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David J Poss
Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research
Soil Scientist


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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Dryland winter wheat production and its relationship to fine-scale soil carbon heterogeneity - A case study in the US Central High Plains Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ramírez, P.B., Calderón, F.J., Vigil, M.F., Mankin, K.R., Poss, D.J., Fonte, S.J. 2023. Dryland winter wheat production and its relationship to fine-scale soil carbon heterogeneity - A case study in the US Central High Plains. Agronomy. 13(10). Article e2600.
Does agroecosystem management mitigate historic climate impacts on dryland winter wheat yields? Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Miner, G.S., Stewart, C.E., Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J., Haley, S.D., Jones-Diamond, S.M., Mason, E.R. 2022. Does agroecosystem management mitigate historic climate impacts on dryland winter wheat yields? Agronomy Journal. 114(6):3515-3530.
Growing winter annual forages in the Central Great Plains - (Abstract Only)
Genome-wide association study identifies acyl-lipid metabolism candidate genes involved in the genetic control of natural variation for seed fatty acid traits in Brassica napus L. Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gazave, E., Tassone, E.E., Baswggio, M., Cyder, M., Byrel, K., Oblath, E.A., Lueschow, S.R., Poss, D.J., Hardy, C.D., Wingerson, M., James, D.B., Abdel-Haleem, H.A., Grant, D.M., Hatfield, J.L., Isbell, T., Vigil, M.F., Dyer, J.M., Jenks, M.A., Brown, J., Gore, M.A., Pauli, D. 2020. Genome-wide association study identifies acyl-lipid metabolism candidate genes involved in the genetic control of natural variation for seed fatty acid traits in Brassica napus L. Industrial Crops and Products. 145.
Evaluation of a Mechanistic Approach for Determining N Rates in Dryland Precision Farming - (Abstract Only)
Remediation of eroded high pH hill-top soils with manure - (Proceedings)
Manure and tillage use in remediation of eroded land and impacts on soil chemical properties Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mikha, M.M., Benjamin, J.G., Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J. 2017. Manure and tillage use in remediation of eroded land and impacts on soil chemical properties. PLoS One. 12(4):1-25. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175533.
N response of no-till dryland winter triticale forage Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J. 2016. N response of no-till dryland winter triticale forage. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 47(9):1117-1127.
Use of manure to remediate eroded hill top soils - (Popular Publication)
Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J., Benjamin, J.G., Mikha, M.M. 2016. Use of manure to remediate eroded hill top soils. Progressive Forage Grower. 3/33-34.
Long term alternative crop rotation experiment: USDA-ARS Akron, Colorado - (Abstract Only)
Agronomic & entomological results from 7 years of dryland cropping systems research at Briggsdale, Colorado - (Experiment Station)
Peairs, F.B., Hansen, N.C., Poss, D.J., Westfall, D.G., Peterson, G.G., Herman, J.C., Sherrod, L.A., Shaver, T.M., Randolph, T., Rudolph, J. 2013. Agronomic & entomological results from 7 years of dryland cropping systems research at Briggsdale, Colorado. Experiment Station Bulletins. Technical Bulletin 13-01 CSU.
Yields in stripper header vs conventional header in dryland cropping systems - (Abstract Only)
Sustainable dryland agroecosystems management - (Experiment Station)
Hansen, N.C., Sherrod, L.A., Peterson, G.A., Westfall, D.G., Peairs, F.B., Poss, D.J., Shaver, T.M., Larson, K.J., Thompson, D.L., Ahuja, L.R. 2012. Sustainable dryland agroecosystems management. Experiment Station Bulletins. TB 13-02.
Sustainable dryland agroecosystems management - (Experiment Station)
Hansen, N.C., Sherrod, L.A., Peterson, G.A., Westfall, D.G., Peairs, F.B., Poss, D.J., Shaver, T., Larson, K., Thompson, D., Ahuja, L.R. 2012. Sustainable Dryland Agroecosystems Management. Experiment Station Bulletins. TB 12-02.
Water use and yields of no-till managed dryland grasspea and yellow pea under different planting configurations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Calderon, F.J., Vigil, M.F., Nielsen, D.C., Benjamin, J.G., Poss, D.J. 2012. Water use and yields of no-till managed dryland grasspea and yellow pea under different planting configurations. Field Crops Research. 125:179-185.
Management practices to improve soil quality and productivity of eroded soil - (Abstract Only)
Rainfall probability and EONR for dryland corn in Colorado - (Abstract Only)
Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J., Nielsen, D.C., Benjamin, J.G. 2010. Rainfall probability and EONR for dryland corn in Colorado. [Agronomy Abstract]Presented at the annual ASA/CSSA/SSSA meetings. Oct. 31 thru Nov. 5, 2010. Long Beach, CA.
Nitrogen Rates for Dryland Triticale Hay - (Proceedings)
Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J., Halvorson, A.D. 2010. Nitrogen Rates for Dryland Triticale Hay. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Pages 189-194. March 2-3, 2010. Denver, CO.
Remediation/Restoration of Degraded Soil to Improve Productivity In The Central Great Plains Region - (Proceedings)
Mikha, M.M., Stahlman, P.W., Benjamin, J.G., Vigil, M.F., Geier, P.W., Poss, D.J. 2010. Remediation/Restoration of Degraded Soil to Improve Productivity In The Central Great Plains Region. Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Pages 229-235. March 2-3, 2010. Denver, CO.
Mid-Infrared and Near Infrared Calibrations for Nutritional Parameters of Triticale (Triticosecale) and Pea (Pisum sativum) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Calderon, F.J., Reeves III, J.B., Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J. 2009. Mid-Infrared and Near Infrared Calibrations for Nutritional Parameters of Triticale (Triticosecale) and Pea (Pisum sativum). Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 57:5136-5142. doi:10.1021/jf803936x.
Economic Optimum N Rates for Fertilizing Winter Wheat and Corn - (Abstract Only)
Vigil, M.F., Nielsen, D.C., Poss, D.J. 2008. Economic Optimum N Rates for Fertilizing Winter Wheat and Corn. Agronomy Abstract. Presented at the International American Society of Agronomy meetings, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America (ASA/CSSA/SSSA) annual meetings. Oct. 5-9, 2008. Houston, TX.
Managing N rates for reduce-till Dryland Wheat - (Proceedings)
Vigil, M.F., Poss, D.J. 2008. Managing N Rates for Reduce-till Dryland Wheat. Meeting Proceedings. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Cover Your Acres Winter Conference. Pages 7-11. Oberlin, KS. January 22-23, 2008.
Best Management Practices for Remediation/Restoration of Degraded Soils in the Central Great Plains Region - (Proceedings)
Mikha, M.M., Vigil, M.F., Benjamin, J.G., Poss, D.J., Calderon, F.J. 2008. Best Management Practices for Remediation/Restoration of Degraded Soils in the Central Great Plains Region. Meeting Proceedings of the 18th High Altitude Revegetation Workshop #18. Information Series #105. Pages 461-470. March 4-6, 2008. Fort Collins, Colo.
A Use of Skip-Row Planting as a Strategy for Drought Mitigation in the West Central Great Plains - (Proceedings)
Vigil, M.F., Henry, W.B., Calderon, F.J., Poss, D.J., Nielsen, D.C., Benjamin, J.G., Klein, R. 2008. A use of Skip-row Planting as a Strategy for Drought Mitigation in the West Central Great Plains. Meeting Proceedings. Presented at the 2008 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, Colo. March 5, 2008. Vol. 12:101-106.
Skip-row Corn and Sorghum in the West Central Great Plains - (Abstract Only)
Vigil, M.F., Nielsen, D.C., Poss, D.J., Henry, W.B. 2007. Skip-row Corn and Sorghum in the West Central Great Plains. Agronomy Abstracts. Presented at the International American Society of Agronomy meetings, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of america (ASA/CSSA/SSSA) annual meetings. Nov. 5-9, 2007. New Orleans, LA.
Soil Water Extraction Patterns in Skip Row Corn, Sorghum, and Sunflower - (Abstract Only)
Nielsen, D.C., Vigil, M.F., Calderon, F.J., Schneekloth, J., Poss, D.J., Henry, W.B., Benjamin, J.G. 2007. Soil Water Extraction Patterns in Skip Row Corn, Sorghum, and Sunflower. Meeting Abstract. Presented at the National American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting. Nov. 5-8, 2007. New Orleans, LA.
Skip-row Planting in the CGPR as a Drought Mitigation Strategy - (Abstract Only)
Vigil, M.F., Henry, W.B., Poss, D.J., Nielsen, D.C., Calderon, F.J., Benjamin, J.G., Klein, R. 2006. Skip-row Planting in the CGPR as a Drought Mitigation Strategy. Meeting Abstract. Presented at the 18th World Congress of Soil Science in Phildelphia, PA July 9-13, 2006.
Westfall, D.G., Peterson, G.A., Peairs, F.B., Sherrod, L.A., Poss, D.J., Shaver, T., Larson, K., Thompson, D.L., Ahuja, L.R., Koch, M.D., Walker, C.B. 2004. Sustainable dryland agroecosystem management. Experiment Station Technical Bulletin TB04-05 Nov. 2004.