Owens, Phillip
Research Leader
(479) 675-3834 USDA, ARS, SEA
Booneville, AR 72927
The mission of the Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center is to develop scientific principles and technologies to enhance the profitability and sustainability of small-scale farms. Research at the Center is focused on increasing profitability of small farms by reducing inputs and capturing a greater proportion of the post-farm value. The Location conducts research to develop innovative strategies and technologies for: reducing parasite load and enhancing genetics of small ruminants; developing foraging strategies for livestock, including organic production systems; integration of agroforestry systems and sustainable manure management practices. A multi-disciplinary team of 4 ARS scientists, in cooperation with federal, state, and private organizations, pursue a program of basic and applied research that addresses constraints to successful sustainable livestock-forage and agroforestry systems. Acquired knowledge and technology is transferred to the agricultural community through the efforts of ARS scientists and their cooperators.