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Jakeitha L Sonnier (Jackie)
Environmental Microbial & Food Safety Laboratory

Phone: (301) 504-9264
Fax: (301) 504-6608

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Disinfection of foodborne bacteria using the Contamination Sanitization Inspection and Disinfection (CSI-D) device bg Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sanders, J., Alarcorn, V., Marquis, G., Tabb, A., Van Kessel, J.S., Sonnier, J.L., Haley, B.J., Baek, I., Qin, J., Kim, M.S., Vasefi, F., Sokolov, S., Hellberg, R. 2024. Disinfection of foodborne bacteria using the Contamination Sanitization Inspection and Disinfection (CSI-D) device bg. Food Microbiology. 10(9): Article e30490.
Disinfection of Escherichia coli using the contamination sanitization inspection and disinfection (CSI-D) system Reprint Icon - (Proceedings)
Sanders, J., Alacom, V., Marquis, G., Tabb, A., Van Kessel, J.S., Sonnier, J.L., Haley, B.J., Baek, I., Qin, J., Kim, M.S., Vasefi, F., Sokolov, S., Hellberg, R. 2023. Disinfection of Escherichia coli using the contamination sanitization inspection and disinfection (CSI-D) system. Proceedings of SPIE. 125450F.
Deep learning and multiwavelength fluorescence imaging for cleanliness assessment and disinfection in food services Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gorji, H., Van Kessel, J.S., Haley, B.J., Husarik, K., Sonnier, J.L., Shahabi, S., Zadeh, H., Chan, D.E., Qin, J., Baek, I., Kim, M.S., Akhbardeh, A., Sohrabi, M., Kerge, B., Mckinnon, N., Vasefi, F., Tavakolian, K. 2022. Deep learning and multiwavelength fluorescence imaging for cleanliness assessment and disinfection in food services. Frontiers in Remote Sensing.
Interaction of Salmonella enterica with bovine epithelial cells demonstrates serovar-specific attachment and invasion patterns Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Salaheen, S., Sonnier, J.L., Kim, S., Haley, B.J., Van Kessel, J.S. 2020. Interaction of Salmonella enterica with bovine epithelial cells demonstrates serovar-specific attachment and invasion patterns. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease.
Diversity of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli in feces from calves and cows on Pennsylvania dairy farms Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Salaheen, S., Cao, H., Sonnier, J.L., Kim, S., Del Collo, L.P., Hovingh, E., Karns, J.S., Haley, B.J., Van Kessel, J.S. 2019. Diversity of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Escherichia coli in feces from calves and cows on Pennsylvania dairy farms. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease.
Prevalence of Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes, and pathogenic E. coli in bulk tank milk and milk filters from U.S. dairy operations in 2014 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sonnier, J.L., Karns, J.S., Lombard, J.E., Kopral, C.A., Haley, B.J., Kim, S., Van Kessel, J.S. 2018. Prevalence of Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes, and pathogenic Escherichia coli in bulk tank milk and milk and milk filters from U.S. dairy operations in the National Animal Health Monitoring System Dairy 2014 study. Journal of Dairy Science. 101:1943-1956.
Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes within a U.S. dairy herd, 2004-2010 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Haley, B.J., Sonnier, J.L., Ynte, H., Karns, J.S., Van Kessel, J.S. 2015. Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes within a U.S. dairy herd, 2004-2010. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 12:844-850.
Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica isolates from bulk tank milk and milk filters in the United States - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Van Kessel, J.S., Sonnier, J.L., Zhao, S., Karns, J.S. 2013. Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica isolates from bulk tank milk and milk filters in the United States. Journal of Food Protection. DOI: 10.4315/0362-28X.JFP-12-263.
Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica isolated from bulk tank milk and milk filters in the United States - (Abstract Only)
Van Kessel, J.S., Sonnier, J.L., Zhao, S., Karns, J.S. 2012. Antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica isolated from bulk tank milk and milk filters in the United States. Meeting Abstract.