2200 P.A. Campos Ave., Ste. 201
Mayaguez, PR 00680
The mission of the Tropical Agriculture Research Station (TARS) is to conduct agricultural research to: 1) assess tropical sorghum and dry bean genetic resources for disease resistance and genetic diversity and develop germplasm adapted to temperate regions, and 2) to introduce, preserve, evaluate, regenerate, distribute and develop cultural and management systems for tropical/subtropical crops that are of economic importance to the Continental and Insular U.S. The TARS research program consists of projects involving: 1) the introduction, evaluation, characterization, preservation, regeneration, multiplication, and distribution of valuable sorghum, tropical fruits and cacao germplasm; 2) development of efficient production systems for tropical/subtropical fruit crops; 3) genetic improvement and incorporation of resistance to biotic/abiotic stresses into bean germplasm; and 4) growout of quarantined germplasm for the National Plant Germplasm System.