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Leona Horst
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Leona Horst

1680 Madison Ave. Wooster Ohio 44691

 (330) 201-7863



My research conducts IR4 trials at various locations with different soil types and collaborates with other ARS and University scientists on various projects including biological control of diseases on ornamentals in the greenhouse; spray drift studies in greenhouse and field locations; identification, maintenance of viable fungal cultures; analysis and interpretation of data from projects; sample preparation and operation of scanning electron microscopes or transmission electron microscope under a variety of conditions and samples including pesticide characterization and deposition. 


Leona Horst Google scholar


Research experience: 

1977-1990 Physical science technician, Soft Wheat Quality Lab, USDA, ARS, Wooster, OH 
1990-2003 Biological Laboratory Technician, USDA, ARS, Application Technology Research Unit, Wooster, OH 
2003-2007 Plant Pathologist, USDA, ARS, Application Technology Research Unit, Wooster, OH 
2007-present Horticulturist, USDA, ARS, Application Technology Research Unit, Wooster, OH 


Educational background:

1972-1976 University of Akron: B.S. in biology, 1976
1987-1990 University of Akron: B.A. in secondary education, 1990 
1991-1997  The Ohio State University:  M.S. Plant Pathology, 1997 
2001-2007 The Ohio State University: graduate classes in Agronomy and Agricultural Education