Eric Daniel Vincill
Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research
Research Molecular Biologist
Phone: (208) 423-6559
Fax: (208) 423-6555
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Commercial sugar beet cultivars evaluated for rhizomania resistance and storability in Idaho, 2023
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Strausbaugh, C.A., Majumdar, R., Vincill, E.D. 2025. Commercial sugar beet cultivars evaluated for rhizomania resistance and storability in Idaho, 2023. Plant Health Progress.
Wind-mediated dispersal of beet leafhoppers and pine pollen in southern Idaho
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Strausbaugh, C.A., Wenninger, E.J., Jackson, L.K., Vincill, E.D. 2024. Wind-mediated dispersal of beet leafhoppers and pine pollen in southern Idaho. PhytoFrontiers. 4(4):498-503.
Kimberly sugar beet germplasm evaluated for rhizomania and storage rot resistance in Idaho, 2023
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vincill, E.D., Strausbaugh, C.A., Majumdar, R. 2024. Kimberly sugar beet germplasm evaluated for rhizomania and storage rot resistance in Idaho, 2023. Plant Disease Management Reports. 18:CF084.
Host and shelter plants for the beet leafhopper, which vectors curly top viruses and phytoplasmas in southern Idaho
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Strausbaugh, C.A., Wenninger, E.J., Jackson, L.K., Vincill, E.D. 2024. Host and shelter plants for the beet leafhopper, which vectors curly top viruses and phytoplasmas in southern Idaho. PhytoFrontiers. 4(4):591-601.
Introgression of the cercospora leaf spot (CLS)disease resistance trait from KEMS06 sugar beet germplasm into two double-haploid breeding lines, KDH4-9 and KDH13
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kimberly sugar beet germplasm evaluated for Rhizoctonia crown and root rot resistance in Idaho, 2023
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vincill, E.D., Majumdar, R., Strausbaugh, C.A. 2024. Kimberly sugar beet germplasm evaluated for Rhizoctonia crown and root rot resistance in Idaho, 2023. Plant Disease Management Reports. 18. Article V009.
Curly top viruses and phytoplasmas in sugar beets, common beans, and beet leafhoppers along with vector population dynamics in southern Idaho
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Strausbaugh, C.A., Wenninger, E.J., Jackson, L.K., Vincill, E.D. 2024. Curly top viruses and phytoplasmas in sugar beets, common beans, and beet leafhoppers along with vector population dynamics in southern Idaho. PhytoFrontiers.
Factors influencing agrobacterium mediated transient transformation of sugar beet
- (Abstract Only)
Beet leafhopper and BCTV strain survey 2022 progress report
- (Trade Journal)
Strausbaugh, C.A., Eric, W., Jackson, L.K., Vincill, E.D. 2023. Beet leafhopper and BCTV strain survey 2022 progress report. The Sugarbeet. p.50-52.
Leaf bacteriome in sugar beet show differential response against beet curly top virus during resistant and susceptible interactions
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Majumdar, R., Strausbaugh, C.A., Vincill, E.D., Eujayl, I.A., Galewski, P.J. 2022. Leaf bacteriome in sugar beet show differential response against beet curly top virus during resistant and susceptible interactions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Beta vulgaris lines from USDA-ARS Kimberly evaluated for resistance to Cercospora beticola, 2015
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Eujayl, I.A., Vincill, E.D., Strausbaugh, C.A., Hanson, L.E. 2022. Beta vulgaris lines from USDA-ARS Kimberly evaluated for resistance to Cercospora beticola, 2015. Plant Disease Management Reports. 16: V134.
Beta vulgaris lines from USDA-ARS Kimberly evaluated for resistance to Cercospora beticola, 2016
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Eujayl, I.A., Vincill, E.D., Strausbaugh, C.A., Hanson, L.E. 2022. Beta vulgaris lines from USDA-ARS Kimberly evaluated for resistance to Cercospora beticola, 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports. 16: V135.
Regulatory roles of small non-coding RNAs in sugar beet resistance against beet curly top virus
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Majumdar, R., Galewski, P.J., Eujayl, I.A., Minocha, R., Vincill, E.D., Strausbaugh, C.A. 2022. Regulatory roles of small non-coding RNAs in sugar beet resistance against beet curly top virus. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12. Article 780877.