Cory J Landry
Sugarcane Research
Biological Science Technician (Plants)
Phone: (985) 853-3170
ext. 170
Fax: (985) 868-8369
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Registration of 'Ho 13-739' sugarcane
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y., Tew, T.L., William, W.H., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Grisham, M.P., Hoy, J., Penn, H., Wilson, B.E., Orgeron, A., Waguespack, H., Pontif, M.J., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R., Duet Jr, M.J., Landry, C.J., Verdun, D.L. 2024. Registration of 'Ho 13-739' sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations.
Registration of ‘Ho 07-613’ sugarcane
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hale, A.L., Todd, J.R., Pan, Y., Tew, T.L., Veremis, J.C., White, W.H., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Grisham, M.P., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R., Dalley, C.D., Spaunhorst, D.J., Duet Jr, M.J., Landry, C.J., Verdun, D.L. 2022. Registration of ‘Ho 07-613’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16(2):351-362.
Notice of release of sugarcane variety HoCP 14-885
- (Trade Journal)
Todd, J.R., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y.-B., White, W.H., Grisham, M.P., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R., Dalley, C.D., Waguespack, H.L., Kimbeng, C., Naquin, M.J., Spaunhorst, D.J., Duet Jr, M.J., Landry, C.J., Verdun, D.L. 2021. Notice of release of sugarcane variety HoCP 14-885. Sugar Bulletin. 99(8):19-20.
Registration of ‘Ho 11-573’ sugarcane
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y., Tew, T.L., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Landry, C.J., Grisham, M.P., Kimbeng, C., Gravois, K.A., Bischoff, K.P., Pontif, M.J., Jackson, W.R., Waguespack Jr, H.L., Davidson, W., Scott Jr, A.W., Hernandez, E., Klostermann, M., Nuessly, G.S., White, W.H., Richard, R.T. 2021. Registration of ‘Ho 11-573’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15:463-470.
Notice of release of sugarcane variety Ho 13-739
- (Trade Journal)
Registration of ‘HoCP 11-537’ sugarcane
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y.-B., Milligan, S.B., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Landry, C.J., Grisham, M.P., Comstock, J.C., Collins, K., Gravois, K., Bischoff, K.P., Pontif, M.J., Jackson, W.R., Waguespack, H.L., Scott, A.W., Hernandez, E., Klostermann, M., Nuessly, G., White, W.H., Richard, R.T. 2019. Registration of ‘HoCP 11-537’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 13:187-192.
Ho 07-613 – A potential new sugarcane variety for Louisiana
- (Abstract Only)
White, W.H., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Verdun, D.L., Duet Jr, M.J., Hale, A.L., Landry, C.J., Grisham, M.P., Warnke, K.Z., Pan, Y.-B. 2014. Ho 07-613 – A potential new sugarcane variety for Louisiana [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 34:61.