Rozo-Lopez, P., S.J. Pausek, L. Velazquez-Salinas, L.L. Rodriguez, Y. Park, B.S. Drolet. 2022. Comparison of endemic and epidemic vesicular stomatitis virus lineages in Culicoides sonorensis Viruses. 14(6):1221-1233. doi: 10.3390/v14061221.
McGregor, B.L., Rozo-Lopez, T. Davis, B.S, Drolet. 2021. Detection of vesicular stomatitis virus Indiana from insects collected during the 2020 outbreak in Kansas, USA. Pathogens. 10(9):1126. doi: 10.3390/pathogens10091126.
Young, K.I., F. Valdez, C. Vaquera, C. Campos, L. Zhou, H.K. Vessels, J.K. Moulton, B.S. Drolet, P. Rozo-Lopez, A.M. Pelzel-McCluskey, D.C. Peters, L.L. Rodriguez, K. A. Hanley. 2021. Surveillance along the Rio Grande during the 2020 vesicular stomatitis outbreak reveals spatio-temporal dynamics of and viral RNA detection in black flies. Pathogens. 10(10):1264. doi: 10.3390/pathogens10101264.
Burrus, N.D., L.L. Rodriguez, B.S. Drolet, K. Geil, A.M. Pelzel-McCluskey, L.W. Cohnstaedt, J.D. Derner, D.P.C. Peters. 2021. Predicting the Geographic Range of an Invasive Livestock Disease across the Contiguous USA under Current and Future Climate Conditions. Climate. 9(11): 159. doi: 10.3390/cli9110159.
Rozo-Lopez, P., Y. Park, B.S. Drolet. 2022. Effect of constant temperatures on Culicoides sonorensis midge physiology and vesicular stomatitis virus infection. Insects. 13:372-386.
Matthews, M.L. H.O. Hunter, B.S. Drolet, C.L. Brelsfoard. 2022. Wolbachia wAlbB inhibits bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic fever viruses in Culicoides midge cells. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 1-9.
Drolet, B.S., W.K. Reeves, K.E. Bennett, S.J. Pauszek, M.R. Bertram, L.L. Rodriguez. 2021. Identical viral genetic sequence found in black flies (Simulium bivittatum) and the equine index case of the 2006 U.S. vesicular stomatitis outbreak. Pathogens. 10(8):929-938.
Rozo-Lopez, P., B. Londono, and B.S. Drolet. 2021. Impacts of infectious dose, feeding behavior, and age of Culicoides sonorensis biting midges on infection dynamics of vesicular stomatitis virus. Pathogens. 10(7):816.
Drolet, B.S. and L.M. Reister-Hendricks. 2021. A duplex fluorescent microsphere immunoassay for detection of antibody to bluetongue virus and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus in cattle sera. Viruses. 13(4):682.
Balaraman, V., B.S. Drolet, N.N. Gaudreault, W.C. Wilson, J. Owens, D. Bold, D.A. Swanson, D.C. Jasperson, L.E. Noronha, D.N. Mitzel, J.A. Richt, D. Nayduch. 2021. Mechanical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by house flies. Parasites & Vectors. April 20;14(1):214.
Balaraman, V., B.S. Drolet, N.N. Gaudreault, W.C. Wilson, J. Owens, D. Bold, D.A. Swanson, D.C. Jasperson, L.E. Noronha, J.A. Richt, D.N. Mitzel. 2021. Susceptibility of midge and mosquito vectors to SARS-CoV-2. Journal of Medical Entomology. July 16; 58(4):1948-1951.
Mohlmann, T., C. Vogels, G. Goertz, G. Pijlman, C. ter Braak, D. te Beest, M. Hendriks, E. Nijhuis, S. Warris, B.S. Drolet, L. van Overbeek, C. Koenraadt. 2020. Impact of gut bacteria on the infection and transmission of pathogenic arboviruses by biting midges and mosquitoes. Microbial Ecology. 80(3):703-717.
Rozo-Lopez, P., B. Londono-Renteria, and B.S. Drolet. 2020. Venereal transmission of vesicular stomatitis virus by Culicoides sonorensis midges. Pathogens. 9(4):316.
Van Gennip, R., B.S. Drolet, P. Rozo Lopez, A. Roost, J. Boonstra, P. van Rijn. 2019. Vector competence is strongly affected by a small deletion or point mutations in bluetongue virus. Parasites & Vectors. 12(1):470.