James Salvatore
Citrus and Other Subtropical Products Research
Biological Science Technician
Phone: (772) 462-5855
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Secondary metabolite composition in Citrus x Poncirus trifoliata hybrids
- (Proceedings)
Deterre, S., Mccollum, T.G., Leclair, C., Bai, J., Manthey, J.A., Salvatore, J.J., Raithore, S., Baldwin, E.A., Plotto, A. 2013. Secondary metabolite composition in Citrus x Poncirus trifoliata hybrids. Proceedings of Florida State Horticultural Society. 126:206-215.
Update on USDA advanced citrus scion selections for Indian River Citrus League
- (Popular Publication)
Stover, E., McCollum, G., Driggers, R., Salvatore, J. 2013. Update on USDA advanced citrus scion selections for Indian River Citrus League. River Ramblings: The Indian River Citrus League Newsletter, May 2013, p.5.