Fischer, Annette
(701) 239-1371 USDA-ARS-PA, Edward T. Schafer Agri Res Ctr
1616 Albrecht Blvd. North (Mailing Address)
Fargo, ND 58102-2765
The Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center consists of 5 Research Units housed in 2 Federal facilities in Fargo, ND, a Federal worksite in East Grand Forks, MN, and Harris Hall on the campus of North Dakota State University: 1) Animal Metabolism-Agricultural Chemicals RU; 2) Cereal Crops RU; 3) Insect Genetics & Biochemistry RU; 4) Sugarbeet & Potato RU; and 5) Sunflower & Plant Biology RU. Our mission is to: 1) reduce the negative impact of foreign chemicals in food animals and food processing; 2) develop knowledge and germplasm to improve hard red spring and durum wheat, barley, and oat; 3) improve the effectiveness of bees used in crop pollination and insects used in IPM programs; 4) improve quality and profitability of sugarbeet and potato production via research on germplasm enhancement, crop protection, and postharvest physiology; and 5) develop knowledge and technology to benefit the sunflower industry, and study the physiology, genetics, and molecular biology of weeds to improve and/or discover management strategies.