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Pat Clark (PhD)
Northwest Watershed Research Center
Rangeland Scientist

Phone: (208) 422-0717
Fax: (208) 344-1555

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Developing UAS Remote Sensing Data Processing Tools for Rangeland Assessment
Cooperative Agreement (A)
  Accession Number: 441020
Disturbance Mitigation and Adaptive Restoration of Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystems
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 445799
Socio-economic Assessment of Great Basin Livestock Production Systems
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 443798

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Estimation of leaf area index in sagebrush steppe with low cost unoccupied aerial systems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Woodruff, C.D., Clark, P., Olsoy, P.J., Enterkine, J. 2025. Estimation of leaf area index in sagebrush steppe with low cost unoccupied aerial systems. Landscape Ecology. 40. Article 27.
Parameter sensitivity and transferability for simulating ET and GPP of Dryland ecosystems across a climate gradient Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Flerchinger, G.N., Chu, X., Lohse, K., Clark, P., Seyfried, M. 2024. Parameter sensitivity and transferability for simulating ET and GPP of Dryland ecosystems across a climate gradient. Ecological Modelling. 501. Article 110973.
Quantifying rangeland fractional cover in the Northern Great Basin sagebrush steppe communities using high-resolution unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) imagery Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huang, T., Olsoy, P.J., Glenn, N., Cattau, M., Roser, A., Boehm, A.R., Clark, P. 2024. Quantifying rangeland fractional cover in the Northern Great Basin sagebrush steppe communities using high-resolution unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) imagery. Landscape Ecology. 39. Article 196.
Advancing effective agroecosystem sustainability performance indicators via the USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network (LTAR) - (Abstract Only)
Donovan, M.E., Spiegal, S.A., Kaplan, N.E., Archer, D.W., Bean, A.R., Beebout, S.E., Bestelmeyer, B.T., Clark, P., Delong, A., Fortuna, A., Friedrichsen, C.N., Hoover, D.L., Huggins, D.R., Kleinman, P.J., Mcintosh, M.M., Renschler, C.S., Ritten, J., Smith, D.P., Webb, N.P., Wulfhorst, J.D. 2024. Advancing effective agroecosystem sustainability performance indicators via the USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network (LTAR). American Geophysical Union. Abstract.
The LTAR Common Experiment: Facilitating improved agricultural sustainability through coordinated cross-site research Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liebig, M.A., Abendroth, L.J., Robertson, G., Augustine, D.J., Boughton, E.H., Bagley, G.A., Busch, D.L., Clark, P., Coffin, A.W., Dalzell, B.J., Dell, C.J., Fortuna, A., Freidenreich, A.S., Heilman, P., Helseth, C.M., Huggins, D.R., Johnson, J.M., Khorchani, M., King, K.W., Kovar, J.L., Locke, M.A., Mirsky, S.B., Schantz, M.C., Schmer, M.R., Silveira, M.L., Smith, D.R., Soder, K.J., Spiegal, S.A., Stinner, J.H., Toledo, D.N., Williams, M.R., Krecker-Yost, J.L. 2024. The LTAR Common Experiment: Facilitating improved agricultural sustainability through coordinated cross-site research. Journal of Environmental Quality. 53:787-801.
Mapping rangeland health indicators in eastern Africa from 2000 to 2022 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Soto, G., Wilcox, S., Clark, P., Fava, F., Jensen, N., Kahiu, N., Liao, C., Porter, B., Sun, Y., Barrett, C. 2024. Mapping rangeland health indicators in eastern Africa from 2000 to 2022. Earth System Science Data. 16(11):5375-5404.
The LTAR Grazing Land Common Experiment at the Great Basin Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Woodruff, C.D., Hedrick, A., Hardegree, S.P., Flerchinger, G.N. 2024. The LTAR Grazing Land Common Experiment at the Great Basin. Journal of Environmental Quality. 53(6):861-868.
Johnston Draw (Idaho) high resolution pre-fire vegetation map 2023 Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Woodruff, C.D., Clark, P. 2024. Johnston Draw high resolution pre-fire vegetation map 2023. Ag Data Commons.
Impact of plant diversity and management intensity on magnitude and stability of productivity in North American grazing lands Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sonnier, G., Augustine, D.J., Paudel, S., Porensky, L.M., Silveira, M., Toledo, D.N., Azad, S., Boughton, R., Browning, D.M., Clark, P., Fay, P.A., Kaplan, N.E., Thibault, K., Swain, H.M., Veum, K.S., Boughton, E. 2024. Impact of plant diversity and management intensity on magnitude and stability of productivity in North American grazing lands. Applied Vegetation Science. 27(2). Article e12776.
Resource selection by Sarda cattle in a Mediterranean silvopastoral system Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Acciaro, M., Pittarello, M., Decandia, M., Sitzia, M., Giovanetti, V., Lombardi, G., Clark, P. 2024. Resource selection by Sarda cattle in a Mediterranean silvopastoral system. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 11. Article 1348736.
Mapping rangeland health indicators in East Africa from 2000 to 2022 Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Soto, G., Wilcox, S., Clark, P., Fava, F., Jensen, N., Kahiu, N., Liao, C., Porter, B., Sun, Y., Barrett, C. 2023. Mapping rangeland health indicators in East Africa from 2000 to 2022. Earth System Science Data.
Evaluating the efficacy of targeted cattle grazing for fuel break creation and maintenance Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Porter, B.A., Pellant, M., Dyer, K., Norton, T. 2023. Evaluating the efficacy of targeted cattle grazing for fuel break creation and maintenance. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 89:69-86.
Indicators of water use efficiency across diverse agroecosystems and spatiotemporal scales Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hoover, D.L., Abendroth, L.J., Browning, D.M., Saha, A., Snyder, K.A., Wagle, P., Witthaus, L.M., Baffaut, C., Biederman, J.A., Bosch, D.D., Bracho, R., Busch, D., Clark, P., Ellsworth, P.Z., Fay, P.A., Flerchinger, G.N., Kearney, S.P., Levers, L.R., Saliendra, N.Z., Schmer, M.R., Schomberg, H.H., Scott, R.L. 2022. Indicators of water use efficiency across diverse agroecosystems and spatiotemporal scales. Science of the Total Environment. 864. Article e160992.
UAS imagery protocols to map vegetation are transferable between dryland sites across an elevation gradient Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Clark, P. 2022. UAS imagery protocols to map vegetation are transferable between dryland sites across an elevation gradient. Ag Data Commons.
Invasive annual grasses: re-envisioning approaches in a changing climate Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, S.L., Archer, D.W., Blumenthal, D.M., Boyd, C.S., Clark, P., Clements, D.D., Davies, K.W., Derner, J.D., Gaskin, J.F., Hamerlynck, E.P., Hardegree, S.P., Jensen, K.B., Monaco, T.A., Newingham, B.A., Pierson Jr, F.B., Rector, B.G., Sheley, R.L., Toledo, D.N., Vermeire, L.T., Wonkka, C.L. 2023. Invasive annual grasses: re-envisioning approaches in a changing climate. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 78(2):95-103.
Data from: UAS imagery protocols to map vegetation are transferable between dryland sites across an elevational gradient Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Clark, P. 2022. Data from: UAS imagery protocols to map vegetation are transferable between dryland sites across an elevational gradient. Ag Data Commons.
Drone imagery protocols to map vegetation are transferable between dryland sites across an elevational gradient Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Roser, A., Enterkine, J., Requena-Mullor, J., Glenn, N.F., Boehm, A.R., de Graaff, M., Clark, P., Pierson Jr, F.B., Caughlin, T. 2022. Drone imagery protocols to map vegetation are transferable between dryland sites across an elevational gradient. Ecosphere. 13(12). Article e4330.
Sedentarization as an adaptation to socio-environmental changes? Everyday herding practices in pastoralist communities in southern Ethiopia Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, X., Liao, C., Brandhorst, S., Clark, P. 2022. Sedentarization as an adaptation to socio-environmental changes? Everyday herding practices in pastoralist communities in southern Ethiopia. Ecology and Society. 27(3). Article 39.
Communal processes of health and well-being for rangelands research and practice Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bentley Brymer, A., Wulfhorst, J.D., Clark, P., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2022. Communal processes of health and well-being for rangelands research and practice. Rangelands. 44(5):327-333.
Agroecoregions resulting from novel clustering methods: biophysical variables - (Abstract Only)
Goslee, S.C., Baffaut, C., Clark, P., Coffin, A.W., Pisarello, K., Ponce-Campos, G., Sclater, V., Swain, H. 2022. Agroecoregions resulting from novel clustering methods: biophysical variables [abstract]. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. P.1.
Agroecoregions resulting from novel clustering methods: Production variables - (Abstract Only)
Holifield Collins, C.D., Baffaut, C., Bean, A., Clark, P., Coffin, A.W., Goslee, S.C., Hendrickson, J.R., Ponce-Campos, G., Sclater, V., Strickland, T.C. 2022. Agroecoregions resulting from novel clustering methods: Production variables. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology.
Measuring vegetation characteristics in rangelands more accurately through the VegMeasure tool - (Other)
Louhaichi, M., Johnson, D., Hassan, S., Clark, P. 2022. Measuring vegetation characteristics in rangelands more accurately through the VegMeasure tool. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
Measuring the social and ecological performance of agricultural innovations on rangelands: Progress and plans for an indicator framework in the LTAR network Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Spiegal, S.A., Webb, N., Boughton, E., Boughton, R., Bentley-Brymer, A., Clark, P., Holifield Collins, C.D., Hoover, D.L., Kaplan, N.E., McCord, S.E., Meredith, G., Porensky, L.M., Toledo, D.N., Wilmer, H.N., Wulfhorst, J.D., Bestelmeyer, B.T. 2022. Measuring the social and ecological performance of agricultural innovations on rangelands: Progress and plans for an indicator framework in the LTAR network. Rangelands. 44:334-344.
Monitoring agroecosystem productivity and phenology at a national scale: A metric assessment framework Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Browning, D.M., Russell, E.S., Ponce-Campos, G.E., Kaplan, N.E., Richardson, A.D., Seyednasrollah, B., Spiegal, S.A., Saliendra, N.Z., Alfieri, J.G., Baker, J.M., Bernacchi, C.J., Bestelmeyer, B.T., Bosch, D.D., Boughton, E.H., Boughton, R.K., Clark, P., Flerchinger, G.N., Gomez-Casanovas, N., Goslee, S.C., Haddad, N., Hoover, D.L., Jaradat, A.A., Mauritz, M., Miller, G.R., McCarty, G.W., Sadler, J., Saha, A., Scott, R.L., Suyker, A., Tweedie, C., Wood, J., Zhang, X., Taylor, S.D. 2021. Monitoring agroecosystem productivity and phenology at a national scale: A metric assessment framework. Ecological Indicators. 131. Article 108147.
Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cunliffe, A., Anderson, K., Boschetti, F., Brazier, R.E., Graham, H.A., Myers-Smith, I., Astor, T., Boer, M.M., Calvo, L., Clark, P., Cramer, M.D., Encinas-Lara, M.S., Escarzaga, S.M., Fernandez-Guisuraga, J.M., Fisher, A.G., Gdulova, K., Gillespie, B., Griebel, A., Hanan, N.P., Hanggito, M.S., Haselberger, S., Havrilla, C., Heilman, P., Ji, W., Karl, J., Kirchhoff, M., Sabine, K., Lyons, M., Marzolff, I., Mauritz, M., Mcintire, C., Metzen, D., Mendez-Barroso, L., Power, S., Prosek, J., Sanz-Ablanedo, E., Sauer, K., Schulze-Bruninghoff, D., Simova, P., Sitch, S., Smit, J., Steele, C., Suarez-Seoane, S., Vargas, S., Villarreal, M., Visser, F., Wachendorf, M., Wirnsberger, H., Wojcikiewicz, R. 2021. Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 8(1):57-71.
The Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network standard GIS data layers Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Armendariz, G., Coffin, A.W., Archer, D.W., Arthur, D.K., Bean, A.R., Browning, D.M., Carlson, B.R., Clark, P., Flynn, K.C., Goslee, S.C., Sclater, V., Sudduth, K.A., Kaplan, N.E., Stinner, J.H., King, K.W., Spiegal, S.A., Hsieh, H., Moglen, G.E., Yasarer, L.M., Kettler, T.A., Schmer, M.R., Teet, S.B., Starks, P.J., Hall, V.O., Wagner, S.W., Johnson, J.M., Holifield Collins, C.D., Kautz, M.A. 2021. The Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network standard GIS data layers. Ag Data Commons.
Unifying community detection across scales from genomes to landscapes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hudon, S., Zaiats, A., Roser, A., Roopsind, A., Barber, C., Robb, B., Pendleton, B., Camp, M., Clark, P., Davidson, M., Frankel-Bricker, J., Forbey, J., Hayden, E., Richards, L., Rodriguex, O., Caughlin, T. 2021. Unifying community detection across scales from genomes to landscapes. Oikos. 130(6):831-843.
Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network Regions, 2018 version Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Coffin, A.W., Sclater, V., Holifield Collins, C., Archer, D., Armendariz, G., Arthur, D.K., Augustine, D., Baffaut, C., Bean, A.R., Bestelmeyer, B., Browning, D.M., Carlson, B.R., Clark, P., Derner, J.D., Goslee, S.C., Huggins, D.R., James, D.E., Kaplan, N.E., King, K.W., Kleinman, P.J., Ponce Campos, G.E., Porensky, L.M., Robertson, P., Sadler, J., Smith, D., Spiegal, S.A., Steiner, J.L., Strickland, T.C., Vandenberg, B.C., Van Vactor, S.S., Wienhold, B.J., Yasarer, L.M. 2021. Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network Regions, 2018 version.Ag Data Commons, USDA National Agricultural Library.
Cattle grazing distribution patterns related to topography across diverse rangeland ecosystems of North America Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Raynor, E.J., Gersie, S., Stephensen, M.B., Clark, P., Spiegal, S.A., Boughton, R.K., Bailey, D.W., Cibils, A., Smith, B.W., Derner, J.D., Estell, R.E., Nielson, R.M., Augustine, D.J. 2021. Cattle grazing distribution patterns related to topography across diverse rangeland ecosystems of North America. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 75:91-103.
Landscape sustainability science in the drylands: mobility, rangelands and livelihoods Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liao, C., Agrawal, A., Clark, P., Levin, S., Rubenstein, D. 2020. Landscape sustainability science in the drylands: mobility, rangelands and livelihoods. Landscape Ecology. 35:2433-2447.
Mitigating human conflicts with livestock guardian dogs in extensive sheep grazing systems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mosley, J., Roeder, B., Frost, R., Wells, S., McNew, L., Clark, P. 2020. Mitigating human conflicts with livestock guardian dogs in extensive sheep grazing systems. Rangeland and Ecology Management. 73(5):724-732.
Social-ecological processes and impacts affect individual and social well-being in a rural western U.S. landscape Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bentley Brymer, A., Toledo, D.N., Spiegal, S.A., Pierson Jr, F.B., Clark, P., Wulfhorst, J. 2020. Social-ecological processes and impacts affect individual and social well-being in a rural western U.S. landscape. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4.
The effects of formal insurance on informal risk management: evidence from Ethiopia - (Proceedings)
Grazing behavior and production characteristics among cows differing in residual feed intake while grazing late season Idaho rangeland Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sprinkle, J.E., Taylor, J.B., Clark, P., Hall, J.B., Strong, N.K., Roberts-Lew, M. 2019. Grazing behavior and production characteristics among cows differing in residual feed intake while grazing late season Idaho rangeland. Journal of Animal Science. 98(1):1-9.
PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Digital Camera Imagery from the PhenoCam Network, 2000-2018 Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Milliman, T., Seyednasrollah, B., Young, A.M., Hufkens, K., Friedl, M.A., Frolking, S., Richardson, A.D., Abraha, M., Allen, D.W., Apple, M., Arain, M.A., Baker, J.M., Bernacchi, C.J., Baldocchi, D., Bhattacharjee, C.J., Blanken, P., Bosch, D.D., Boughton, R., Boughton, E.H., Brown, R.F., Browning, D.M., Brunsell, N., Burns, S.P., Cavagna, M., Chu, H., Clark, P., Conrad, B.J., Cremonese, E., Debinski, D., Desai, A.R., Diaz-Delgado, R., Duchesne, L., Dunn, A.L., Eissenstat, D.M., El-Madany, T., Ellum, D.S., Ernest, S.M., Esposito, A., Fenstermaker, L., Flanagan, L.B., Forsythe, B., Gallagher, J., Gianelle, D., Griffis, T., Groffman, P., Gu, L., Guillemot, J., Halpin, M., Hanson, P.J., Hemming, D., Humphreys, E.R., Jaimes-Hernandez, A., Jaradat, A.A., Johnson, J., Keel, E., Kelly, V.R., Kirchner, J.W., Kirchner, P.B., Knapp, M., Krassovski, M., Langvall, O., Lanthier, G., Maire, G.I., Magliulo, E., Martin, T.A., Mcneil, B., Meyer, G.A., Migliavacca, M., Mohanty, B.P., Moore, C.E., Mudd, R., Munger, J.W., Murrell, Z.E., Nesic, Z., Neufeld, H.S., Oechel, W., Oishi, A.C., Oswald, W.W., Perkins, T.D., Reba, M.L., Sadler, E.J., Scott, R.L., Weyers, S.L., etal. 2019. PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Digital Camera Imagery from the PhenoCam Network, 2000-2018. Scientific Data.
PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Vegetation Phenology from Digital Camera Imagery, 2000-2018 Reprint Icon - (Other)
Milliman, T., Seyednasrollah, B., Young, A.M., Hufkens, K., Friedl, M.A., Frolking, S., Richardson, A.D., Abraha, M., Allen, D.W., Apple, M., Arain, M.A., Baker, J.M., Baldocchi, D., Bernacchi, C.J., Bhattacharjee, J., Blanken, P., Bosch, D.D., Boughton, R., Boughton, E.H., Brown, R.F., Browning, D.M., Brunsell, N., Burns, S.P., Cavagna, M., Chu, H., Clark, P., Conrad, B.J., Cremonese, E., Debinski, D., Desai, A.R., Diaz-Delgado, R., Duchesne, L., Dunn, A.L., Eissenstat, D.M., El-Madany, T., Ellum, D.S., Ernest, S.M., Esposito, A., Fenstermaker, L., Flanagan, L.B., Forsythe, B., Gallagher, J., Gianelle, D., Griffis, T., Groffman, P., Gu, L., Guillemot, J., Halpin, M., Hanson, P.J., Hemming, D., Hove, A.A., Humphreys, E.R., Jaimes-Hernandez, A., Jaradat, A.A., Johnson, J., Keel, E., Kelly, V.R., Kirchner, J.W., Kirchner, P.B., Knapp, M., Krassovski, M., Langvall, O., Lanthier, G., Maire, G.I., Magliulo, E., Martin, T.A., Mcneil, B., Meyer, G.A., Migliavacca, M., Mohanty, B.P., Moore, C.E., Mudd, R., Munger, J.W., Murrell, Z.E., Nesic, Z., Neufeld, H.S., Oechel, W., Oishi, A.C., Oswald, W.W., Perkins, T.D., Reba, M.L., Rundquist, B., Runkle, B.R., Russell, E.S., Sadler, E.J., Saha, A., Saliendra, N.Z., Schmalbeck, L., Schwartz, M.D., Scott, R.L., Smith, E.M., Sonnentag, O., Weyers, S.L., etal. 2019. PhenoCam Dataset v2.0: Vegetation Phenology from Digital Camera Imagery, 2000-2018. Scientific Data.
PhenoCam dataset v2.0: digital camera imagery from the PhenoCam Network, 2000-2018 Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Milliman, T., Seyednasrollah, B., Young, A.M., Hufkens, K., Friedl, M.A., Frolking, S., Richardson, A.D., Abraha, M., Allen, D.W., Apple, M., Baker, J.M., Bosch, D.D., Browning, D.M., Clark, P., Jaradat, A.A., Johnson, J.M., Keel, E.W., Reba, M.L., Sadler, E.J., Saliendra, N.Z., Scott, R.L., Weyers, S.L. 2019. PhenoCam dataset v2.0: digital camera imagery from the PhenoCam Network, 2000-2018. Oak Ridge National Library Distributed Active Archive Center.
PhenoCam dataset v2.0: vegetation phenology from digital camera imagery, 2000-2018 Reprint Icon - (Database / Dataset)
Seyednasrollah, B., Young, A.M., Hufkens, K., Milliman, T., Friedl, M.A., Frolking, S., Richardson, A.D., Abraha, M., Allen, D.W., Apple, M., Baker, J.M., Bosch, D.D., Browning, D.M., Clark, P., Jaradat, A.A., Johnson, J.M., Keel, E.W., Reba, M.L., Sadler, E.J., Saliendra, N.Z., Scott, R.L., Weyers, S.L. et al. 2004. PhenoCam dataset v2.0: vegetation phenology from digital camera imagery, 2000-2018. Oak Ridge National Library Distributed Active Archive Center.
Predicting spatial risk of wolf-cattle encounters and depredation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Chigbrow, J., Johnson, D., Williams, J., Larson, L., Roland, T., Louhaichi, M. 2020. Predicting spatial risk of wolf-cattle encounters and depredation. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 73(1):30-52.
Shared monitoring, share stewardship - (Abstract Only)
Targeted grazing to reduce fine fuels in the Great Basin - (Abstract Only)
Water and carbon fluxes along an elevational gradient in a sagebrush ecosystem Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Flerchinger, G.N., Fellows, A.W., Seyfried, M.S., Clark, P.E., Lohse, K.A. 2019. Water and carbon fluxes along an elevational gradient in a sagebrush ecosystem. Ecosystems.
Modeling phenological controls on carbon dynamics in dryland sagebrush ecosystems Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Renwick, K.M., Fellows, A., Flerchinger, G.N., Lohse, K.A., Clark, P.E., Smith, W.K., Emmett, K., Poulter, B. 2019. Modeling phenological controls on carbon dynamics in dryland sagebrush ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 274:85-94.
The promise and challenges of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) for agricultural research in the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network. - (Abstract Only)
Bush encroachment dynamics and rangeland management implications in southern Ethiopia Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liao, C., Clark, P.E., DeGloria, S.D. 2018. Bush encroachment dynamics and rangeland management implications in southern Ethiopia. Ecology and Evolution. 8(23):11694-11703.
Predicting spatial risk of wolf-cattle encounters on rugged and extensive grazing lands - (Proceedings)
Clark, P., Chigbrow, J., Johnson, D., Williams, J., Larson, L., Roland, T. 2019. Predicting spatial risk of wolf-cattle encounters on rugged and extensive grazing lands. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference. p. 65-68.
Wolves: A primer for ranchers - (Proceedings)
Williams, J., Johnson, D., Clark, P., Larson, L., Roland, T. 2019. Wolves -- A primer for ranchers. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference. p. 85-89.
Factors affecting efficacy of prescribed fire for western juniper control Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Williams, C.J., Pierson, F.B. 2018. Factors affecting efficacy of prescribed fire for western juniper control. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 71(3):345-355.
Evaluating strategies for sustainable intensification of U.S. agriculture through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Spiegal, S.A., Bestelmeyer, B.T., Archer, D.W., Augustine, D.J., Boughton, E., Boughton, R., Clark, P., Derner, J.D., Duncan, E.W., Cavigelli, M.A., Hapeman, C.J., Harmel, R.D., Heilman, P., Holly, M.A., Huggins, D.R., King, K.W., Kleinman, P.J., Liebig, M.A., Locke, M.A., McCarty, G.W., Millar, N., Mirsky, S.B., Moorman, T.B., Pierson, F.B., Rigby, J.R., Robertson, G., Steiner, J.L., Strickland, T.C., Swain, H., Wienhold, B.J., Wulfhorts, J., Yost, M., Walthall, C.L. 2018. Evaluating strategies for sustainable intensification of U.S. agriculture through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network. Environmental Research Letters. 13(3):034031.
Spatiotemporal dynamics of cattle behavior and resource selection patterns on East African rangelands: evidence from GPS-tracking Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liao, C., Clark, P., DeGloria, S., Shibia, M. 2018. Spatiotemporal dynamics of cattle behavior and resource selection patterns on East African rangelands: evidence from GPS-tracking. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 32(7):1523-1540.
Rangeland vegetation diversity and transition pathways under indigenous pastoralist management regimes in southern Ethiopia Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liao, C., Clark, P. 2018. Rangeland vegetation diversity and transition pathways under indigenous pastoralist management regimes in southern Ethiopia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 252:105-113.
Postfire grazing management effects on mesic sagebrush-steppe vegetation: Mid-summer grazing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Williams, C.J., Kormos, P.R., Pierson, F.B. 2017. Postfire grazing management effects on mesic sagebrush-steppe vegetation: Mid-summer grazing. Journal of Arid Environments. 151:104-112.
Effects of wolf presence on daily travel distance of range cattle - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Johnson, D., Larson, L., Louhaichi, M., Roland, T., Williams, J. 2017. Effects of wolf presence on daily travel distance of range cattle. Rangeland Ecology and Management. doi: 10.10.1016/j.rama.2017.06.010.
Complexity in the spatial utilization of rangelands: Pastoral mobility in the horn of Africa Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liao, C., Clark, P., DeGloria, S., Barrett, C. 2017. Complexity in the spatial utilization of rangelands: Pastoral mobility in the horn of Africa. Applied Geography. 86:208-219.
Application of ecological site information to transformative changes on Great Basin sagebrush rangelands Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Williams, C.J., Pierson, F.B., Spaeth, K., Brown, J., Al-Hamdan, O., Weltz, M.A., Nearing, M.A., Herrick, J.E., Boll, J., Robichaud, P.R., Goodrich, D.C., Heilman, P., Guertin, D.P., Hernandez Narvaez, M.N., Wei, H., Polyakov, V.O., Armendariz, G.A., Nouwakpo, S.K., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P., Strand, E.K., Bates, J.D., Metz, L.J., Nichols, M.H. 2017. Application of ecological site information to transformative changes on Great Basin sagebrush rangelands. Rangelands. 38(6):379-388.
Prescribed fire effects on activity and movement of cattle in mesic sagebrush steppe - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Nielson, R.M., Lee, J., Ko, K., Johnson, D.E., Ganskopp, D.C., Chigbrow, J., Pierson, F.B., Hardegree, S.P. 2017. Prescribed fire effects on activity and movement of cattle in mesic sagebrush steppe. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 70(4):437-447. doi: 10.1016/j.rama.2016.11.004.
Contrasting daily and seasonal activity and movement of sympatric elk and cattle - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Johnson, D., Johnson, M.D., Ganskopp, D.C., Vavra, M., Cook, J.G., Cook, R.C., Pierson, F.B., Hardegree, S.P. 2017. Contrasting daily and seasonal activity and movement of sympatric elk and cattle. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 70(2):183-191.
Pastoral mobility and policy recommendations for livestock herding in the Borana pastoral system in southern Ethiopia - (Popular Publication)
Liao, C., Clark, P., Degloria, S., Mude, A., Barrett, C. 2016. Pastoral mobility and policy recommendations for livestock herding in the Borana pastoral system in southern Ethiopia. ICARDA Dryland Systems.
Ecohydrologic response and recovery of a semi-arid shrubland over a five year period following burning - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Williams, C.J., Pierson Jr, F.B., Kormos, P.R., Al-Hamdan, O.Z., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P. 2016. Ecohydrologic response and recovery of a semi-arid shrubland over a five year period following burning. Catena. 144:163-176.
Grazing behavior and production characteristics among cows differing in residual feed intake while grazing late season Idaho rangeland - (Proceedings)
Cattle use of off-stream water developments across a northeastern Oregon landscape Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johnson, D., Clark, P., Larson, L.L., Wilson, K.D., Louhaichi, M., Freeburg, T., Williams, J. 2016. Cattle use of off-stream water developments across a northeastern Oregon landscape. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 71(6):494-502. 10.2489/jswc.71.6.494.
Cattle use of perennial streams and associated riparian areas on a northeastern Oregon landscape Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Johnson, D.E., Larson, L., Wilson, K., Louhaichi, M., Clark, P., Williams, J. 2016. Cattle use of perennial streams and associated riparian areas on a northeastern Oregon landscape. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 71(6):484-493. doi:10.2489/jswc.71.6.484.
The value of off-stream water developments for protecting riparian areas in northeastern Oregon - (Abstract Only)
Johnson, D.E., Williams, J., Clark, P., Larson, L.L., Louhaichi, M., Freeburg, T. 2016. The value of off-stream water developments for protecting riparian areas in northeastern Oregon [abstract]. Society for Range Management.
Postfire grazing management effects on mesic sagebrush-steppe vegetation: spring grazing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Williams, C.J., Hardegree, S.P., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2016. Postfire grazing management effects on mesic sagebrush-steppe vegetation: spring grazing. Journal of Arid Environments. 132:49-59.
Estimation of big sagebrush leaf area index with terrestrial laser scanning - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olsoy, P.J., Mitchell, J., Levia, D.F., Clark, P., Glenn, N.F. 2015. Estimation of big sagebrush leaf area index with terrestrial laser scanning. Ecological Indicators. 61:815-821.
Movements of domestic sheep in the presence of livestock guardian dogs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Webber, B.L., Weber, K.T., Clark, P., Moffet, C., Ames, D.P., Taylor, J.B., Johnson, D.E., Kie, J.G. 2015. Movements of domestic sheep in the presence of livestock guardian dogs. Sheep and Goat Research Journal. 30:18-23.
Short-term impacts of tree removal on runoff and erosion from sagebrush-steppe hillslopes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pierson Jr, F.B., Williams, C.J., Kormos, P.R., Al-Hamdan, O.Z., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P. 2015. Short-term impacts of tree removal on runoff and erosion from sagebrush-steppe hillslopes. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 68:408-422.
A case study of wolf use of a mountainous Idaho landscape - (Trade Journal)
Johnson, D.E., Clark, P., Larson, L.L., Anderson, C.A., Freeburg, T., Williams, J. 2015. A case study of wolf use of a mountainous Idaho landscape. Oregon Beef Producer. 25-28.
Prescribed fire effects on resource selection by cattle in mesic sagebrush steppe. Part 2: Mid-summer grazing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Lee, J., Ko, K., Nielson, R.M., Johnson, D.E., Ganskopp, D.C., Pierson Jr, F.B., Hardegree, S.P. 2016. Prescribed fire effects on resource selection by cattle in mesic sagebrush steppe. Part 2: Mid-summer grazing. Journal of Arid Environments. 124:398-412. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.03.005.
Hydrothermal germination models: comparison of two data-fitting approaches with probit optimization Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hardegree, S.P., Walters, C.T., Boehm, A.R., Olsoy, P.J., Clark, P., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2015. Hydrothermal germination models: comparison of two data-fitting approaches with probit optimization. Crop Science. 55(5):2276-2290.
The impact of land-use change on the 3-D structure of shrubland and dryland savanna ecosystems - (Proceedings)
Clark, P., Washington-Allen, R.A., Louhaichi, M., Mude, A., Liao, C., Clifton, K. 2015. The impact of land-use change on the 3-D structure of shrubland and dryland savanna ecosystems [abstract]. 3rd UNCCD Scientific Conference.
Learning large-scale dynamic discrete choice models of spatio-temporal preferences with application to migratory pastoralism in East Africa - (Proceedings)
Ermon, S., Xue, Y., Toth, R., Dilkina, B., Bernstein, R., Damoulas, T., Clark, P., Degloria, S., Mude, A., Barrett, C., Gomes, C.P. 2015. Learning large-scale dynamic discrete choice models of spatio-temporal preferences with application to migratory pastoralism in East Africa. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
Estimation of big sagebrush leaf area index with terrestrial laser scanning - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Olsoy, P.J., Mitchell, J.J., Glenn, N.F., Levia, D.F. 2014. Estimation of big sagebrush leaf area index with terrestrial laser scanning. Meeting Abstract.
Productive Spillovers of the Take-Up of Index-Based Livestock Insurance - (Proceedings)
Toth, R.D., Barrett, C., Berstein, R., Clark, P., Gomes, C., Shibia, M., Mude, A. 2014. Productive Spillovers of the Take-Up of Index-Based Livestock Insurance. Proceedings of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Aboveground total and green biomass of dryland shrub derived from terrestrial laser scanning - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olsoy, P.J., Glenn, N.F., Clark, P., Derryberry, D.R. 2014. Aboveground total and green biomass of dryland shrub derived from terrestrial laser scanning. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 88C:166-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2013.12.006.
Estimating sagebrush biomass using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olsoy, P.J., Glenn, N.F., Clark, P. 2014. Estimating sagebrush biomass using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). Remote Sensing of Environment. 67:224-228. DOI: 10.2111/REM-D-12-00186.1.
Prescribed fire effects on resource selection by cattle in mesic sagebrush steppe. Part 1: Spring grazing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Lee, J., Ko, K., Nielson, R., Johnson, D.E., Ganskopp, D.C., Chigbrow, D.J., Pierson Jr, F.B., Hardegree, S.P. 2014. Prescribed fire effects on resource selection by cattle in mesic sagebrush steppe. Part 1: Spring grazing. Journal of Arid Environments. 100-101:78-88.
Hydrologic and erosion responses of sagebrush steppe following juniper encroachment, wildfire, and tree cutting - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pierson Jr, F.B., Williams, C.J., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P., Kormos, P.R., Al-Hamdan, O.Z. 2013. Hydrologic and erosion responses of sagebrush steppe following juniper encroachment, wildfire, and tree cutting. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66:274-289.
An efficient sampling protocol for sagebrush/grassland monitoring - (Proceedings)
Larson, L.L., Louhaichi, M., Clark, P., Johnson, D.E. 2013. An efficient sampling protocol for sagebrush/grassland monitoring. International Grasslands Congress. 2:877-878.
Can wildfire serve as an ecohydrologic threshold-reversal mechanism on juniper-encroached shrublands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Williams, C.J., Pierson Jr, F.B., Al-Hamdan, O.Z., Kormos, P.R., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P. 2014. Can wildfire serve as an ecohydrologic threshold-reversal mechanism on juniper-encroached shrublands. Ecohydrology. 7:453-477. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1364.
Wildfire as a mechanism to reverse ecohydrologic thresholds in juniper-encroached shrublands - (Abstract Only)
Williams, C.J., Pierson, F.B., Al-Hamdan, O.Z., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P.E., and Kormos, P.R. 2012. Wildfire as a mechanism to reverse ecohydrologic thresholds in juniper-encroached shrublands. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, December 3-7, 2012, San Francisco, CA.
Advances in grazing distribution practices - (Abstract Only)
Hydrothermal assessment of temporal variability in seedbed microclimate - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hardegree, S.P., Cho, J., Moffet, C.A., Roundy, B.A., Jones, T.A., James, J.J., Flerchinger, G.N., Clark, P., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2013. Hydrothermal assessment of temporal variability in seedbed microclimate. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 66:127-135.
A perspective on livestock-wolf interactions on western rangelands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, S., Clark, P., Howery, L., Johnson, D., Kluever, B., Smallidge, S., Cibils, A.F. 2012. A perspective on livestock-wolf interactions on western rangelands. Rangelands. 34(5):6-11.
Water quality effects of herded stream crossings by domestic sheep bands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Moffet, C.A., Lewis, G.S., Seyfried, M.S., Hardegree, S.P., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2012. Water quality effects of herded stream crossings by domestic sheep bands. Journal of Environmental Quality. 41:1-11.
Environmental vulnerability, assessment, and monitoring of grazing systems under index-based livestock insurance programs in East Africa - (Abstract Only)
Utilizing long-term ARS data to compare and contrast hydroclimatic trends from snow and rainfall dominated watersheds - (Proceedings)
Goodrich, D.C., Marks, D.G., Seyfried, M.S., Keefer, T.O., Unkrich, C.L., Anson, E.L., Clark, P., Flerchinger, G.N., Hamerlynck, E.P., Hardegree, S.P., Heilman, P., Holifield Collins, C.D., Moran, M.S., Nearing, M.A., Nichols, M.H., Pierson Jr, F.B., Scott, R.L., Stone, J.J., Van Vactor, S.S., Winstral, A.H., Wong, J.K. 2011. Utilizing long-term ARS data to compare and contrast hydroclimatic trends from snow and rainfall dominated watersheds. Proceedings of the 4th Interagency Conference of Research in the Watersheds, Fairbanks, AK., Sept. 26-30, 2011.
Fire, plant invasions, and erosion events on western rangelands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pierson Jr, F.B., Williams, C.J., Hardegree, S.P., Weltz, M.A., Stone, J.J., Clark, P. 2011. Fire, plant invasions, and erosion events on western rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 64(5):439-449. DOI: 10.2111/REM-D-09-00147.1.
Spatial-temporal interactions of beef cattle and wolves on a western Idaho rangeland - (Experiment Station)
Clark, P., Williams, J., Chigbrow, J., Larson, L.L., Johnson, M.D., Rimbey, N., Crane, K., Ndzeidze, S.K., Johnson, D.E. 2010. Spatial-temporal interactions of beef cattle and wolves on a western Idaho rangeland. Oregon State University Extension Publications. BEEF051:1-10.
Spatial behavior and distribution of cattle grazing riparian zones in northeastern Oregon - (Experiment Station)
Johnson, D.E., Wilson, M., Wilson, K.D., Larson, L.L., Williams, J., Ndzeidze, S.K., DelCurto, T., Clark, P. 2010. Spatial behavior and distribution of cattle grazing riparian zones in northeastern Oregon. Oregon State University Extension Publications. BEEF052:1-10.
Hydrologic vulnerability and risk assessment associated with the increased role of fire on western landscapes, Great Basin, USA - (Abstract Only)
Williams, C.J., Pierson, F.B., Robichaud, P.R., Spaeth, K.E., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P.E., Moffet, C.A., Al-Hamdan, O.Z., and Boll, J. 2010. Hydrologic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Associated with the Increased Role of Fire on Western Landscapes, Great Basin, USA. Presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 13-17 December 2010.
Feature mapping on extensive landscapes using GPS-enabled computers - (Abstract Only)
Ndzeidze______, S.K., Carr, C.A., Woerz, A.L., Clark, P., Louhaichi, M., Johnson, D.E. 2011. Feature mapping on extensive landscapes using GPS-enabled computers. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Hydrologic vulnerability of Great Basin sagebrush-steppe following pinyon and juniper encroachment - (Abstract Only)
Williams, C.J., Pierson, F.B., Kormos, P.R., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P.E., and Al-Hamdan, O.Z. 2011. Hydrologic Vulnerability of Great Basin Sagebrush-Steppe Following Pinyon and Juniper Encroachment. In: Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, February 6-10, 2011, Billings, MT.
Digital charting technology and its applications on rangelands - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Johnson, D.E. 2011. Digital charting technology and its applications on rangelands. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Spatial movement of free-roaming cattle (Bos Taurus) when in proximity to wolves (Canis lupus) - (Abstract Only)
Williams, J., Clark, P., Crane, K., Larson, L., Johnson, D.E. 2011. Spatial movement of free-roaming cattle (Bos Taurus) when in proximity to wolves (Canis lupus). Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Predicting wolf (Canis lupus)-cattle (Bos Taurus) encounters and consequential effects on cattle resource selection patterns - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Chigbrow, D.J., Crane, K.K., Williams, J., Larson, L.L., Johnson, D.E. 2011. Predicting wolf (Canis lupus)-cattle (Bos Taurus) encounters and consequential effects on cattle resource selection patterns. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
An algorithm for approximate rectification of digital aerial images - (Abstract Only)
Ndzeidze, S.K., Johnson, K.E., Johnson, M.D., Clark, P., Louhaichi, M., Johnson, D.E. 2011. An algorithm for approximate rectification of digital aerial images. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Hydrologic vulnerability of sagebrush steppe following pinyon and juniper encroachment - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pierson Jr, F.B., Williams, C.J., Kormos, P.R., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P., Rau, B.M. 2010. Hydrologic vulnerability of sagebrush steppe following pinyon and juniper encroachment. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 63(6):614-629.
A comparision of cumulative-germination response of cheatgrass (Bromus Tectorum L.) and five perennial bunchgrass species to simulated field-temperature regimes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hardegree, S.P., Moffet, C.A., Roundy, B.A., Jones, T.A., Novak, S.J., Clark, P., Pierson Jr, F.B., Flerchinger, G.N. 2010. A comparision of cumulative-germination response of cheatgrass (Bromus Tectorum L.) and five perennial bunchgrass species to simulated field-temperature regimes. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 69:321-327.
Behavior and distribution of cattle grazing riparian zones - (Experiment Station)
Wilson, M.A., Wilson, K.D., Larson, L.L., Clark, P., DelCurto, T., Johnson, D.E. 2009. Behavior and distribution of cattle grazing riparian zones. Oregon State University Extension Publications. BEEF009:1-5.
VegMeasure 2: A software package that facilitates measurement of foliar cove, litter, and bareground on rangelands - (Experiment Station)
Johnson, M.D., Clark, P., Louhaichi, M., Worz, A., Ndzieze, S.K., Johnson, D.E. 2009. VegMeasure Z: A software package that facilitates measurement of foliar cove, litter, and bareground on rangelands. Oregon State University Extension Publications. BEEF008:1-10.
Evaluation of wolf impacts on cattle productivity and behavior - (Experiment Station)
Clark, P., Wilson, K.D., Larson, L.L., Williams, J., Rimbey, N., Johnson, M.D., Crane, K., Ndzeidze, S.K., Johnson, D.E. 2009. Evaluation of wolf impacts on cattle productivity and behavior. Oregon State University Extension Publications. BEEF010:1-12.
Comparison of the diurnal pattern and magnitude of velocities of goats (Capra Hircus), sheep (Ovis Aries), horses (Equus Caballus) and cattle (Bos Taurus) - (Abstract Only)
Louhaichi, M., Johnson, M.D., Wilson, K.D., Larson, L.L., Johnson, D.E., Clark, P. 2010. Comparison of the diurnal pattern and magnitude of velocities of goats (Capra Hircus), sheep (Ovis Aries), horses (Equus Caballus) and cattle (Bos Taurus). Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Cattle use patterns of riparian pastures in northeastern Oregon - (Abstract Only)
Wilson, M.A., Clark, P., Wilson, K.D., Larson, L.L., Johnson, M.D., Williams, J., Johnson, D.E. 2010. Cattle use patterns of riparian pastures in northeastern Oregon. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Cattle site preference in northeastern Oregon - (Abstract Only)
Wilson, K.D., Clark, P., Larson, L.L., Williams, J., Johnson, M.D., Louhaichi, M., Johnson, D.E. 2010. Cattle site preference in northeastern Oregon. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Distribution of cattle grazing in a northeastern Oregon riparian pasture - (Experiment Station)
Wilson, K.D., Clark, P., Louhaichi, M., Johnson, M.D., DelCurto, T., Williams, J., Larson, L.L., Harris, N.R., Vavra, M., Ganskopp, D.C., Johnson, D.E. 2009. Distribution of Cattle Grazing in a Northeastern Oregon Riparian Pasture. In: Range Field Day 2009 Progress Report. Special Report 1092. June 2009. Corvallia, OR: Oregon State University, Agricultural Experiment Station. p. 15-24.
Wolf-cattle interactions in the northern Rocky Mountains - (Experiment Station)
Clark, P., Johnson, D.E. 2009. Wolf-Cattle Interactions in the Northern Rocky Mountains. In: Range Field Data 2009 Progress Report. Special Report 1092. June 2009. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Agricultural Experiment Station. p. 1-7.
Cutting-edge technologies: GPS/Satellite communications-based tracking - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Spencer, D.F., Johnson, D.E., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2009. Cutting-edge technologies: GPS/Satellite communications-based tracking. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Intrinsic movement patterns of grazing Rocky Mountains elk (Cervus elaphus nelsonii) and beef cattle (Bos taurus) - (Abstract Only)
Johnson, M.D., Clark, P., Ganskopp, D.C., Woodside, G.J., Vavra, M., Louhaichi, M., Johnson, D.E. 2009. Intrinsic movement patterns of grazing Rocky Mountains elk (Cervus elaphus nelsonii) and beef cattle (Bos taurus). Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
A time-stop nonlinear model of cattle site preference in Northwestern Oregon and Western Idaho - (Abstract Only)
Johnson, M.D., Wilson, K.D., Clark, P., Larson, L.L., Woerz, A.L., Johnson, D.E. 2009. A time-stop nonlinear model of cattle site preference in Northwestern Oregon and Western Idaho. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Effect of lunar phase on summer activity budgets of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsonii) - (Abstract Only)
Woodside, G.J., Clark, P., Ganskopp, D.C., Vavra, M., Dick, B.L., Wilkinson, M.G., Johnson, D.E. 2009. Effect of lunar phase on summer activity budgets of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsonii). Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Wolf-livestock interactions in the northern Rocky Mountains - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Johnson, D.E., Wilson, K.D., Larson, L.L., Johnson, M.D., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2009. Wolf-livestock interactions in the northern Rocky Mountains. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Velocity of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsonii) grazing a Northeast Oregon pasture - (Abstract Only)
Woodside, G.J., Clark, P., Ganskopp, D.C., Vavra, M., Dick, B.L., Wilkinson, M.G., Johnson, D.E. 2009. Velocity of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsonii) grazing a Northeast Oregon pasture. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Effect of lunar phase on diurnal activity of Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus Elaphus Nelsonii) - (Abstract Only)
Woodside, G.J., Johnson, D.E., Clark, P., Ganskopp, D.C., Vavra, M., Dick, B.L., Wilkinson, M.G. 2009. Effect of lunar phase on diurnal activity of Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus Elaphus Nelsonii). Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts. NA.
Interactions among livestock grazing, vegetation type, and fire behavior in the Murphy wildland fire complex in Idaho and Nevada, July 2007 - (Government Publication)
Launchbaugh, K., Brammer, B., Brooks, M., Bunting, S., Clark, P., Davison, J., Fleming, M., Kay, R., Pellant, M., Pyke, D., Wylie, B. 2008. Interactions Among Livestock Grazing, Vegetation Type, and Fire Behavior in the Murphy Wildland Fire Complex , July 2007. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1214. Reston, VA: USGS. P.42
Point sampling to stratify biomass variablity in sagebrush steppe vegetation - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Hardegree, S.P., Moffet, C.A., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2008. Point sampling to stratify biomass variablity in sagebrush steppe vegetation. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61:614-622.
Prescribed-fire effects on rill and interrill runoff and erosion in a mountainous sagebrush landscape - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pierson Jr, F.B., Moffet, C.A., Williams, C.J., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P. 2009. Prescribed-Fire Effects on Rill and Interrill Runoff and Erosion in a Mountainous Sagebrush Landscape. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 34:193-203.
Soil water repellency and infiltration in coarse-textured soils of burned and unburned sagebrush ecosystems - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pierson, F.B., Robichaud, P.R., Moffet, C.A., Spaeth, K.E., Williams, C.J., Hardegree, S.P., and Clark, P.E. 2008. Soil water repellency and infiltration in coarse-textured soils of burned and unburned sagebrush ecosystems. Catena 74:98-108.
A direct approach for quantifying stream shading - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Johnson, D.E., Hardegree, S.P. 2008. A direct approach for quantifying stream shading. Rangeland Ecology and Management.61:339-345.
Using high frequency GPS to determine spatial-temporal activity of ungualtes - (Abstract Only)
Johnson, M.D., Clark, P., Ganskopp, D.C., Cook, R.C., Varva, M., Louhaichi, M., and Johnson, D.E. 2008. Using high frequency GPS to determine spatial-temporal activity of ungualtes. IN: 2008 Annual Conference Proceedings of teh ASPRS. April 28-May 2, 2008. Portland, OR. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Diurnal activity of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) and beef cattle (Bos taurus) grazing a northeastern Oregon summer range - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Johnson, M.D., Ganskopp, D.C., Cook, R.C., Varva, M., Louhaichi, M., and Johnson, D.E. 2008. Diurnal activity of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) and beef cattle (Bos taurus) grazing a northeastern Oregon summer range. IN: 2008 Annual Conference Proceedings of the ASPRS. April 28 - May 2, 2008. Portland, OR. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Abstract.
Diurnal activity of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) and beef cattle (Bos taurus) grazing a northeastern Oregon summer range - (Abstract Only)
A protocol for monitoring vegetation, bare ground and litter in scaled globally-positioned, ground-level digital imagery - (Abstract Only)
Johnson, M.D., Harris, N.R., Louhaichi, M., Clark, P., and Johnson, D.E. 2008. A protocal for monitoring vegetation, bare ground and litter in scaled globally-positioned, ground-level digital imagery. IN: 2008 Annual Conference Proceedings of the ASPRS. April 28-May 2, 2008. Portland, OR. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Abstract.
Clark, P., Larson, L., Richman, L., Johnson, D.E., Ganskopp, D.C., Louhaichi, M. 2008. Spatial behavior of domestic goats (capra hircus) grazing a central oregon rangeland. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts. Building Bridges:Grasslands to Rangelands. Conservation Effects Assesment Program Poster#14.
Evaluating post-fire cattle grazing strategies for sagebrush steppe rangelands - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Hardegree, S.P., and Pierson Jr, F.B. 2008. Evaluating post-fire cattle grazing strategies for sagebrush steppe rangelands. IN: Abstracts of teh 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. January 26 - 31, 2008. Louisville, KY. Society for Range Management. Lukewood, CO. Abstract.
Using GPA-based, animal tracking systems to evaluate effects on landscape-scale disturbance on livestock distribution and activity patterns:Demo. - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P. 2008. Using GPA-based, animal tracking systems to evaluate effects on landscape-scale disturbance on livestock distribution and activity patterns. IN: Abstracts of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. January 26-31, 2008. Louisville, KY. Society for Range Management, Lakewood, CO. Abstract.
Fire effects on rangeland hydrology and erosion in a steep sagebrush-dominated landscape - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pierson, F.B., Robichaud, P.R., Moffet, C.A., Spaeth, K.E., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P.E., and Williams, C.J. 2008. Fire Effects on Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion in a Steep Sagebrush-Dominated Landscape. Hydrological Processes: 22, 2916-2929.
A comparision of cumulative-germination response of cheatgrass (bromus tectorum) and four perennial bunchgrass species to simulated field-temperature regimes - (Abstract Only)
Hardegree, S.P., B.A. Roundy, T.A. Jones, F.B. Pierson AND P.E. Clark. 2008. A comparision of cumulative-germination response of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and four perennial bunchgrass species to simulated field-temperature regimes. In: Abstracts of the 61st Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Louisville, KY, January 26-31, 2008. (CD-ROM Abstract)
Dynamic variability in thermal-germination response of squirreltail (Elymus Elymoides and Elymus Multisetus) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hardegree, S.P., Jones, T.A., Pierson Jr, F.B., Clark, P., Flerchinger, G.N. 2008. Dynamic Variability in Thermal-Germination Response of Squirreltail (Elymus elymoides and Elymus multisetus). Environmental and Experimental Botany 62:120-128.
45 years of climate and hydrologic research conducted at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed - (Book / Chapter)
Flerchinger, G.N., Marks, D.G., Seyfried, M.S., Pierson Jr, F.B., Nayak, A., Hardegree, S.P., Winstral, A.H., and Clark, P. 2007. 45 years of climate and hydrologic research conducted at the reynolds creek experimental watershed. pp 135-143. In: J.R. Rogers (ed.), Environmental and Water Resources: Milestones in Engineering History. Sponsored by ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) National History & Heritage Committee. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. 168p.
Sheehy, C., Hale, M., Sheehy, D., Ganskopp, D.C., Clark, P., Johnson, D. 2007. Predicting habitat suitability for two breeds of cattle (English and Spanish) in northeastern oregon prairie ecosystems [abstract]. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts. Paper No. 399.
Johnson, M., Sheehy, C., Harris, N., Clark, P., Ganskopp, D.C., Louhaichi, M. 2007. Classification of cattle activity based upon high frequency spatial positioning [abstract]. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts. Paper No. 221.
Prescribed-fire impacts on vegetation, soil and water resources at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwest Idaho - (Abstract Only)
Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P., Pierson Jr, F.B., Seyfried, M.S., Moffet, C.A. 2007. Prescribed-Fire Impacts on Vegetation, Soil and Water Resources at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in Southwest Idaho.In: Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Reno, NV, Feb 11-15, 2007. (CD-ROM Abstract)
Effects of wolf predation threat on habitat use, activity, diets and resource impacts of wild and domestic ungulates - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P., Johnson, D.E., Kniep, M. 2007. Effects of wolf predation threat on habitat use, activity, diets and resource impacts of wild and domestic ungulates. In: Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. February 9-16, 2007. Reno-Sparks, Nevada CD-ROM Abstract #414.
Low-cost radiation shielding for use in mapping the thermal environments of rangeland animals - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P.E., Johnson, D.E., Harris, N., and Thomas, D.R. 2006. Low-Cost Radiation Shielding for Use in Mapping the Thermal Environments of Rangeland Animals. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 59:674-679.
An advanced, low cost, GPS-based animal tracking system - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P., Johnson, d., Kniep, M., Huttash, B., Wood, A., Johnson, M., McGillivan, C., Titus, K. 2006. An advanced, low-cost, GPS-based animal tracking system. Rangeland Ecology & Management 2006;59:334-340
Evaluating wolf effects on livestock and ungulates using the Clark Animal Tracking System - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P.E. 2006. Evaluating wolf effects on livestock and wild ungulates using the Clark Animal Tracking System. In: Abstracts of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. February 12-17-2006. Vancouver, B.C. (CD-ROM)
Climate and hydrologic research conducted at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Flerchinger, G., Marks, D., Hardegree, S., Winstral, A., Seyfried, M., Pierson, F., and Clark, P. 2006. Climate and Hydrologic Research Conducted at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed. Owyhee Outpost, A Journal of the History of the Owyhee County 37:72-91.
Quantifying vegetation change by point sampling landscape photography time series - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Clark, P.E., Hardegree, S.P. 2005. Estimating vegetation change from repeat landscape photography using angular cover. Rangeland Ecology & Management 58:588-597.
Quantifying vegetation change with repent landscape photography - (Abstract Only)
Clark, P.E., and Hardegree, S.P., 2005. Quantifying vegetation change with repent landscape photography. (abstract). 58th Annual Society for Range Management Meeting, February 5-11, 2005. Fort Worth, TX. CD-ROM Abstract.
Hypothesized hydrological response to a prescribed fire on a small mountainous watershed - (Abstract Only)
Flerchinger, G.N., and Clark, P.E., 2003. Hypothesized hydrological response to a prescribed fire on a small mountainous watershed. Abstract H32C-0585 In: EOS Transactions, Vol. 84(46) supplement, American Geophysical Union, CD-ROM)
Prescribed-fire research at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwestern Idaho - (Abstract Only)
Hardegree, S.P., Pierson, F.B., and Clark, P.E. 2004. Prescribed-fire research at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwestern Idaho. 57th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, CD-ROM abstract #127.
Potential hydrologic response to a prescribed fire on a small mountainous watershed - (Proceedings)
Flerchinger, G.N., Clark, P.E., First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, 2003. p. 631-636
Clark, Patrick E., Date and plant community effects on elk sedge forage quality., Journal of Range Management 2003, v.56, p. 21-26
Clark, Patrick, Seyfried, Mark S., Point Sampling Validation for Leaf Area Index Assessment in Shrub Steppe Communities, Journal of Range Management, pp 589-594, v. 54, 2001.
Clark, Patrick, Seyfried, Mark S., Harris, Bob, Intermountain Plant Community Mapping Using LANDSAT and SPOT, Journal of Range Management, pp 152-160, v. 54, 2001.
Clark, P.E., Stream shading assessment with airborne multispectral videography., p.1-11., 2000 conference
ARS News Articles