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Amanda Frake
Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Research
Biological Science Technician (Insects)

Phone: (225) 767-9298
Fax: (225) 766-9212

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Tropilaelaps species identification and viral load evaluation of Tropilaelaps and Varroa mites and their Apis mellifera hosts in Palawan, Philippines Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Simone-Finstrom, M., Cervancia, C., Tokarz, P.G., Frake, A.M. 2020. Tropilaelaps species identification and viral load evaluation of Tropilaelaps and Varroa mites and their Apis mellifera hosts in Palawan, Philippines. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 170:1-3.
A short communication on the invasive success of small hive beetles in honey bee colonies with screen and solid bottom boards Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M. 2019. A short communication on the invasive success of small hive beetles in honey bee colonies with screen and solid bottom boards. Journal of Apicultural Research. 34(4):279-283. https://doi:/10.17519/apiculture.2019.
Understanding trends in prevalence and abundance of Acarapis dorsalis and Acarapis externus in Apis mellifera colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Burgett, D.M., Frake, A.M. 2019. Understanding trends in prevalence and abundance of Acarapis dorsalis and Acarapis externus in Apis mellifera colonies. Trends in Entomology. 15:85-94.
Feeding by Tropilaelaps mercedesae on pre- and post-capped brood increases damages to Apis mellifera colonies Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Phokasem, P., De Guzman, L.I., Khongphinitbunjong, K., Frake, A.M., Chantawannakul1, P. 2019. Feeding by Tropilaelaps mercedesae on pre- and post-capped brood increases damages to Apis mellifera colonies. Scientific Reports. 9:01-12.
Comb irradiation has limited, interactive effects on colony performance or pathogens in bees, Varroa destructor and wax based on two honey bee stocks Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Simone-Finstrom, M., Frake, A.M., Tokarz, P.G. 2019. Comb irradiation has limited, interactive effects on colony performance or pathogens in bees, Varroa destructor and wax based on two honey bee stocks. Insects. 10(1):1-20.
Effects of comb irradiation on colony performance, varroa mite population, and viral load in bees, varroa mites and wax - (Abstract Only)
The Tropilaelaps mites threat: An examination of the injuries inflicted on Apis mellifera Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Phokasem, P., De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Khongphinitbunjong, K., Chantawannakul, P. 2018. The Tropilaelaps mites threat: An examination of the injuries inflicted on Apis mellifera. American Bee Research Conference Proceedings. 95(2):47-72. 10.1080/0005772X.2018.1450208.
The Tropilaelaps mites threat: Observations of their reproductive success Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
De Guzman, L.I., Phokasem, P., Khongphinitbunjong, K., Frake, A.M., Chantawannakul, P. 2018. The Tropilaelaps mites threat: Observations of their reproductive success. American Bee Research Conference Proceedings. 95(2):47-72. 10.1080/0005772X.2018.1450208.
Evaluations of the removal of Varroa destructor in Russian honey bee colonies that display different levels of Varroa Sensitive Hygienic activities Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirrane, M.J., De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Rinderer, T.E., Whelan, P.M. 2018. Evaluations of the removal of Varroa destructor in Russian honey bee colonies that display different levels of Varroa Sensitive Hygienic activities. Journal of Insect Behavior.
Successful reproduction of unmated Tropilaelaps mercedesae and its implication on mite population growth in Apis mellifera colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Phokasem, P., Khongphinitbunjong, K., Frake, A.M., Chantawannakul, P. 2018. Successful reproduction of unmated Tropilaelaps mercedesae and its implication on mite population growth in Apis mellifera colonies. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 153:35-37.
Comparative flight activities and pathogen load of two stocks of honey bees reared in gamma-irradiated combs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Simone-Finstrom, M. 2017. Comparative flight activities and pathogen load of two stocks of honey bees reared in gamma-irradiated combs. Insects. 8, 127. doi:10.3390/insects8040127
Responses of Varroa-resistant honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) to Deformed wing virus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Khongphinitbunjong, K., De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Tarver, M.R., Frake, A.M., Chen, Y., Chantawannaku, P. 2016. Responses of Varroa-resistant honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) to Deformed wing virus. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 19:921-927.
Responses of Varroa-resistant honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) to Deformed Wing Virus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kongphinitbunjong, K., De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Tarvere, M., Frake, A.M., Chen, Y., Chantawannakula, P. 2016. Responses of Varroa-resistant honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) to Deformed Wing Virus. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. doi: 10.1016/j.aspen.2016.08.008.
Comparing the flight activities of workers from two stocks of honey bees (Apis mellifera) raised in gamma-irradiated combs using radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology - (Abstract Only)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Simone-Finstrom, M. 2016. Comparing the flight activities of workers from two stocks of honey bees (Apis mellifera) raised in gamma-irradiated combs using radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. International Congress of Entomology.
Prevalence and reproduction of Tropilaelaps mercedesae and Varroa destructor in concurrently infested Apis mellifera colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Buawangpong, N., De Guzman, L.I., Khongphinitbunjong, K., Frake, A.M., Burgett, M., Chantawannakul, P. 2015. Prevalence and reproduction of Tropilaelaps mercedesae and Varroa destructor in concurrently infested Apis mellifera colonies. Apidologie 46(6):779-786
Tropilaelaps mercedesae and Varroa destructor: prevalence and reproduction in concurrently infested Apis mellifera colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Buawangpong, N., De Guzman, L.I., Khongphinitbunjong, K., Frake, A.M., Burgett, M., Chantawannakul, P. 2015. Tropilaelaps mercedesae and Varroa destructor: prevalence and reproduction in concurrently infested Apis mellifera colonies. Apidologie doi: 10:1007/s13592-015-0368-8.
Phenotypic and genetic analyses of the Varroa Sensitive Hygienic trait in Russian Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirrane, M.J., De Guzman, L.I., Holloway, B.A., Frake, A.M., Rinderer, T.E., Whelan, P.M. 2015. Phenotypic and genetic analyses of the Varroa Sensitive Hygienic trait in Russian Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. PLoS One. 10:0116672,doi:10.1371.
Brood removal influences fall of Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Kirrane, M. 2016. Brood removal influences fall of Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Journal of Apicultural Research. 54(3):216-225.
The effects of diet, mating duration , female to male ratios and temperature on ovary activation, mating success and fecundity of Aethina tumida - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M. 2014. The effects of diet, mating duration , female to male ratios and temperature on ovary activation, mating success and fecundity of Aethina tumida. Apidologie. 46(3):326-336.
Functionality of Varroa-Resistant Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) When Used for Western U.S. Honey Production and Almond Pollination - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinderer, T.E., Danka, R.G., Bourgeois, A.L., Frake, A.M., Villa, J.D., De Guzman, L.I., Harris, J.W. 2014. Functionality of Varroa-Resistant Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) When Used for Western U.S. Honey Production and Almond Pollination. Journal of Economic Entomology. 107(2):523-530.
An evaluation of the associations of parameters related to the fall of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) from commercial honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies as tools for selective breeding for mite resistance. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinderer, T.E., De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Tarver, M.R., Khongphinitbunjong, K. 2014. An evaluation of the associations of parameters related to the fall of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) from commercial honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies as tools for selective breeding for mite resistance. Journal of Economic Entomology. 107(2):516-522.
A laboratory technique to study the effects of Varroa destructor and viruses on developing worker honey bees - (Research Notes)
De Guzman, L.I., Khongphinitbunjong, K., Rinderer, T.E., Tarver, M.R., Frake, A.M. 2013. A laboratory technique to study the effects of Varroa destructor and viruses on developing worker honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research. 52(5):262-264.
Observations on the removal of brood inoculated with Tropilaelaps mercedesae (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) and the mite’s reproductive success in Apis mellifera colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Khongphinitbunjong, K., De Guzman, L.I., Buawangpong, N., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Chantawannakul, P. 2013. Observations on the removal of brood inoculated with Tropilaelaps mercedesae (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) and the mite’s reproductive success in Apis mellifera colonies. Experimental and Applied Acarology 62(1):47-55.
Does the removal of mite-infested brood facilitate grooming? - (Abstract Only)
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M. 2013. Does the removal of mite-infested brood facilitate grooming? American Bee Research Conference Proceedings. 21-24.
Associations of Parameters Related to the Fall of Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in Russian and Italian Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinderer, T.E., De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M. 2013. Associations of Parameters Related to the Fall of Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in Russian and Italian Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies. Journal of Economic Entomology. 106(2):566-575.
Evaluation of the efficacy of small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray) baits and lures. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Wakefield, M., Marris, G., Budge, G., Brown, M. 2013. Evaluation of the efficacy of small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray) bait and lures. The Science of Bee Culture. 5:3-6.
Responses to Varroa destructor and Nosema ceranae by several commercial strains of Australian and North American honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinderer, T.E., Oldroyd, B.P., Frake, A.M., De Guzman, L.I., Bourgeois, A.L. 2013. Responses to Varroa destructor and Nosema ceranae by several commercial strains of Australian and North American honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Australian Journal of Entomology. 52(2):156-163.
Age and reproductive status of adult Varroa mites affect grooming success of honey bees. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirrane, M.J., De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Wagnitz, J., Whelan, P.M. 2012. Age and reproductive status of adult Varroa mites affect grooming success of honey bees.. Experimental and Applied Acarology. 58(4):423-430.
A method for rapidly marking adult varroa mites for use in brood inoculation experiments - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirrane, M.J., De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Wagnitz, J.J., Whelan, P.M. 2012. A method for rapidly marking adult varroa mites for use in brood inoculation experiments. Journal of Apicultural Research. 51(2):212-213.
The Effects of Pollen-Enriched Pollen Substitute on Winter Cluster Size and the Prevalence of Nosema ceranae in Russian Honey Bee Colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Marking small hive beetles with thoracic notching: Effects on longevity, flight ability and fecundity. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Rinderer, T.E. 2011. Marking small hive beetles with thoracic notching: Effects on longevity, flight ability and fecundity.. Apidologie. 42(1):1-10.
Asynchronous development of Honey Bee host and Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) influences reproductive potential of mites - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kirrane, M.J., De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Wagnitz, J.J., Whelan, P.M. 2011. Asynchronous development of Honey Bee host and Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) influences reproductive potential of mites. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104(4):1146-1152.
The effects of hive color and feeding on the size of winter clusters of Russian honey bee colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinderer, T.E., De Guzman, L.I., Wagnitz, J.J., Frake, A.M. 2011. The effects of hive color and feeding on the size of winter clusters of Russian honey bee colonies. Bee Culture. 3(1):5-8.
Effect of height and color on the efficiency of the small hive beetle (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) pole traps - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Rinderer, T.E., Arbogast, R.T. 2011. Effect of height and color on the efficiency of the small hive beetle (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) pole traps. Journal of Economic Entomology. 104(1):26-31.
Assessing grooming behavior of Russian honey bees toward Varroa destructor. - (Abstract Only)
Studies on the life history and control of small hive beetles in the south-eastern United States - (Abstract Only)
Seasonal Population Dynamics of Small Hive Beetles, Aethina Tumida Murray, in the Southeastern United States - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Rinderer, T.E. 2010. Seasonal Population Dynamics of Small Hive Beetles, Aethina Tumida Murray, in the Southeastern United States. Journal of Apicultural Research. 49(2):186-191.
Small Hive Beetles - (Popular Publication)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Rinderer, T.E., Pollett, D.K. 2009. Small Hive Beetles. Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Publication. 3135.
The Effects of Hive Size, Feeding, and Nosema ceranae on the Size of Winter Clusters of Russian Honey Bee Colonies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rinderer, T.E., De Guzman, L.I., Bourgeois, A.L., Frake, A.M. 2010. The Effects of Hive Size, Feeding, and Nosema ceranae on the Size of Winter Clusters of Russian Honey Bee Colonies. Science of Bee Culture. 2(1):1-6. Supplement to Bee Culture. 138(3).
Population of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) in two apiaries having different soil textures in Mississippi - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Prudente, J.A., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Tubbs, H. Population of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) in two apiaries having different soil textures in Mississippi. Science of Bee Culture 1(1):4-8; supplement to Bee Culture 137(2). 2009
Russian Honeybee Breeders Association Manual - (Other)
Rinderer, T., DeGuzman, L., Bourgeois, A., Frake, A., Stelzer, J., Sylvester, A. 2008. Russian Honeybee Breeders Association Manual. Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Research Unit, 55 pages.
Comparative resistance of Russian and Italian honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) against small hive beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Frake, A.M., De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E. 2009. Comparative resistance of Russian and Italian honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) against small hive beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 120(1):13-19
Comparative reproduction of Varroa destructor in different types of Russian and Italian honey bee combs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M. 2008. Comparative reproduction of Varroa destructor in different types of Russian and Italian honey bee combs. Experimental and Applied Acarology 44:227-238
Detection and removal of brood infested with eggs and larvae of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) by Russian and Italian honey bees - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M., Rinderer, T.E. 2008. Detection and removal of brood infested with eggs and larvae of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida Murray) by Russian and Italian honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World 47(3):216-221.
Russian Honey Bees and Their Response Toward Brood Infested with Small Hive Beetles - (Abstract Only)
Russian Honey Bees And Their Response Toward Brood Infested With Small Hive Beetles - (Abstract Only)
Temperature affects Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) Development - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M. 2007. Temperature affects Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) Development. Journal of Apicultural Research. 46(2):88-93.
Observations on the Life History of Small Hive Beetles - (Abstract Only)
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M. 2007. Observations on the Life History of Small Hive Beetles. American Bee Research Conference Proceedings. American Bee Journal 147(5):437
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M. 2007. Growth of varroa destructor (acari: varroidae) populations in russian honey bee (hymenoptera: apidae) colonies. Annuals of the Entomological Society of America 100(2):187-195
De Guzman, L.I., Rinderer, T.E., Frake, A.M., Tubbs, H., Elzen, P.J., Westervelt, D. 2006. Some observations on the small hive beetle, aethina tumida murray in russian honey bee colonies. American Bee Journal 146(7):618-620.
Frake, A.M., De Guzman, L.I. 2006. Colony invasion of small hive beetles: the effects of honey bee type and entrance reducers. American Bee Journal 146(5):447
De Guzman, L.I., Frake, A.M. 2006. Preliminary results on the removal response of russian honey against brood infested with small hive beetles. American Bee Journal 146(5):446