Physical Science Technician
Phone (309) 681-6220
Room 1216; Labs 1201, 1207
1815 N University St.
Peoria IL 61604
Amber Durham is a physical science technician working with Dr. Steven Cermak in the Bio-oils Research Unit. She is originally from Central Illinois and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Knox College, in Galesburg, IL. She started her career with NCAUR in 2003. She enjoys her work family and the research driven environment at NCAUR.
- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- Determination of estolide molecular weight distribution via gel permeation chromatography-(Abstract Only)
Bantchev, G.B., Cermak, S.C., Durham, A.L., Price, N.P. 2021. Determination of estolide molecular weight distribution via gel permeation chromatography. In: Proceedings of the American Oil Chemists' Society Annual Meeting & Expo, May 3-14, 2021, Virtual Meeting.
- Fatty acid estolides: A review -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, Y., Biresaw, G., Cermak, S.C., Isbell, T., Ngo, H.L., Chen, L., Durham, A.L. 2020. Fatty acid estolides: A review. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 97(3)231-241.
- Estolide molecular weight distribution via gel permeation chromatography -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bantchev, G.B., Cermak, S.C., Durham, A.L., Price, N.P. 2019. Estolide molecular weight distribution via gel permeation chromatography. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 96(4):365-380.
- Synthesis and physical properties of pennycress estolides and esters -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cermak, S.C., Durham, A.L., Isbell, T.A., Evangelista, R.L., Murray, R.E. 2015. Synthesis and physical properties of pennycress estolides and esters. Industrial Crops and Products. 67:179-184.
- Synthesis of lesquerella a-hydroxy phosphonates-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cusimano, J.S., Hart, M.M., Cermak, D.M., Cermak, S.C., Durham, A.L. 2014. Synthesis of lesquerella a-hydroxy phosphonates. Industrial Crops and Products. 53:236-243.
- Synthesis of novel castor oil phosphonates-(Abstract Only)
Cermak, S.C., Cermak, D.M., Fayer, E.L., Hart, M.M., Coley, C.L., Deppe, A.B., Durham, A.L. 2012. Synthesis of novel castor oil phosphonates. American Chemical Society National Meeting. AGFD 170.
- Novel alpha-hydroxy phosphonic acids via castor oil-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cermak, D.M., Cermak, S.C., Deppe, A.B., Durham, A.L. 2012. Novel alpha-hydroxy phosphonic acids via castor oil. Industrial Crops and Products. 37:394-400.
- Estolides - Ready for commercialization-(Abstract Only)
Cermak, S.C., Bredsguard, J.W., John, B.L., Isbell, K.N., Durham, A.L., Isbell, T.A. 2011. Estolides - Ready for commercialization [abstract]. Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Annual Meeting & Exhibition. p. 107.
- Enrichment of decanoic acid in cuphea fatty acids via distillation-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cermak, S.C., John, A.L., Evangelista, R.L. 2007. Enrichment of Decanoic Acid in Cuphea Fatty Acids via Distillation. Industrial Crops and Products 26(1):93-99.