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Richard J Buhr (Jeff)
Poultry Microbiological Safety and Processing Research Unit
Animal Physiologist Scientist

Phone: (706) 546-3339
Fax: (706) 546-3633

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Strategies to Control Poultry Associated Foodborne Pathogens at the Retail Level
Cooperative Agreement (A)
  Accession Number: 446873
Intervention Strategies to Control Salmonella and Campylobacter During Poultry Processing
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 442616
Relationship of Salmonella and Campylobacter to chicken carcass microbiome
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444278
Assessing Salmonella serovar dynamics in broiler from production into processing
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 445046
Production and Processing Intervention Strategies for Poultry Associated Foodborne Pathogens
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 441943

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Reduced expression of ribonucleotide reductase small subunit M2 in muscle and several organs potentially altered tissue health and mitochondria function in woody breast chickens - (Abstract Only)
Shakeri, M., Choi, J., Harris, C., Buhr, R.J., Kong, B.C., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2024. Reduced expression of ribonucleotide reductase small subunit M2 in muscle and several organs potentially altered tissue health and mitochondria function in woody breast chickens. American Meat Science Association Conference Reciprocal Proceedings. No. 57.
Impact of broiler carcass orientation after slaughter on breast meat quality when evaluating delayed processing - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C., Choi, J., Shakeri, M., Kong, B.C., Kiepper, B., Zhuang, H., Buhr, R.J., Bowker, B.C. 2024. Impact of broiler carcass orientation after slaughter on breast meat quality when evaluating delayed processing. American Meat Science Association Conference Reciprocal Proceedings. Abstract 88.
Feather retention during defeathering – impact of carcass rigor mortis. - (Abstract Only)
Alteration in the water properties in hot-deboned normal and wooden breast fillets during the first 24 h postmortem - (Abstract Only)
Choi, J., Shakeri, M., Harris, C., Buhr, R.J., Kim, W., Kong, B.C., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H. 2024. Alteration in the water properties in hot-deboned normal and wooden breast fillets during the first 24 h postmortem. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. No. 237: 118.
A metagenomics perspective to evaluate probiotics combating Salmonella Infantis in poultry settings – a case study - (Abstract Only)
Li, X., Oladeinde, A.A., Rothrock Jr, M.J., Aggrey, S.E., Hamaoka, T., Abdo, Z., Buhr, R.J., Pokoo-Aikins, A. 2024. A metagenomics perspective to evaluate probiotics combating Salmonella Infantis in poultry settings – a case study. American Society for Microbiology. ASM Microbe: 2024.
Reduced ribonucleotide reductase RRM2 subunit expression increases DNA damage and mitochondria dysfunction in woody breast chickens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shakeri, M., Choi, J., Harris, C., Buhr, R.J., Kong, B.C., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2024. Reduced ribonucleotide reductase RRM2 subunit expression increases DNA damage and mitochondria dysfunction in woody breast chickens. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 85(4):1-7.
Quantification of Salmonella Infantis transfer from transport drawer flooring to broiler chickens during holding Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Reina, M.A., Mcconnell, A., Figueroa, J.C., Riggs, M.R., Buhr, R.J., Price, S.B., Macklin, K.S., Bourassa, D.B. 2023. Quantification of Salmonella Infantis transfer from transport drawer flooring to broiler chickens during holding. Poultry Science. 103(2). Article 10377.
Application of pressurized steam and forced hot air for cleaning broiler transport container flooring Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Reina, M.A., Urrutia, A., Figueroa, J.C., Riggs, M.R., Macklin, K.S., Buhr, R.J., Price, S.B., Bourassa, D.B. 2023. Application of pressurized steam and forced hot air for cleaning broiler transport container flooring. Poultry Science. 103(2). Article 103276.
Impact of stunning method on blood loss in broilers during exsanguination with two different neck cut methods Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Osborne, R.C., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J., Kiepper, B.H. 2023. Impact of stunning method on blood loss in broilers during exsanguination with two different neck cut methods. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 31(1). Article 100385.
Alternative slaughter procedures: on-farm slaughter and transport system for broilers Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Samoylov, A., Schwean-Lardner, K., Crowe, T., Daley, W., Giorges, A., Kiepper, B., Bourassa, D., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Christensen, K., Buhr, R.J. 2023. Alternative slaughter procedures: on-farm slaughter and transport system for broilers. Poultry Science Symposium Proceedings.
Effect of photo-active compounds curcumin and chlorophyllin against Salmonella and Campylobacter - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Role of darkling beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) and litter in spreading and maintaining Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken flocks - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Recovery of Campylobacter injected into hatching eggs that are cold-stored and incubated through day 18 of incubation - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2023. Recovery of Campylobacter injected into hatching eggs that are cold-stored and incubated through day 18 of incubation. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 102(E-Suppl.1): 151. p74. 2023.
Water characteristics in broiler pectoralis major during postmortem aging and storage - (Abstract Only)
Zhuang, H., Choi, J., Bowker, B.C., Buhr, R.J., Kim, W., Kong, B.C. 2023. Water characteristics in broiler pectoralis major during postmortem aging and storage. Meeting Abstract. 102/163-164.
Impact of delayed carcass processing on broiler breast meat quality - (Proceedings)
Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Buhr, R.J., Kiepper, B., Daley, W., Samoylov, A. 2023. Impact of delayed carcass processing on broiler breast meat quality. International Congress of Meat Science and Technology Proceedings. 450.
Association of Campylobacter from bile with cecal counts, gall bladder size, and bile color. - (Abstract Only)
Mcconnell, A., Jennings, M., Hughes, M., Figueroa, J., Reina, M.A., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2023. Association of Campylobacter from bile with cecal counts, gall bladder size, and bile color.. Poultry Science Meeting. 102(E-Suppl.1):150, p.74.
Assessment of Salmonella and Campylobacter among various stages of No-Antibiotics-Ever (NAE) commercial broiler complex. - (Abstract Only)
Adhikari, Y., Bailey, M., Krehling, J., Chasteen, K.S., Munoz, L.R., Lobo, C.E., Galindo, L.A., Gaonkar, P., Kitchens, S., Price, S., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J., Macklin, K.J. 2023. Assessment of Salmonella and Campylobacter among various stages of No-Antibiotics-Ever (NAE) commercial broiler complex.. Poultry Science Meeting. 102(E-Suppl.1): 149, p.73..
Quantification of Salmonella Infantis transfer from transport drawer flooring to broiler chickens during different lairage times - (Abstract Only)
Reina, M., Mcconnell, A., Figueroa, J., Riggs, M., Jennings, M., Contreras, F., Hughes, M., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D. 2023. Quantification of Salmonella Infantis transfer from transport drawer flooring to broiler chickens during different lairage times. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 102(E-Suppl.1): 144, p.71..
Isolation and classification of bacteriophage sourced from poultry associated samples - (Abstract Only)
Figueroa, J.C., Kitchens, S., Price, S., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2023. Isolation and classification of bacteriophage sourced from poultry associated samples. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 102(E-Suppl.1) 146, p. 72.
Role of darkling beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) in spreading and maintaining Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken flocks - (Abstract Only)
Barua, S., Bailey, M.A., Zhong, K., Iduu, N., Dormitorio, T., Macklin, K., Bourassa, D.V., Price, S., Hauck, R., Krehling, J., Kitchens, S., Kyriakis, C., Buhr, R.J., Wang, C. 2023. Role of darkling beetles (Alphitobius diaperinus) in spreading and maintaining Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken flocks. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 102(E-Suppl.1): 288, p.139.
Isolation and identification of Salmonella and Campylobacter isolates from a commercial broiler complex through pullets to final raw product - (Abstract Only)
Adhikari, Y., Bailey, M., Krehling, J., Chasteen, K., Munoz, L., Lobo, C., Galindo, L., Gaonkar, P., Kitcherns, S., Bouradssa, D.V., Price, S., Buhr, R.J., Macklin, K. 2023. Isolation and identification of Salmonella and Campylobacter isolates from a commercial broiler complex through pullets to final raw product. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 102(E-Suppl.1): M8, p.4..
Application of pressurized steam and forced hot air for cleaning broiler transport cage flooring - (Abstract Only)
Reina, M.A., Urrutia, A., Figueroa, J., Riggs, M., Macklin, K., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2023. Application of pressurized steam and forced hot air for cleaning broiler transport cage flooring. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 102(E-Suppl.1): M6, p.3..
16S rRNA gene-based assessment of common broiler chicken sampling methods: evaluating intra-flock sample size, cecal pair similarity, and cloacal swab similarity to other alimentary tract locations Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Weinroth, M.D., Oakley, B.B., Ramirez, G.A., Reyes, A., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J. 2022. 16S rRNA gene-based assessment of common broiler chicken sampling methods: evaluating intra-flock sample size, cecal pair similarity, and cloacal swab similarity to other alimentary tract locations. Frontiers in Physiology.
Examination of the eggshell cuticle and membranes on their impact of Salmonella Enteritidis or Typhimurium recovery from inoculated and stored eggs Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J. 2022. Examination of the eggshell cuticle and membranes on their impact of Salmonella Enteritidis or Typhimurium recovery from inoculated and stored eggs. Journal of Applied Poultry Research.
Evaluation of on-farm euthanasia of broiler breeders utilizing captive bolt, electrocution, mechanical cervical dislocation, and carbon dioxide - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rate of blood loss and total blood loss varies in broilers based on exsanguination method - (Abstract Only)
Osborne, R.E., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J., Kiepper, B.K. 2022. Rate of blood loss and total blood loss varies in broilers based on exsanguination method. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 37.
Impact of cold storage and incubation of hatching eggs on the recovery of inoculated Salmonella Enteritidis or Campylobacter coli into to yolk or albumen - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2022. Impact of cold storage and incubation of hatching eggs on the recovery of inoculated Salmonella Enteritidis or Campylobacter coli into to yolk or albumen. Poultry Science Association. p. 136.
Buffering capacity comparison of tris-phosphate-carbonate (TPC) and buffered peptone water (BPW) Salmonella pre-enrichments for manufactured feed and feed ingredients - (Abstract Only)
Escobar, C., Munoz, L.R., Bailey, M.A., Krehlings, J.T., Pacheco, W.J., Hauck, R., Buhr, R.J., Macklin, K.S. 2022. Buffering capacity comparison of tris-phosphate-carbonate (TPC) and buffered peptone water (BPW) Salmonella pre-enrichments for manufactured feed and feed ingredients. Poultry Science Association. p. 145.
Detection of Campylobacter and Salmonella isolates from pullet and breeder farms of a commercial broiler company - (Abstract Only)
Adhikari, Y., Bailey, M.A., Chasteen, K.S., Krehling, J.T., Gaonkar, P.P., Kitchens, S.R., Price, S.B., Buhr, R.J., Macklin, K.S. 2022. Detection of Campylobacter and Salmonella isolates from pullet and breeder farms of a commercial broiler company. Poultry Science Association. p. 458P.
Cold storage after egg inoculation enhances Campylobacter recovery from embryos and egg contents thru day 5 of incubation M1. p.2,Poultry Science. 101(E-Suppl.1). 2022. - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2022. Cold storage after egg inoculation enhances Campylobacter recovery from embryos and egg contents thru day 5 of incubation M1. p.2,Poultry Science. 101(E-Suppl.1). 2022.. International Poultry Scientific Forum. M1 p.2.
Effect of exsanguination method on rate of blood loss and total blood loss in broilers.M20. p.8.Poultry Science. 101(E-Suppl.1)2022. - (Abstract Only)
Osborne, R., Baethke, E., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J., Kiepper, B. 2022. Effect of exsanguination method on rate of blood loss and total blood loss in broilers.M20. p.8.Poultry Science. 101(E-Suppl.1)2022.. International Poultry Scientific Forum. M20. p.8.
Investigation of the potential of aerosolized salmonella enteritidis on internal organ colonization in broilers between age of D 3 to D 21 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pal, A., Riggs, M.R., Urrutia, A., Osborne, R., Jackson, A., Bailey, M.A., Macklin, K.S., Price, S.B., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2021. Investigation of the potential of aerosolized salmonella enteritidis on internal organ colonization in broilers between age of D 3 to D 21. Poultry Science.
Bacterial composition of settled dust during growout of broiler chickens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pal, A., Jackson, A., Urrutia, A., Macklin, K.S., Price, S.B., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2022. Bacterial composition of settled dust during growout of broiler chickens. Poultry Science.
Evaluation of protocol to study Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. inovo transmission via inoculation and incubation of hatching eggs - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2021. Evaluation of protocol to study Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. inovo transmission via inoculation and incubation of hatching eggs. Poultry Science Association. Meeting Abstract.
Investigation of the Potential of Aerosolized Salmonella Enteritidis on Colonization and Persistence in Broilers from D 3 to 21 - (Abstract Only)
Pal, A., Riggs, M.R., Osborne, R., Giron, A., Jackson, A., Bailey, M.A., Macklin, K.S., Price, S.B., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2021. Investigation of the Potential of Aerosolized Salmonella Enteritidis on Colonization and Persistence in Broilers from D 3 to 21. Poultry Science Association. Meeting Abstract.
Impact of poultry litter Salmonella levels and moisture on transfer of Salmonella through associated in vitro generated dust Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pal, A., Bailey, M., Talorico, A.A., Kreheling, J.T., Macklin, K.S., Price, S.B., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2021. Impact of poultry litter Salmonella levels and moisture on transfer of Salmonella through associated in vitro generated dust. Poultry Science. 100(8):101236.
The use of roller swabs for salmonella detection in poultry litter Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tolorico, A.A., Bailey, M.A., Munoz, L.R., Chasteen, K.S., Pal, A., Krehling, J.T., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J., Macklin, K.S. 2021. The use of roller swabs for salmonella detection in poultry litter. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 30(3):100163-100169.
Animal welfare assessment of on-farm euthanasia methods for individual, heavy turkeys Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leonie, J., Bourassa, D.V., Boyal, R.S., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Campbell, A., Anderson, G., Buhr, R.J. 2020. Animal welfare assessment of on-farm euthanasia methods for individual, heavy turkeys . Poultry Science. 100:100812.
Assessment of stabilized hydrogen peroxide for use in reducing Campylobacter levels and prevalence on broiler chicken wings Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bourassa, D.V., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2020. Assessment of stabilized hydrogen peroxide for use in reducing Campylobacter levels and prevalence on broiler chicken wings. Journal of Food Protection. 84(3):449-455.
Equipment and methods for poultry euthanasia by a single operator Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Boyal, R.S., Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Jacobs, L., Bourassa, D.V. 2020. Equipment and methods for poultry euthanasia by a single operator. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 29(4):1020-1032.
Poultry Euthanasia: Koechner Euthanasia device ANR-2690 - (Experiment Station)
Boyal, R.S., Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Jacobs, L., Bourassa, D.V. 2020. Poultry Euthanasia: Koechner Euthanasia device ANR-2690. Extension Publications. Available:
Poultry Euthanasia: Single Bird Carbon Dioxide System ANR-2691 - (Experiment Station)
Boyal, R.S., Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Jacabs, L., Bourassa, D.V. 2020. Poultry Euthanasia: Single Bird Carbon Dioxide System ANR-2691. Extension Publications.
Poultry Euthanasia: Electrical Euthanasia Device ANR-2689 - (Experiment Station)
Boyal, R.S., Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Jacobs, L., Bourassa, D.V. 2020. Poultry Euthanasia: Electrical Euthanasia Device ANR-2689. Extension Publications.
Knowledge and use of broiler chicken euthanasia methods by animal caretakers - (Abstract Only)
Boyal, R.S., Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Jacabs, L., Bourassa, D. 2020. Knowledge and use of broiler chicken euthanasia methods by animal caretakers. International Poultry Scientific Forum. M10, p.5.
Efficacy of probiotics in the broiler production environment for improved ammonia reduction and growth performance - (Abstract Only)
Tejeda, O.J., Ritz, C.W., Fowler, J., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J. 2020. Efficacy of probiotics in the broiler production environment for improved ammonia reduction and growth performance. International Poultry Scientific Forum. M128, p.40.
Evaluation of the impact of Alliin and Cinnamaldehyde application on cecal, crop and environmental Salmonella recovery at end of growout period of broiler chickens - (Abstract Only)
Lepine, A.F., Wilson, K.M., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Fairchild, B.D., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Evaluation of the impact of Alliin and Cinnamaldehyde application on cecal, crop and environmental Salmonella recovery at end of growout period of broiler chickens [abstract]. Meeting Abstract. PH22:p.167.
Euthanasia for Broiler Chickens: Manual and Mechanical Cervical Dislocation Methods, Publication APSC-161P - (Experiment Station)
Jacobs, L., Bourassa, D.V., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Euthanasia for Broiler Chickens: Manual and Mechanical Cervical Dislocation Methods, Publication APSC-161P. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publications. APSC-161P;p.1-4.
Development of neutralizing buffered peptone water for salmonella verification testing in commercial poultry processing facilities - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hinton Jr, A., Gamble, G.R., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J., Johnston, J.J. 2019. Development of neutralizing buffered peptone water for salmonella verification testing in commercial poultry processing facilities. Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety, and Hygiene. 10:359.
Recovery of Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter Coli from inoculated and incubated hatching eggs - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2020. Recovery of Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter Coli from inoculated and incubated hatching eggs. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 247, p.121.
Evaluation of on-farm euthanasia of broiler breeders utilizing captive bolt, electrocution, mechanical cervical dislocation, and carbon dioxide - (Abstract Only)
Boyal, R.S., Jacobs, L., Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Cowles, S., Berganza, I.M., Bourassa, D.V. 2019. Evaluation of on-farm euthanasia of broiler breeders utilizing captive bolt, electrocution, mechanical cervical dislocation, and carbon dioxide. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 98(E-Suppl.1):27. p.11.
Broiler euthanasia by cervical dislocation or koechner euthanizing device: severing both carotid arteries immediately after application does not hasten the time to death - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Jacobs, L., Boyal, R., Bourassa, D.V. 2019. Broiler euthanasia by cervical dislocation or koechner euthanizing device: severing both carotid arteries immediately after application does not hasten the time to death. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 98(E-Suppl.1):130. p.53.
Persistence of salmonella enteritidis and typhimurium on hatching eggshells after 1, 6, or 24 hours - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Persistence of salmonella enteritidis and typhimurium on hatching eggshells after 1, 6, or 24 hours. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 98(E-Suppl.1):97. p.42.
Salt-uptake characterization of whole carcasses during chilling - (Abstract Only)
Richter, S., Sabo, D., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Haynes, C., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Salt-uptake characterization of whole carcasses during chilling. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 98(E-Suppl.1):242. p.94.
Evaluation of drinking water antimicrobial interventions on water usage, feed consumption, and salmonella retention in broilers following feed and water withdrawal Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Bourassa, D.V., Fairchild, B.D., Kiepper, B.H., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Evaluation of drinking water antimicrobial interventions on water usage, feed consumption, and salmonella retention in broilers following feed and water withdrawal. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 28(3):699-711.
Euthanasia: Manual versus mechanical cervical dislocation for broilers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jacobs, L., Bourassa, D.V., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Euthanasia: Manual versus mechanical cervical dislocation for broilers. Animals. 9:47.
Broiler chicken euthanasia by cervical dislocation: manual versus mechanical methods - (Abstract Only)
Jacobs, L., Bourassa, D.V., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Broiler chicken euthanasia by cervical dislocation: manual versus mechanical methods [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 98(E-Suppl.1):M121. p.38.
Evaluation of electrocution, koechner euthanasia device, turkey euthanasia device, and carbon dioxide gas euthanasia methods on breeder beltsville small white turkeys - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Harris, C.E., Bourassa, D.V., Jacobs, L. 2019. Evaluation of electrocution, koechner euthanasia device, turkey euthanasia device, and carbon dioxide gas euthanasia methods on breeder beltsville small white turkeys [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 99(E-Suppl.1):M121. p.38.
Impact of postmortem holding temperature on feather retention force and broiler carcass microbiology - (Abstract Only)
Bourassa, D.V., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld, L.N., Richter, S., Daley, W., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Impact of postmortem holding temperature on feather retention force and broiler carcass microbiology [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 98(E-Suppl.1):M14. p.36.
Development of on-farm euthanasia methods for individual larger older birds - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Jacabs, L., Bourassa, D.V., Bartenfeld, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2019. Development of on-farm euthanasia methods for individual larger older birds [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 98(E-Suppl.1):P258. p.78.
Impact of scalding duration and scalding water temperature on broiler processing wastewater loadings - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Assessment of stabilized hydrogen peroxide as an antimicrobial agent for use in reducing campylobacter prevalence and levels on chicken broiler wings - (Abstract Only)
Bourassa, D.V., Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld, L.N., Buhr, R.J. 2018. Assessment of stabilized hydrogen peroxide as an antimicrobial agent for use in reducing campylobacter prevalence and levels on chicken broiler wings. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 97(E-Suppl.1)224. p.94.
Microbiological status of broiler respiratory tracts before and during catching for transport to the processing plant Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M., Czarick, M., Buhr, R.J. 2018. Microbiological status of broiler respiratory tracts before and during catching for transport to the processing plant. Journal of Applied Poultry Research.
Turkey breeder pathogens-evaluation of vertical transmission of salmonella and campylobacter in breeder turkeys Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Crespo, M.D., Grimes, J.L., Kathariou, S., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Smith, D.P. 2018. Turkey breeder pathogens-evaluation of vertical transmission of salmonella and campylobacter in breeder turkeys. Journal of Animal Science and Research. 2(2).
Impact of egg holding temperatures on the recovery of salmonella from eggshells and stainless steel coupons - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M. 2018. Impact of egg holding temperatures on the recovery of salmonella from eggshells and stainless steel coupons. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 97(E-Suppl.1)229. p.96.
Impact of skip-a-day and every-day feeding programs on the recovery of salmonella and campylobacter following in broiler breeder pullets Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wilson, K.M., Bourassa, D.V., Mclendon, B.L., Wilson, J., Buhr, R.J. 2018. Impact of skip-a-day and every-day feeding programs on the recovery of salmonella and campylobacter following in broiler breeder pullets. Poultry Science. 97(7):2775-2784.
Evaluation of poultry water treatments during feed and water withdrawal on water usage and Salmonella prevalence in broilers - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Teo, M.L., Lu, L., Mou, C.T., Gotilla, K.A., Bartenfeld, L.N., Bourassa, D.V., Fairchild, B.D., Kiepper, B.K., Buhr, R.J. 2018. Evaluation of poultry water treatments during feed and water withdrawal on water usage and Salmonella prevalence in broilers. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 97(E-Suppl.1)M16. p.6.
Evaluation of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) on water usage and salmonella retention in broilers following feed and water withdrawal - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bartenfeld, L.N., Bourassa, D.V., Fairchild, B.D., Kiepper, B.H., Buhr, R.J. 2017. Evaluation of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) on water usage and salmonella retention in broilers following feed and water withdrawal [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 96(1):63. p. 23.
Evaluation of the addition of organic acids in the feed and/or water for broilers and the subsequent recovery of salmonella typhimurium from litter and ceca - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M., Ritz, C.W., Kiepper, B.K., Buhr, R.J. 2017. Evaluation of the addition of organic acids in the feed and/or water for broilers and the subsequent recovery of salmonella typhimurium from litter and ceca. Poultry Science. 97:(1)64-73.
Impact of litter salmonella status during feed withdrawal on salmonella recovery from the broiler crop and ceca - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Hinton Jr, A., Fairchild, B.D., Ritz, C.W. 2017. Impact of litter salmonella status during feed withdrawal on salmonella recovery from the broiler crop and ceca. Poultry Science. 96:(12)4361-4369. doi.org10.3382/ps/pex231.
Impact of low atmosphere pressure stunning of broilers on breast skin Salmonella and Campylobacter post-defeathering and breast fillet meat quality - (Abstract Only)
Bourassa, D.V., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Buhr, R.J. 2017. Impact of low atmosphere pressure stunning of broilers on breast skin Salmonella and Campylobacter post-defeathering and breast fillet meat quality [abstract]. European Symposium on Quality of Poultry Meat. p. 52.
Novel deboning method of chilled broiler carcasses (prior to evisceration) and its effect on meat quality - (Abstract Only)
Thippareddi, H., Rincon, A., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Buhr, R.J. 2017. Novel deboning method of chilled broiler carcasses (prior to evisceration) and its effect on meat quality [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 96(1):572P. p. 207.
Impact of alternative electrical stunning parameters on the ability of broilers to recover consciousness and meat quality - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bourassa, D.V., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Wilson, K.M., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J. 2017. Impact of alternative electrical stunning parameters on the ability of broilers to recover consciousness and meat quality. Poultry Science. 96(9):3495-3501. doi:10.3382/ps/pex120.
Impact of eliminating the carcass chilling step in the production of pre-cooked chicken breast meat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C., Berrang, M.E., Meinersmann, R.J., Buhr, R.J. 2017. Impact of eliminating the carcass chilling step in the production of pre-cooked chicken breast meat. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 26(3):431-436.
The lipopolysaccharide lipid-a long chain fatty acid is important for rhizobium leguminosarum growth and stress adaptation in free-living and nodule environments - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bourassa, D.V., Kannenberg, E.L., Sherrier, D.J., Buhr, R.J., Carlson, R. 2017. The lipopolysaccharide lipid-a long chain fatty acid is important for rhizobium leguminosarum growth and stress adaptation in free-living and nodule environments. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 30(2):161-175.
Neutralization of bactericidal activity related to antimicrobial carry-over in broiler carcass rinse samples - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gamble, G.R., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J., Hinton Jr, A., Bourassa, D.V., Johnston, J.J., Ingram, K.D., Adams, E.S., Feldner, P.W. 2017. Neutralization of bactericidal activity related to antimicrobial carry-over in broiler carcass rinse samples. Journal of Food Protection. 80(4):685-691. doi:10.4315/0362-028x. JFP-16-412.
Impacct of scalding duration and scalding water temperature on broiler processing wastewater loadings - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Gotilla, K.A., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J., Kiepper, B.H. 2017. Impacct of scalding duration and scalding water temperature on broiler processing wastewater loadings [abstract]. Poultry Science. 96(E-Suppl.1):M12. p.5.
Surface water accumulation and subsquent drip loss for processed broiler carcasses subjected to a post-chill water dip or spray - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M., Bartenfeld, L.N., Harris, C.E., Howard, A.K., Ingram, K.D., Hinton Jr, A., Adams, E.S., Berrang, M.E., Feldner, P.W., Gamble, G.R., Frye, J.G., Jackson, C.R., Johnston, J.J., Buhr, R.J. 2017. Surface water accumulation and subsquent drip loss for processed broiler carcasses subjected to a post-chill water dip or spray. Poultry Science. 96(1):241-245.
Stunning and scalding techniques, implications for yield and processing efficiency - (Proceedings)
Buhr, R.J. 2016. Stunning and scalding techniques, implications for yield and processing efficiency. Meeting Proceedings. Zinpro’s 4th International Poultry Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 4:p.34-37.
Routes of transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter in breeder turkeys - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Crespo, M.D., Kathariou, S., Grimes, J.L., Cox Jr., N.A., Buhr, R.J., Frye, J.G., Miller, W.G., Jackson, C.R., Smith, D.P. 2016. Routes of transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter in breeder turkeys. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 25(4):591-609.
Microbiological status of broiler respiratory tracts before and after feed withdrawal during catching - (Abstract Only)
Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M., Buhr, R.J. 2016. Microbiological status of broiler respiratory tracts before and after feed withdrawal during catching [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 95:(E-Suppl.1)70. p.24.
Feather retention force in broiler carcasses slaughtered and held up to 8 hours postmortem prior to scalding - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M., Harris, C.E. 2015. Feather retention force in broiler carcasses slaughtered and held up to 8 hours postmortem prior to scalding [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. Poultry Science. 94:(E-Suppl.1)269. p.92.
The chicken alimentary tract and factors that influence feed passage - (Proceedings)
Buhr, R.J. 2016. The chicken alimentary tract and factors that influence feed passage. Meeting Proceedings. p.5-6.
The chicken alimentary tract demarcation of the jejunum and ileum junction - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V. 2016. The chicken alimentary tract demarcation of the jejunum and ileum junction [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 95:(E-Suppl.1)198. p.67.
Effects of scalding method and sequential tanks on broiler processing wastewater loadings - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J., Kiepper, B.H. 2016. Effects of scalding method and sequential tanks on broiler processing wastewater loadings. [abstract] Poultry Science Meeting. 95:(E-Suppl.1)513P. p.170.
Detection of anti-salmonella flgk antibodies in chickens by automated capillary immunoassay - (Abstract Only)
Use of recombinant salmonella flagellar hook protein (flgk) for detection of anti-salmonella antibodies in chickens by automated capillary immunoassay - (Abstract Only)
Production of recombinant Salmonella flagellar protein, FlgK, and its uses in detection of anti-Salmonella antibodies in chickens by automated capillary immunoassay - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yeh, H., Serrand, K.V., Silvestry, A., Buhr, R.J. 2016. Production of recombinant Salmonella flagellar protein, FlgK, and its uses in detection of anti-Salmonella antibodies in chickens by automated capillary immunoassay. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 122:(3)27-32.
Effect of simulated sanitizer carryover on recovery of salmonella from broiler carcass rinsates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gamble, G.R., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J., Hinton Jr, A., Bourassa, D.V., Johnston, J.J., Ingram, K.D., Adams, E.S., Feldner, P.W. 2016. Effect of simulated sanitizer carryover on recovery of salmonella from broiler carcass rinsates. Journal of Food Protection. 79(5):710-714.
Influence of commercial laying hen housing systems on the incidence and identification of Salmonella and Campylobacter Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jones, D.R., Guard, J.Y., Gast, R.K., Buhr, R.J., Fedorka-Cray, P.J., Abdo, Z., Plumblee Lawrence, J.R., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Rigsby, L.L., Robison, C.I., Regmi, P., Karcher, D.M. 2016. Influence of commercial laying hen housing systems on the incidence and identification of Salmonella and Campylobacter. Poultry Science. 95:1116-1124.
Including xpc® feed additive in the diet of inoculated broilers during grow-out helps control salmonella associated with their carcasses after processing - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Cosby, D.E., Wilson, J.L., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J., Berrang, M.E., Mcintyre, D.R., Smith, D.P. 2016. Including xpc® feed additive in the diet of inoculated broilers during grow-out helps control salmonella associated with their carcasses after processing [abstract]. Poultry Science. 95(E-Suppl 1):274.
Recovery of consciousness in broilers following combined dc and ac stunning - (Abstract Only)
Bourassa, D.V., Bowker, B.C., Buhr, R.J. 2016. Recovery of consciousness in broilers following combined dc and ac stunning. Poultry International Exposition [abstract]. 94:(E-Suppl.1)M23:8.
Relationship between Presence of Anti-Campylobacter FliD Protein Antibodies and Campylobacter jejuni Isolation from Broiler Chickens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Evaluation of the addition of charcoals to broiler diets on the recovery of Salmonella Typhimurium during grow-out and processing - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wilson, K.M., Bourassa, D.V., Davis, A.J., Freeman, M.E., Buhr, R.J. 2016. Evaluation of the addition of charcoals to broiler diets on the recovery of Salmonella Typhimurium during grow-out and processing. Poultry Science. 95(3):694-704.
Prevalence and serogroup diversity of Salmonella for broiler neck skin, whole carcass rinse, and whole carcass enrichment sampling methodologies following air or immersion chilling - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bourassa, D.V., Holmes, J., Cason, J.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Rigsby, L.L., Buhr, R.J. 2015. Prevalence and serogroup diversity of Salmonella for broiler neck skin, whole carcass rinse, and whole carcass enrichment sampling methodologies following air or immersion chilling. Journal of Food Protection. 78(11):1938-1944.
Salmonella and antimicrobial resistance in broilers: A Review - (Review Article)
Cosby, D.E., Cox Jr, N.A., Harrison, M.A., Wilson, J., Buhr, R.J., Cray, P.F. 2015. Salmonella and antimicrobial resistance in broilers: A Review. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 24(3):408-426.
3 Surface water accumulation and subsequent drip loss for processed broiler carcasses subjected to a postchill water dip or spray - (Abstract Only)
Wilson, K.M., Bourassa, D.V., Bartenfeld, L.N., Harris, C.E., Howard, A.K., Ingram, K.D., Hinton Jr, A., Adams, E.S., Berrang, M.E., Feldner, P.W., Gamble, G.R., Frye, J.G., Jackson, C.R., Buhr, R.J. 2015. 3 Surface water accumulation and subsequent drip loss for processed broiler carcasses subjected to a postchill water dip or spray. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. Poultry Science. 94:(E-Suppl.1)123. p.43-44.
Microbiology and evisceration efficiency of broiler carcasses slaughtered and held up to 8 hours postmortem prior to scalding and defeathering - (Abstract Only)
Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M., Harris, C.E., Buhr, R.J. 2015. Microbiology and evisceration efficiency of broiler carcasses slaughtered and held up to 8 hours postmortem prior to scalding and defeathering. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. Poultry Science. 94:(E-Suppl.1)268. p.92.
Re-evaluation of broiler carcass scalding protocols for impact on the recovery of Campylobacter from breast skin after defeathering - (Abstract Only)
Howard, A., Wilson, K., Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J. 2015. Re-evaluation of broiler carcass scalding protocols for impact on the recovery of Campylobacter from breast skin after defeathering [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 94:(E-Suppl. 1)M44. p.14. 2015.
Impact of extended stun duration and voltage on the recovery of consciousness in broilers - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C., Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K., Buhr, R.J. 2015. Impact of extended stun duration and voltage on the recovery of consciousness in broilers [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 94:(E-Suppl.1)M48. p.15, 2015.
Defeathering of broiler carcasses subjected to delayed scalding 1, 2, 4, and 8 hours after slaughter - (Abstract Only)
Harris, C.E., Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K., Buhr, R.J. 2015. Defeathering of broiler carcasses subjected to delayed scalding 1, 2, 4, and 8 hours after slaughter [abstract]. Meeting Abstract. 94:(E-Suppl.1)P246. p.72, 2015.
Addition of charcoals to broilers feeds did not impact Salmonella Typhimurium colonization or persistence, or the pH of the crop or duodenum during a 6 wk growout - (Abstract Only)
Wilson, K., Bourassa, D.V., Davis, A.J., Freeman, M.E., Buhr, R.J. 2015. Addition of charcoals to broilers feeds did not impact Salmonella Typhimurium colonization or persistence, or the pH of the crop or duodenum during a 6 wk growout. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 94:(E-Suppl.1)M40. pp.12-13, 2015.
Isolation of naturally occurring Campylobacter from the circulating blood of broilers - (Trade Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Cosby, D.E., Berrang, M.E., Harrison, M. 2015. Isolation of naturally occurring Campylobacter from the circulating blood of broilers. WATT Poultry USA. 16(2):p.18-20.
Microbiological impact of three commercial laying hen housing systems - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jones, D.R., Cox Jr, N.A., Guard, J.Y., Cray, P.J., Buhr, R.J., Gast, R.K., Abdo, Z., Rigsby, L.L., Plumblee, J., Karcher, D.M., Robinson, C.I., Blatchford, R.A., Makagon, M.M. 2015. Microbiological impact of three commercial laying hen housing systems. Poultry Science. 94:544-551.
Colonization of day-old broilers with gentamicin-resistant Campylobacter coli following challenge via different inoculation routes - (Abstract Only)
Cosby, D.E., Cox Jr, N.A., Harrison, M.A., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J., Wilson, J.L., Cray, P.J. 2014. Colonization of day-old broilers with gentamicin-resistant Campylobacter coli following challenge via different inoculation routes. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. July 14-17,2014. Corpus Christi, Texas.
The effect of high-level chlorine carcass drench on the recovery of Salmonella and enumeration of bacteria from broiler carcasses Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bartenfeld Jossel, L.N., Fletcher, D.L., Northcutt, J.K., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J. 2014. The effect of high-level chlorine carcass drench on the recovery of Salmonella and enumeration of bacteria from broiler carcasses. Poultry Science. 93(11):2893-2899.
Does Salmonella translocate in organs to colonize broiler chicks? - (Trade Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Cosby, D.E., Mclendon, B.L., Wilson, J.L., Richardson, L.J., Berrang, M.E., Rigsby, L.L., Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, K.M. 2014. Does Salmonella translocate in organs to colonize broiler chicks? WATT Poultry USA. 15(8):p.30-31.
Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella recovered from non-sanitized and sanitized broiler hatching eggs Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Musgrove, M.T., Stephens, C.B., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Mauldin, J.M., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J. 2014. Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella recovered from non-sanitized and sanitized broiler hatching eggs. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 23(3):516-522.
Impact of carcass scalding and chilling on muscle proteins and meat quality of broiler breast fillets - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Buhr, R.J. 2014. Impact of carcass scalding and chilling on muscle proteins and meat quality of broiler breast fillets. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 59:156-162.
Recovery of salmonella serovar enteritidis from inoculated broiler hatching eggs using shell rinse and shell crush sampling methods - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Webb, M.L., Spickler, J.L., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Wilson, J.L., Buhr, R.J. 2014. Recovery of salmonella serovar enteritidis from inoculated broiler hatching eggs using shell rinse and shell crush sampling methods. Poultry Science. 93:(8)2117-2122.
Hot-boning enhances cook yield of boneless skinless chicken thighs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C., Buhr, R.J., Sanchez Brambila, G.Y. 2014. Hot-boning enhances cook yield of boneless skinless chicken thighs. Poultry Science. 93:1553-1560.
Impact of broiler processing scalding and chilling profiles on carcass and breast meat yield - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Buhr, R.J., Walker, J.M., Bourassa, D.V., Brooke, C.A., Brian, K.H., Zhuang, H. 2014. Impact of broiler processing scalding and chilling profiles on carcass and breast meat yield. Poultry Science. 93:1534-1541.
Survival of naturally occurring Campylobacter in refrigerated and frozen rinsate from a broiler carcass-a research note - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Berrang, M.E., Rigsby, L.L., Buhr, R.J., Plumblee Lawrence, J.R., Cray, P.J. 2014. Survival of naturally occurring Campylobacter in refrigerated and frozen rinsate from a broiler carcass-a research note. Journal of Food Safety. 34(1):76-78.
Sampling naturally contaminated broiler carcasses for Salmonella by three different methods - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Smith, D.P., Cason, J.A., Rigsby, L.L., Bourassa, D.V., Cray, P.J., Cosby, D.E. 2014. Sampling naturally contaminated broiler carcasses for Salmonella by three different methods. Journal of Food Protection. 77(3):493-495.
Evaluation of formic acid and propionic acid feed additives on environmental and cecal Salmonella Typhimurium in broilers - (Abstract Only)
Wilson, K.M., Ritz, C.W., Kiepper, B.H., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J. 2014. Evaluation of formic acid and propionic acid feed additives on environmental and cecal Salmonella Typhimurium in broilers. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 93:(E-Suppl. 1) M34. p.111-112. 2014..
Successional changes in the chicken cecal microbiome during 42 days of growth are independent of organic acid feed additives - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Oakley, B., Buhr, R.J., Casey, R.W., Brian, K.W., Berrang, M.E., Seal, B.S., Cox Jr, N.A. 2014. Successional changes in the chicken cecal microbiome during 42 days of growth are independent of organic acid feed additives. BMC Veterinary Research. 10:282-288.
Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination of turkeys, from breeders to processed carcasses - (Proceedings)
Crespo Rodriguez, M.D., Grimes, J.L., Katharious, S., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Smith, D.P. 2013. Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination of turkeys, from breeders to processed carcasses. Annual North Carolina Turkey Industry Days. Section 8 p.1-15.
Sponge and skin excision sampling for recovery of Salmonella and Campylobacter from defeathered broiler carcasses - (Abstract Only)
Berrang, M.E., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J. 2013. Sponge and skin excision sampling for recovery of Salmonella and Campylobacter from defeathered broiler carcasses [abstract]. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. 76(Suppl A):78.
Testing Feeds for Salmonella. - (Trade Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, K.E., Rigsby, L.L., Cason, J.A., Richardson, L.J., Cray, P.J. 2013. Testing feeds for Salmonella. Feedstuffs. (85): p 28.
Salmonella typhimurium litter recovery during rearing of broiler breeder pullets on skip-a-day and every-day feeding programs - (Abstract Only)
Wilson, K.M., Mclendon, B.L., Bourassa, D.V., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J. 2013. Salmonella typhimurium litter recovery during rearing of broiler breeder pullets on skip-a-day and every-day feeding programs[abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 92:(E-Suppl.1)P272.p.92.
Impact of Skip-a-Day and Every-Day Feeding Programs on the Colonization of Salmonella Typhimurium in Broiler Breeder Pullets - (Abstract Only)
Wilson, K.M., Mclendon, B.L., Bourassa, D.V., Montiel, E.R., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J. 2013. Impact of Skip-a-Day and Every-Day Feeding Programs on the Colonization of Salmonella Typhimurium in Broiler Breeder Pullets [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 92:(E-Suppl.1)13.p.4.
Characterization of Campylobacter jejuni and coli strains isolated in turkeys - (Abstract Only)
Sponge and skin excision sampling for recovery of Salmonella and Campylobacter from defeathered broiler carcasses - (Abstract Only)
Berrang, M.E., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J. 2013. Sponge and skin excision sampling for recovery of Salmonella and Campylobacter from defeathered broiler carcasses [abstract]. International Association for Food Protection Proceedings. July 28-31, 2013. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Can the fertile egg spread Campylobacter from broiler hen to off spring? - (Trade Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richarson, L.J., Maurer, J.J., Berrang, M.E., Cray, P.J., Buhr, R.J., Byrd Ii, J.A., Lee, M.D., Hofacre, C.L., O'Kane, P.M., Lammerding, A.M., Clark, A.G., Thayer, S.G., Doyle, M.P. 2013. Can the fertile egg spread Campylobacter from broiler hen to off spring? WATT Poultry USA. 14(8):26-29.
Efficacy of chemical sprays to eliminate inoculated Salmonella from defeathered broiler breast skin - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Berrang, M.E., Bourassa, D.V., Rigsby, L.L., Oakley, B., Russell, S.M. 2013. Efficacy of chemical sprays to eliminate inoculated Salmonella from defeathered broiler breast skin [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. January 29-31,2013. Atlanta, Georgia. P.55.
Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) as a tool for visualization and enumeration of Campylobacter in broiler ceca - (Abstract Only)
Oakley, B., Yoon, S.C., Line, J.E., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A. 2013. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) as a tool for visualization and enumeration of Campylobacter in broiler ceca. International Poultry Scientific Forum. P.53.
Effects of broiler carcass scalding and chilling methods on quality of early-deboned breast fillets - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Kiepper, B.H. 2013. Effects of broiler carcass scalding and chilling methods on quality of early-deboned breast fillets. Poultry Science. 92(5):1393-1399.
Inherent weaknesses in the cultural methods used for Salmonella detection - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Cray, P.J. 2013. Inherent weaknesses in the cultural methods used for Salmonella detection [abstract]. Poultry International Exposition. p. 25.
Variations in preenrichment pH of poultry feed and feed ingredients after incubation periods up to 48 hours - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Cason, J.A., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, K.E., Richardson, L.J., Rigsby, L.L., Cray, P.J. 2013. Variations in preenrichment pH of poultry feed and feed ingredients after incubation periods up to 48 hours. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 22(2):190-195.
Practical applications of next-generation sequencing for food-safety research - (Abstract Only)
Oakley, B., Line, J.E., Hiett, K.L., Morales, C.A., Berrang, M.E., Johnson, J.M., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Seal, B.S. 2012. Practical applications of next-generation sequencing for food-safety research. 2012 U.S. Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UNJR), Food and Agriculture Panel. March 5-6, 2012. Seiryo, Kaikan.
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Salmonella Heidelberg and Kentucky isolates recovered from broiler chicks - (Abstract Only)
Cosby, D.E., Cray, P.J., Harrison, M.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Meinersmann, R.J., Berrang, M.E., Wilson, J.L. 2013. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Salmonella Heidelberg and Kentucky isolates recovered from broiler chicks. International Poultry Scientific Forum. January 28-29, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia. P.46.
Efficacy of combination chemicals as sanitizers of Salmonella-inoculated broiler hatching eggshells - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Buhr, R.J., Spickler, J.L., Ritter, A.R., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Wilson, J.L. 2013. Efficacy of combination chemicals as sanitizers of Salmonella-inoculated broiler hatching eggshells [abstract]. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 22(1):27-35.
Evidence for horizontal and vertical transmission in Campylobacter passage from hen to her progeny - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Maurer, J.J., Berrang, M.E., Cray, P.J., Buhr, R.J., Byrd Ii, J.A., Lee, M.D., Hofacre, C.L., O'Kane, P.M., Lammerding, A.M., Clark, A.G., Thayer, S.G., Doyle, M.P. 2012. Evidence for horizontal and vertical transmission in Campylobacter passage from hen to her progeny. Journal of Food Protection. 75(10):1896-1902.
Relationship of muscle exudate protein characteristics to broiler breast meat quality - (Abstract Only)
Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Buhr, R.J. 2012. Relationship of muscle exudate protein characteristics to broiler breast meat quality [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 91:471.
Impact of Feeding Systems and Vaccination Programs on Salmonella Enteritidis Colonization and Clearance of E. Coli In Broiler Broiler Breeders Pullets - (Abstract Only)
Colonization of day-of-hatch broiler chicks with antimicrobial resistant strains of salmonella Heidelberg and Kentucky - (Abstract Only)
Cosby, D.E., Cray, P.J., Harrison, M.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Wilson, J.L. 2012. Colonization of day-of-hatch broiler chicks with antimicrobial resistant strains of salmonella Heidelberg and Kentucky. Poultry Science Association. 91(Suppl.1):56.
Enterobacteriaceae and salmonella recovered from non-sanitized and sanitized broiler hatching eggs - (Abstract Only)
Musgrove, M.T., Stephens, C.B., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Mauldin, J.M., Buhr, R.J. 2012. Enterobacteriaceae and salmonella recovered from non-sanitized and sanitized broiler hatching eggs [abstract]. Poultry Science. 91:(Supp. 1)P285. p. 97-98.
Survival of naturally occurring Campylobacter in refrigerated and frozen rinsate from a broiler carcass - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Larry, R.J., Berrang, M.E., Rigsby, L.L., Buhr, R.J., Plumblee, J., Cray, P.J. 2012. Survival of naturally occurring Campylobacter in refrigerated and frozen rinsate from a broiler carcass. Poultry Science. 91(Suppl. 1):156.
Application of Removable Coatings and Storage Time on Internal Quality of Broiler Hatching Eggs - (Abstract Only)
Mauldin, J.M., Buhr, R.J., Jones, D.R., Santos, J., Aggrey, S.E. 2012. Application of Removable Coatings and Storage Time on Internal Quality of Broiler Hatching Eggs [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 91(Suppl.1):167. p.91. . Poultry Science Meeting. 91(Suppl. 1):167. p.91.
Sampling each naturally contaminated broiler carcass for Salmonella by three different methods - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Cason, J.A., Cray, P.J., Rigsby, L.L., Bourassa, D.V., Cosby, D.E. 2012. Sampling each naturally contaminated broiler carcass for Salmonella by three different methods [abstract]. Poultry Science. 91(Suppl. 1):155-156.
Impact of broiler slaughter scalding method on processing wastewater stream - (Abstract Only)
Kiepper, B.H., Buhr, R.J., Walker, J.M., Bourassa, D.V., Brooke, C.A., Zhuang, H. 2012. Impact of broiler slaughter scalding method on processing wastewater stream [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 91(suppl. 1):69. p.25.
Impact of broiler processing scalding and chilling profiles on carcass and breast meat yield - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Walker, J.M., Bourassa, D.V., Caudill, B.A., Kiepper, B.H., Zhuang, H. 2012. Impact of broiler processing scalding and chilling profiles on carcass and breast meat yield [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. Poultry Science 91:(Suppl.1)68.p.25.2012.
Impact of carcass scalding and chilling methods on the functionality of early-deboned broiler breast fillets - (Abstract Only)
Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Kiepper, B.H. 2012. Impact of carcass scalding and chilling methods on the functionality of early-deboned broiler breast fillets [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 91(Suppl. 1)70 p.25-26.
Impact of Skip a Day and Every Day Feeding Programs on the Colonization Rates of Salmonella Enteritidis in Broiler Breeder Pullets - (Abstract Only)
Montiel, E.R., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Hofacre, C.L., Davis, A.J., Wilson, J.L. 2012. Impact of Skip a Day and Every Day Feeding Programs on the Colonization Rates of Salmonella Enteritidis in Broiler Breeder Pullets [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 91(Suppl. 1):17. p7-8.
Clearance of Escherichia coli After Intravenous Inoculation in Broiler Breeder Pullets Fed Skip a day, Every Day in the feeder and Every Day on the Litter - (Abstract Only)
Montiel, E.R., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Hofacre, C.L., Davis, A.J., Wilson, J.L. 2012. Clearance of Escherichia coli After Intravenous Inoculation in Broiler Breeder Pullets Fed Skip a day, Every Day in the feeder and Every Day on the Litter [abstract]. Poultry Science Meeting. 91(Suppl. 1):18. p.8.
Stunning systems for poultry - (Proceedings)
Buhr, R.J. 2012. Stunning systems for poultry. World Poultry Congress Proceedings. PL11 6 pages.
Testing of duplicate rinse aliquots for presence of Salmonella - (Abstract Only)
Cason Jr, J.A., Smith, D.P., Buhr, R.J., Hinton Jr, A., Cox Jr, N.A. 2011. Testing of duplicate rinse aliquots for presence of Salmonella [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. p. 75-76.
Pyrosequencing-based validation of a simple cell-suspension polymerase chain reaction assay for Campylobacter... of high-processivity polymerase with novel internal amplification controls for rapid and specific detection. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Oakley, B., Line, J.E., Berrang, M.E., Johnson, J., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Hiett, K.L., Seal, B.S. 2012. Pyrosequencing-based validation of a simple cell-suspension polymerase chain reaction assay for Campylobacter with application of high-processivity polymerase with novel internal amplification controls for rapid and specific detection. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 72(2):131-138.
Horizontal transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter among caged and cage-free laying hens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hannah, J.F., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J. 2011. Horizontal transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter among caged and cage-free laying hens. Avian Diseases. 55:580-587.
Colonization of a marker and field strain of Salmonella Enteritidis and a marker strain of Salmonella Typhimurium in vancomycin pretreated and non-pretreated laying hens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hannah, J.F., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J. 2011. Colonization of a marker and field strain of Salmonella Enteritidis and a marker strain of Salmonella Typhimurium in vancomycin pretreated and non-pretreated laying hens. Avian Diseases. 55:588-592.
Development of the immune system in broiler breeder pullets receiving various vaccinaton programs and feeding systems in controlled and field conditions - (Abstract Only)
Montiel, E., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Willis, C., Hofacre, C., Wilson, J. 2011. Development of the immune system in broiler breeder pullets receiving various vaccinaton programs and feeding systems in controlled and field conditions. Meeting Abstract. 90(270):73.
Isolation of campylobacter from circulating blood of commercial broilers - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Richardson, L.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Harrison, M.A. 2011. Isolation of campylobacter from circulating blood of commercial broilers. Avian Diseases. 55(3):375-378.
Impact of litter salmonella on the recovered salmonella from broiler crop and ceca following feed withdrawal - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Hinton Jr, A., Cason Jr, J.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Bourassa, D.V., Rigsby, L.L. 2011. Impact of litter salmonella on the recovered salmonella from broiler crop and ceca following feed withdrawal. Meeting Abstract. 90(74):24.
Variations in preenrichment pH of poultry feed and feed ingredients after incubation periods up to 48 hours - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Richardson, K.E., Richardson, F.J., Rigsby, L.L., Cray, P.J. 2011. Variations in preenrichment pH of poultry feed and feed ingredients after incubation periods up to 48 hours. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 90(443):118.
Comparison between rinse and crush-and-rub sampling for aerobic bacteria recovery from broiler hatching eggs after sanitization - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Spickler, J.L., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Bourassa, D.V., Rigsby, L.L. 2011. Comparison between rinse and crush-and-rub sampling for aerobic bacteria recovery from broiler hatching eggs after sanitization. Poultry Science. 90:(7)1609-1615.
Comparison of shell bacteria from unwashed and washed table eggs harvested from caged laying hens and cage-free floor-housed laying hens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hannah, J.F., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Cason Jr, J.A., Bourassa, D.V., Richardson, L.J., Musgrove, M.T., Rigsby, L.L., Buhr, R.J. 2011. Comparison of shell bacteria from unwashed and washed table eggs harvested from caged laying hens and cage-free floor-housed laying hens. Poultry Science. 90(7):1586-1593.
Food safety effects of unabsorbed yolks in broilers - (Trade Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Northcutt, J.K., Cray, P.J., Fairchild, B.D. 2011. Food safety effects of unabsorbed yolks in broilers. WATT Poultry USA. P. 34-35.
Salmonella-positive broiler carcasses contaminated by multiple serotypes - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Cray, P.J., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Cason Jr, J.A. 2011. Salmonella-positive broiler carcasses contaminated by multiple serotypes [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 258P, P.74 (ABST).
Carcass enrichment detects Salmonella from broiler carcasses found to be negative by other sampling methods - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Cray, P.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Cosby, D.E., Rigsby, L.L., Bourassa, D.V. 2011. Carcass enrichment detects Salmonella from broiler carcasses found to be negative by other sampling methods [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. 259P, P.75 (ABST)..
Effects of treating broiler breeder hatching eggs with removable coatings at four storage times on hatchability performance - (Abstract Only)
Santos, J., Mauldin, J., Buhr, R.J., Jones, D.R., Aggrey, S. 2011. Effects of treating broiler breeder hatching eggs with removable coatings at four storage times on hatchability performance [abstract]. Meeting Abstract. 140P, P.41 (ABST).
Comparison between Rinse and Crush-and-Rub Sampling for Aerobic Bacteria Recovery from Hatching Eggs after Sanitization - (Abstract Only)
Spickler, J.L., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Bourassa, D.V., Rigsby, L.L. 2011. Comparison between Rinse and Crush-and-Rub Sampling for Aerobic Bacteria Recovery from Hatching Eggs after Sanitization [abstract]. Meeting Abstract. 90(7):1609-1615.
Prevalence of salmonella following immersion chilling for matched neck skin, whole carcass rinse, and whole carcass enrichment sampling methodologies - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Holmes, J.M., Cason Jr, J.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Bourassa, D.V., Rigsby, L.L., Cray, P.J. 2011. Prevalence of salmonella following immersion chilling for matched neck skin, whole carcass rinse, and whole carcass enrichment sampling methodologies [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. Vol. 90(E-Supp.1)59. p. 224.
Effect of stomaching on numbers of bacteria recovered from chicken skin - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hannah, J.F., Cason Jr, J.A., Richardson, L.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Hinton Jr, A., Buhr, R.J., Smith, D.P. 2011. Effect of stomaching on numbers of bacteria recovered from chicken skin. Poultry Science. 90:491-493.
A new humane method of stunning broilers using low atmospheric pressure - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vizzier-Thaxton, Y., Christensen, K., Schilling, M., Buhr, R.J., Thaxton, J. 2010. A new humane method of stunning broilers using low atmospheric pressure. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 19:(4) 341-348.2010.
Comparison of the rinse and crush-and-rub eggshell sampling for aerobic bacteria of broiler hatching eggs after treatment with commercial sanitizers - (Proceedings)
Spickler, J.L., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A. 2010. Comparison of the rinse and crush-and-rub eggshell sampling for aerobic bacteria of broiler hatching eggs after treatment with commercial sanitizers. Georgia Poultry Conference Proceedings.
Effect of inoculation and application methods on the performance of chemicals used to disinfect salmonella contaminated broiler hatching eggs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Musgrove, M.T., Cox Jr, N.A., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, L.J., Mauldin, J.M. 2010. Effect of inoculation and application methods on the performance of chemicals used to disinfect salmonella contaminated broiler hatching eggs. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 19(4):387-392.
Comparison of the statistics of salmonella testing of chilled broiler chicken carcasses by whole carcass rinse and neck skin excision - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cason Jr, J.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, L.J. 2010. Comparison of the statistics of salmonella testing of chilled broiler chicken carcasses by whole carcass rinse and neck skin excision. Poultry Science. 89:2038-2040.
Scientific and technical factors affecting the setting of salmonella criteria for raw poultry: a global perspective 73:(8) 1566-1590 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mead, G.C., Lammerding, A., Cox Jr, N.A., Doyle, M.P., Humbert, F., Kulikovskiy, A., Panin, A., Nascimento, V., Wierup, M., Biggs, R., Buhr, R.J., Cahill, S., Cason Jr, J.A., Chalermchaikit, T., Filho, R., Forshell, L., Hidalgo, H., Hofacre, C., Hupkes, H., Landinez, M., Madsen, M., Mulder, R., Richardson, L.J., Shi, Z., Smith, D., Toyofuku, H., Tuominen, P., Uyttendaele, M., Zwietering, M. 2010. Scientific and technical factors affecting the setting of salmonella criteria for raw poultry: a global perspective. Journal of Food Protection. 73(8):1566-1590.
Campylobacter – How does it get in the chicken - (Trade Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Cray, P.J., Vizzier-Thaxton, Y. 2010. Campylobacter – How does it get in the chicken. WATT Poultry USA. 11(9):22-25.
Spray washing carcasses with alkaline solutions of lauric acid to reduce bacterial contamination - (Abstract Only)
Hinton Jr, A., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J., Liljebjelke, K.A. 2010. Spray washing carcasses with alkaline solutions of lauric acid to reduce bacterial contamination [abstract]. XIIIth European Poultry Conference Proceedings, Tours, France. #192.
Probability of identifying different salmonella serotypes in poultry samples - (Abstract Only)
Cason Jr, J.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Richardson, L.J. 2010. Probability of identifying different salmonella serotypes in poultry samples [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract.
Colonization of marker and field strains of salmonella enteritidis and typhimurium in antibiotic treated and non-treated laying hen - (Abstract Only)
Hannah, J.F., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J. 2010. Colonization of marker and field strains of salmonella enteritidis and typhimurium in antibiotic treated and non-treated laying hen [abstract]. Poultry Science. 89:(E-Supp. 1)442. p. 153.
Salmonella recovery following air chilling for matched neck-skin and whole carcass sampling methodologies - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Cason Jr, J.A., Rigsby, L.L., Bourassa, D.V. 2010. Salmonella recovery following air chilling for matched neck-skin and whole carcass sampling methodologies [abstract]. Poultry Science. 89:(E-Supp.1)371. p. 292..
Influence of washing time on residual contamination of carcasses sprayed with lauric acid-potassium hydroxide. - (Trade Journal)
Hinton Jr, A., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J., Liljebjelke, K.A. 2010. Influence of washing time on residual contamination of carcasses sprayed with lauric acid-potassium hydroxide. Available:
Comparison of neck skin excision and whole carcass rinse sampling methods for determining Salmonella prevalence and E. coli counts on broiler carcasses before and after immersion chilling - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J., Vizzier-Thaxton, Y., Smith, D.P., Cray, P.J., Romanenghi, C.P., Pereira, L.B., Doyle, M.P. 2010. Comparison of neck skin excision and whole carcass rinse sampling methods for determining Salmonella prevalence and E. coli counts on broiler carcasses before and after immersion chilling. Journal of Food Protection. 73(5):976-980.
Salmonella Enteritidis growth characteristics utilizing different enrichment broths which contain other Salmonella serovars and extraneous microflora - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cray, P.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J. 2010. Salmonella Enteritidis growth characteristics utilizing different enrichment broths which contain other Salmonella serovars and extraneous microflora. International Poultry Scientific Forum. P158B:25.
Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis along with Antimicrobial Resistance pattern of Salmonella serotypes isolated from broiler whole carcass rinses - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Cray, P.J., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Mcglinchey, B., Hall, M.C., Haro, J.H. 2010. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis along with Antimicrobial Resistance pattern of Salmonella serotypes isolated from broiler whole carcass rinses [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. January 25 - 26, 2010. Atlanta, GA.
Salmonella serotype diversity from broiler carcass rinses evaluated by two secondary enrichments along with two plating media - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Cray, P.J., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., House, S.L. 2010. Salmonella serotype diversity from broiler carcass rinses evaluated by two secondary enrichments along with two plating media [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. January 25 - 26, 2010. Altanta, GA.
Routes for Campylobacter coli colonization of the intestinal track of chicks - (Abstract Only)
Cosby, D.E., Cray, P.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, L.J., Harrison, M.A., Wilson, J.L. 2010. Routes for Campylobacter coli colonization of the intestinal track of chicks [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. January 25 - 26, 2010. Atlanta, GA. M78. P.24.
Evaluation of a quail embryo model for the detection of botulinum toxin type A activity - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Phillips, R.W., Kelley, L.C. 2009. Evaluation of a quail embryo model for the detection of botulinum toxin type A activity. The Botulinum Journal. 1(2):281-296.
Comparison of the statistics of salmonella testing of chilled broiler chicken carcasses in the United States and Europe - (Abstract Only)
Cason Jr, J.A., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, L.J. 2009. Comparison of the statistics of salmonella testing of chilled broiler chicken carcasses in the United States and Europe [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 88(S1):452P. P.132.
Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli, and C. lari naturally present in Leghorn laying hens and the antibiotic resistance profiles of these organisms - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Cray, P.J. 2009. Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli, and C. lari naturally present in Leghorn laying hens and the antibiotic resistance profiles of these organisms [abstract]. Poultry Science Association. 88(S1):430P. P.131-132.
Evaluation of enrichment procedures to recover C. jejuni and C. coli from a dry-atmospheric-temperature stressful environment - (Abstract Only)
Richardson, L.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Harrison, M.A. 2009. Evaluation of enrichment procedures to recover C. jejuni and C. coli from a dry-atmospheric-temperature stressful environment [abstract]. Poultry Science Association. 88(S1):432P. P.132.
Potential for horizontal transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter among caged and cage free laying hens - (Abstract Only)
Hannah, J.F., Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A. 2009. Potential for horizontal transmission of Salmonella and Campylobacter among caged and cage free laying hens [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 88(S1):55.
Room environment influence on eggshell bacterial levels of non-washed and washed eggs from caged and cage-free laying hens - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Hannah, J.F., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Musgrove, M.T. 2009. Room environment influence on eggshell bacterial levels of non-washed and washed eggs from caged and cage-free laying hens [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 88(Suppl.1):228. P. 72.
Comparison of neck skin versus whole carcass rinse for incidence of Salmonella and level of E. coli recovered from broiler carcasses - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J., Smith, D.P., Cray, P.J., Doyle, M.P. 2009. Comparison of neck skin versus whole carcass rinse for incidence of Salmonella and level of E. coli recovered from broiler carcasses [abstract]. International Poultry Forum Proceedings. 88(S1):P217:206.
Eggshell bacterial contamination of non-washed and washed eggs from caged and cage-free hens - (Abstract Only)
Hannah, J.F., Wilson, J.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Cason Jr, J.A., Musgrove, M.T., Buhr, R.J. 2009. Eggshell bacterial contamination of non-washed and washed eggs from caged and cage-free hens. International Poultry Forum Proceedings. 88(1M12):142-143.
Development of a quail embryo model for the detection of botulinum neurotoxin activity - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Phillips, R.W., Kelley, L.C. 2009. Development of a quail embryo model for the detection of botulinum neurotoxin activity[abstract]. Poultry Science. 88(Suppl 1):M75. P.24.
Eggshell surface and deep bacteria recovered from non-sanitized and sanitized broielr hatching eggs - (Abstract Only)
Evaluation of quail and chicken embryos for the detection of botulism toxin serotypes A, B E and F activity. - (Proceedings)
Evaluation of quail and chicken embryos for the detection of botulinum toxin serotypes A, B, E and F activity - (Proceedings)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Phillips, R.W., Kelley, L.C. 2008. Evaluation of quail and chicken embryos for the detection of botulinum toxin serotypes A, B, E and F activity. Interagency Botulism Research Committee. P-40. p. 226.
Darkling Beetles as a Potential Transmission Source of Salmonella in Broiler Flocks - (Trade Journal)
Fairchild, D.B., Roche, A.J., Hinkle, N.C., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Cason Jr, J.A. 2008. Darkling Beetles as a Potential Transmission Source of Salmonella in Broiler Flocks. Feedinfo News Service. P.18.
Molecular Phylogeny of the flaA Short Variable Region and invasiveness among Campylobacter spp. isolated from the blood and ceca of commercial broilers - (Abstract Only)
Richardson, L.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Akins, E.D., Hiett, K.L., Harrison, M.A. 2008. Molecular Phylogeny of the flaA Short Variable Region and invasiveness among Campylobacter spp. isolated from the blood and ceca of commercial broilers [abstract]. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 87(S1):102.
Molecular phylogeny of the flaA short variable region and invasiveness among campylobacter spp. isolated from the blood and ceca of commerical broilers - (Abstract Only)
Richardson, L.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Buhr, R.J., Hiett, K.L., Akins, E.D., Harrison, M.A. 2008. Molecular phylogeny of the flaA short variable region and invasiveness among campylobacter spp. isolated from the blood and ceca of commerical broilers. Poultry Science. 87:(Supp.1)MP321. p. 102.
Efficacy of polymers in combination with biocides as sanitizer of salmonella inoculated broiler hatching eggs - (Abstract Only)
Ritter, A.R., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, L.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Bright, W., Wilson, J.L. 2008. Efficacy of polymers in combination with biocides as sanitizer of salmonella inoculated broiler hatching eggs [abstract]. Poultry International Exposition. 87(S1):151.
Contaminated larval and adult darkling beetles can serve as vectors in transmission of Salmonella Typhimurium in a broiler flock - (Abstract Only)
Roche, A.J., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, L.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Fairchild, B.D., Siragusa, G.R., Hinkle, N.C. 2008. Contaminated larval and adult darkling beetles can serve as vectors in transmission of Salmonella Typhimurium in a broiler flock [abstract]. Poultry International Exposition. 87(S1):142.
Impact of added sand on the recovery of aalmonella, campylobacter, escherichia coli, and coliforms from pre-chill and post-chill broiler carcass halves - (Abstract Only)
Hannah, J.F., Fletcher, D.L., Cox Jr, N.A., Smith, D.P., Cason Jr, J.A., Northcutt, J.K., Buhr, R.J., Richardson, L.J. 2008. Impact of added sand on the recovery of aalmonella, campylobacter, escherichia coli, and coliforms from pre-chill and post-chill broiler carcass halves[abstract]. International Poultry Forum Proceedings. 87:(Supp. 1)P141. p. 167-168.
Utilizing a gentamicin resistant Campylobacter (C. coli) in poultry research - (Abstract Only)
Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Buhr, R.J., Cray, P.J., Berrang, M.E., Bailey, J.S., Northcutt, J.K. 2008. Utilizing a gentamicin resistant Campylobacter (C. coli) in poultry research [abstract]. International Poultry Forum Proceedings. Poul Sci: 87 (S1): 168.
Detection of botulinum toxin types A, B, E, and F activity using the quail embryo - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Bourassa, D.V., Cox Jr, N.A., Phillips, R.W., Richardson, L.J., Kelley, L.C. 2007. Detection of botulinum toxin types A, B, E, and F activity using the quail embryo[abstract]. American College of Toxicology Annual. P31, P.73-74.
Development of a quail embryo model for the detection of botulinum toxin type A activity - (Abstract Only)
Buhr, R.J., Cox Jr, N.A., Richardson, L.J., Phillips, R.W., Kelley, L.C. 2007. Development of a quail embryo model for the detection of botulinum toxin type A activity[abstract]. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. P.112.
Cason Jr, J.A., Buhr, R.J., Hinton Jr, A., Berrang, M.E., Cox Jr, N.A. 2005. External treatment of broiler chickens with lactic acid bacteria before slaughter. International Journal of Poultry Science. 4(12):944-946.
Bouldin, J.G., Buhr, R.J. 2006. Evaluation of egg shell quality of hens infected with salmonella enteritidis by application of compression. Poultry Science. (85):129-135
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