Donna Neer
Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research
Biological Science Lab Technician
Phone: (970) 492-7251
Fax: (970) 492-7213
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Nitrogen management can increase potato yields and food security for climate change adaptation in the Andean region
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delgado, J.A., Barrera, V.H., Alwang, J.R., Cartagena, Y.E., Escudero, L.O., Neer, D.L., D'Adamo, R.E., Zapata, A.C. 2023. Nitrogen management can increase potato yields and food security for climate change adaptation in the Andean region. American Journal of Potato Research.
Recent advances in AgCROS, a network of networks that could contribute to assessments of conservation practices across the USA and internationally
- (Abstract Only)
Delgado, J.A., Vandenberg, B.C., D'Adamo, R.E., Marquez, R.D., Neer, D.L., Kaplan, N.E., Carter, J.D., Wilson, G.J., Zoch, G., Messinger, L., Nezat, C.J., Strom, T., Buser, M.D. 2020. Recent advances in AgCROS, a network of networks that could contribute to assessments of conservation practices across the USA and internationally [abstract]. Soil and Water Conservation Society 75th International Annual Conference, July 27-29, 2020. Virtual event. Abstract Book.
Potential use of cover crops for soil and water conservation, nutrient management, and climate change adaptation across the tropics
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delgado, J.A., Barrera Mosquera, V.H., Alwang, J.R., Villacís Aveiga, A., Cartagena Ayala, Y.E., Neer, D.L., Monar, C., Escudero López, L.O. 2020. Potential use of cover crops for soil and water conservation, nutrient management, and climate change adaptation across the tropics. Advances in Agronomy. 165:175-247.
Potential use of a new nitrogen trading tool to assess nitrogen management practices to protect groundwater quality
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delgado, J.A., Ascough II, J.C., Lighthart, N.P., Neer, D.L. 2020. Potential use of a new nitrogen trading tool to assess nitrogen management practices to protect groundwater quality. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 169:105195.
Emerging nutrient management databases and networks of networks will have broad applicability in future machine learning and artificial intelligence applications in soil and water conservation
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delgado, J.A., Vandenberg, B.C., Neer, D.L., D Adamo, R.E. 2019. Emerging nutrient management databases and networks of networks will have broad applicability in future machine learning and artificial intelligence applications in soil and water conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 74(6):113A-118A.
Nitrogen Loss and Environmental Assessment Package (NLEAP GIS 5.0): User Guide
- (Other)
Ascough Ii, J.C., Delgado, J.A., Lighthart, N.P., Neer, D.L. 2019. Nitrogen Loss and Environmental Assessment Package (NLEAP GIS 5.0): User Guide. Ag Data Commons.
Nitrogen Loss and Environmental Assessment Package (NLEAP GIS 5.0): Model
- (Other)
Ascough Ii, J.C., Delgado, J.A., Lighthart, N.P., Neer, D.L., Tebbe, C.R., Shaffer, M.J. 2019. Nitrogen Loss and Environmental Assessment Package (NLEAP GIS 5.0): Model. Ag Data Commons.
Agricultural Collaborative Research Outcomes System: AgCROS - An emerging network of networks for national food and environmental security and human health
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Delgado, J.A., Vandenberg, B.C., Kaplan, N.E., Neer, D.L., Wilson, G.J., D Adamo, R.E., Carter, J.D., Ogan, L., Grow, N.O., Marquez, R.D., Arthur, D.K., Eve, M.D., Del Grosso, S.J., Johnson, J.M., Karlen, D.L., Durso, L.M., Finley, J.W., Acosta Martinez, V., Harmel, R.D., Derner, J.D. 2018. Agricultural Collaborative Research Outcomes System: AgCROS - An emerging network of networks for national food and environmental security and human health. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73(6):158A-164A.