflower species to bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila): in the southeastern United States. .
Effect of alternative dryland crops on soil microbial communities in no-till durum systems
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rana Dangi, S., Allen, B.L., Jabro, J.D., Rand, T.A., Campbell, J.W., Calderon, R.B. 2023. Effect of alternative dryland crops on soil microbial communities in no-till durum systems. Soil Systems. 8(1).
Temperate forests of North America
Synthesis of highbush blueberry pollination research reveals region-specific differences in the contributions of honeybees and wild bees
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Eeraerts, M., Devetter, L., Batáry, P., Ternest, J., Mallinger, R., Arrington, M., Benjamin, F., Blaauw, B., Campbell, J.W., Cavigliasso, P., Daniels, J., De Groot, G., Ellis, J., Gibbs, J., Goldstein, L., Hoffman, G., Kleijn, D., Melathopoulos, A., Miller, S., Montero-Castaño, A. 2023. Synthesis of highbush blueberry pollination research reveals region-specific differences in the contributions of honeybees and wild bees. Journal of Applied Ecology. 60:2528-2539.
Early impacts of invasive shrub removal on riparian arthropod communities
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
West, N.M., Branson, D.H., Muscha, J.M., Campbell, J.W. 2023. Early impacts of invasive shrub removal on riparian arthropod communities. Ecological Restoration. 41(4):189-198.
Plant-mediated effects of fire and fragmentation in drive plant-pollinator interaction Beta diversity in fire-dependent pine savannas.
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Moreno-Garcia, P., Freeman, J.E., Campbell, J.W., Broadbent, E.N., Almeyda, A.M., Zambrano, G.P., De Almeida, D.R., Gilb, S., Baiser, B. 2023. Plant-mediated effects of fire and fragmentation in drive plant-pollinator interaction Beta diversity in fire-dependent pine savannas.. Oikos. 2024(1):e10212.
Effects of solar energy development on ants in the Mojave Desert
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grodsky, S., Roeder, K.A., Campbell, J.W. 2023. Effects of solar energy development on ants in the Mojave Desert. Ecosphere. 14(10). Article e4668.
Sexual dimorphism in excess power index of four North American native bees (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae, Apidae, and Halictidae)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vigueira, P.A., Vigueira, C.C., Campbell, J.W., Ladner, S., Hayes, G., Riser, E. 2023. Sexual dimorphism in excess power index of four North American native bees (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae, Apidae, and Halictidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research. 96:121-128.
Uninvited guests: Identifying parasites and other nest associates of solitary bees and wasps using artificial nest sites in north central Florida
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Graham, J.R., Campbell, J.W., Ellis, J.D. 2023. Uninvited guests: Identifying parasites and other nest associates of solitary bees and wasps using artificial nest sites in north central Florida. Southeastern Naturalist. 22(2):192-206.
Artificial pollination of kiwifruit (Actinida chinensis Planch. var. chinensis)(Ericales: Actinidiaceae) results in greater fruit set compared to flowers pollinated by managed bees (Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abbate, A.P., Campbell, J.W., Williams, G.R. 2023. Artificial pollination of kiwifruit (Actinida chinensis Planch. var. chinensis)(Ericales: Actinidiaceae) results in greater fruit set compared to flowers pollinated by managed bees (Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 116(3):674-685.
Pollinators and other beneficial insects within two brassicaceous oilseeds and a cover crop mix under evaluation as fallow surrogates for dryland production systems of the northern Great Plains
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., Rand, T.A., Allen, B.L., Jabro, J.D., Rana Dangi, S., West, N.M., Morphew, A.R. 2024. Pollinators and other beneficial insects within two brassicaceous oilseeds and a cover crop mix under evaluation as fallow surrogates for dryland production systems of the northern Great Plains. Journal of Kansas Entomological Society. 96(3):78-92.
Comparing three collection methods for pollinating insects within electric transmission rights-of-ways
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., Abbate, A., West, N.M., Straub, L., Williams, G. 2023. Comparing three collection methods for pollinating insects within electric transmission rights-of-ways. Journal of Insect Conservation.
A global assessment of the species composition and effectiveness of watermelon pollinators and the management strategies to inform effective pollination service delivery
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Subasinghe Arachchige, E.C., Evans, L.J., Campbell, J.W., Delaplane, K., Spicer Rice, E., Cutting, B.T., Kendall, L.K., Samnegard, Rader, R. 2023. A global assessment of the species composition and effectiveness of watermelon pollinators and the management strategies to inform effective pollination service delivery. Basic and Applied Ecology. 66:50-62.
Climate and pest interactions pose a cross-landscape management challenge to soil and water conservation
Young, S.L., Campbell, J.W., Fulcher, M.R., Grewell, B.J. 2023. Climate and pest interactions pose a cross-landscape management challenge to soil and water conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 78(2):39A-44A.
Observing bees and wasps: Why surveys and monitoring programs are critical and how they can improve our understanding of these beneficial hymenopterans
Graham, J., Campbell, J.W., Tsalickis, A., Stanley-Stahr, C., Ellis, J. 2023. Observing bees and wasps: Why surveys and monitoring programs are critical and how they can improve our understanding of these beneficial hymenopterans. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 33(9):139-169.
Does Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) depend on insects for seed production?
(Abstract Only)
Coyote and porcupine spread Russian olive seeds through endozoochory
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., West, N.M. 2022. Coyote and porcupine spread Russian olive seeds through endozoochory. Journal of Wildlife Management. 86(6). Article e22242.
Prescribed fire and other fuel-reduction treatments alter ground spider assemblages in a Southern Appalachian hardwood forest
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., Grodsky, S.M., Milne, M.A., Viguiera, P., Viguiera, C.C., Stern, E., Greenberg, C.H. 2022. Prescribed fire and other fuel-reduction treatments alter ground spider assemblages in a Southern Appalachian hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 510. Article 120127.
Pests associated with two brassicaceous oilseeds and a cover crop mix under evaluation as fallow replacements in dryland production systems of the northern Great Plains
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rand, T.A., Allen, B.L., Campbell, J.W., Jabro, J.D., Rana Dangi, S. 2022. Pests associated with two brassicaceous oilseeds and a cover crop mix under evaluation as fallow replacements in dryland production systems of the northern Great Plains. The Canadian Entomologist. 154(1). Article e27.
A 12,000 kyr paleohydroclimate record in the southeastern, U.S.A based on deuterium from bat guano
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tsalickis, A., Waters, M.N., Campbell, J.W. 2022. A 12,000 kyr paleohydroclimate record in the southeastern, U.S.A based on deuterium from bat guano. Environmental Earth Sciences. 81. Article 148.
Pollination biology and insect visitation of pasqueflower (Ranunculaceae: Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida) in the Little Missouri National Grasslands of North Dakota
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., Morphew, A.R. 2022. Pollination biology and insect visitation of pasqueflower (Ranunculaceae: Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida) in the Little Missouri National Grasslands of North Dakota. Prairie Naturalist. (1):1-10.
CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Allen-Perkins, A., Magrach, A., Dainese, M., Garibaldi, L.A., Kleijn, D., Rader, R., Reilly, J.R., Winfree, R., Lundin, O., McGrady, C.M., Brittian, C., Biddinger, D.J., Artz, D.R., Elle, E., Hoffman, G., Ellis, J.D., Daniels, J., Gibbs, J., Campbell, J.W., et al. 2022. CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology. 103(3). Article e3614.
Solar energy development impacts flower-visiting beetles and flies in the Mojave Desert
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Grodsky, S.M., Campbell, J.W., Hernandez, R.R. 2021. Solar energy development impacts flower-visiting beetles and flies in the Mojave Desert. Biological Conservation. 263. Article 109336.
Does allochthonous leaf litter structure terrestrial cave invertebrate assemblages?
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., Tsalickis, A., Cuminale, A., Abbate, A. 2021. Does allochthonous leaf litter structure terrestrial cave invertebrate assemblages? Journal of Natural History. 55(15-16):1021-1032.
The pollination and fruit quality of two kiwifruit cultivars (Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis- ‘AU Golden Sunshine’ and ‘AU Gulf Coast Gold’) (Ericales: Actinidiaceae) grown in the southeastern United States
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abbate, A.P., Campbell, J.W., Vinson, E.L., Williams, G.R. 2021. The pollination and fruit quality of two kiwifruit cultivars (Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis- ‘AU Golden Sunshine’ and ‘AU Gulf Coast Gold’) (Ericales: Actinidiaceae) grown in the southeastern United States. Journal of Economic Entomology. 114(3):1234-1241.
Bee (Apoidea) community response to perennial grass treatments managed for livestock production and conservation
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Campbell, J.W., Grodsky, S.M., Monroe, A.P., Martin, J.A. 2021. Bee (Apoidea) community response to perennial grass treatments managed for livestock production and conservation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 313:107391.
Effect of previous crop roots on soil compaction in 2 yr rotations under a no-tillage system
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jabro, J.D., Allen, B.L., Rand, T.A., Rana Dangi, S., Campbell, J.W. 2021. Effect of previous crop roots on soil compaction in 2 yr rotations under a no-tillage system. Land. 10(2):202.
Nest architecture of an endangered Hawaiian yellow-faced bee, Hylaeus anthracinus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) and potential nest-site competition from three introduced solitary bees
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Graham, J.R., Campbell, J.W., Plentovich, S., King, C.B.A. 2021. Nest architecture of an endangered Hawaiian yellow-faced bee, Hylaeus anthracinus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) and potential nest-site competition from three introduced solitary bees. Pacific Science. 75(3):361-370.