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Amy J Hudson
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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Broad-scale climate drivers of a vector-borne disease expansion from Mexico into the United States - (Abstract Only)
Savoy, H.M., Peters, D.C., Hudson, A.J., Rodriguez, L.L. 2021. Broad-scale climate drivers of a vector-borne disease expansion from Mexico into the United States. Ecological Society of America Abstracts. Abstracts.
Broad-scale climate drivers of a vector-borne livestock disease movement from Mexico into the United States - (Abstract Only)
Savoy, H.M., Peters, D.C., Hudson, A.J., Rodriguez, L.L. 2020. Broad-scale climate drivers of a vector-borne livestock disease movement from Mexico into the United States. American Geophysical Union. Abstract.