Robert J. Lascano |
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Robert J. Lascano, Ph.D., Research Leader
Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research Unit
3810 4th Street, Lubbock, TX 79415
Voice: 806-723-5238
Fax: 806-723-5272
Cell: 806-317-9182
Dr. Lascano is a GS-15 Soil Scientist and Research Leader of the Wind Erosion & Water Conservation (WEWC) Research Unit of the Cropping Systems Research Laboratory at Lubbock. Dr. Lascano has studied the water balance of cropping systems at a landscape-scale and site-specific management of cotton demonstrating that cotton lint yield across the landscape, calculated using state-space analysis, can be predicted from soil water supply, elevation and soil nitrogen. Dr. Lascano also worked on a recursive calculation of crop evapotranspiration that uses as iterative solution to calculate the surface temperature that satisfies the energy balance of the evaporative surface. More recently, Dr. Lascano has evaluated conservation measures to make better use of rain by reducing runoff and investigated irrigation scheduling techniques under deficit conditions using a landscape-scale model that simulates the water, energy and carbon balance of irrigated fields. Dr. Lascano has authored more than 100 refereed journal publications and numerous conference proceedings. He has co-edited an Irrigation of Agricultural Crops Monograph and Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling book. Since 1994, Dr. Lascano taught a graduate level class on soil-water-plant relations at Texas Tech University and has served on the Graduate Committee of more than 20 students and supervised 10 M.S. and 20 Ph.D. students as an Adjunct Professor at Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University, and Wageningen University. He is Fellow of the American Society of Agronomy. As a faculty member of Texas A&M University and as principal and co-investigator Dr. Lascano secured funding in excess of $7,000,000 of external competitive grants and more than $2,500,000 of internal funding from different agencies. Received competitive funding from Federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and USDA-ARS.
No publications listed for this employee.
Publications Pre-2008
- Van Bavel, C.H.M., J. Lascano, and D.R. Wilson. 1978. Water relations of fritted clay. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32:317–321.
1980 – 1984
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. Spatial variability of soil hydraulics and remotely sensed soil parameters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 46:223–228.
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1983. Experimental verification of a model to predict soil moisture and temperature profiles. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 47:441–448.
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1984. Root water uptake and soil water distribution: test of an availability concept. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 48:233–237.
- Van Bavel, C.H.M., J. Lascano, and L. Stroosnijder. 1984. Test and analysis of a model of water use by sorghum. Soil Sci. 137:443–456.
1985 – 1989
- Van Bavel, C.H.M., J. Lascano, and J.M. Baker. 1985. Calibrating two-probe, gamma-gauge densitometers. Soil Sci. 140:393–395.
- Stroosnijder, L., J. Lascano, C.H.M. van Bavel, and R.W. Newton. 1986. Relation between L-band emittance and soil water content. Remote Sen. Envir. 19:117–125.
- Lascano, R.J., C.H.M. van Bavel, and J.L. Hatfield. 1986. Field calibration of neutron meters using a two-probe gamma-density gauge. Soil Sci. 141:442–447.
- Hicks[1], S.K., J. Lascano, C.W. Wendt, and A.B. Onken. 1986. Use of a hydraulic press for estimation of leaf water potential in grain sorghum. Agron. J. 78:749–751.
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M. van Bavel. 1986. Simulation and measurement of evaporation from a bare soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:1127–1132.
- Lascano, R.J., C.H M. van Bavel, J.L. Hatfield, and D.R. Upchurch. 1987. Energy and water balance of a sparse crop: simulated and measured soil and crop evaporation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:1113–1121.
- Baker, J.M., and J. Lascano. 1989. The spatial sensitivity of time-domain reflectometry. Soil Sci. 147:378–384.
- Lascano, R.J. 1989. Simulation of the energy and water balance of a field crop: comparison between measured and calculated surface temperatures. Proc. of the 1989 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 24–27, 1989, Austin, TX, pp. 649–654. (Peer reviewed).
1990 – 1994
- Payne, W.A.,W. Wendt, and R.J. Lascano. 1990a. Root zone water balances of three low-input millet fields in Niger, West Africa. Agron. J. 82:813–819.
- Payne, W.A.,W. Wendt, and R.J. Lascano. 1990b. Evaluation of bare fallowing on sandy fields of Niger, West Africa. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 54:1079–1084.
- Ham, J.M., L. Heilman, and R.J. Lascano. 1990. Determination of soil water evaporation and transpiration from energy balance and stem flow measurements. Agric. For. Meteorol. 52:287–301.
- Ham, J.M.,L. Heilman, and R.J. Lascano. 1991. Separate determination of soil evaporation and transpiration from energy balance and stem flow measurements. Agron. J. 83:744–753.
- Baker, J.M., and J. Lascano. 1991. Response to the letter of the editor. Soil Sci. 151:256–257.
- Lascano, R.J. 1991. Review of models for predicting soil water balance. In: Sivakumar, M.V.K., J.S. Wallace, C. Renard, and C. Giroux (Eds.). Proc. Int. Workshop, Niamey, Niger, February 1991). IAHS Public. No. 1991. IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, U. K. pp. 443–458. (Peer reviewed).
- Payne, W.A., J. Lascano, and C.W. Wendt. 1991. Annual soil water balance of cropped and fallowed millet fields in Niger. In: Sivakumar, M.V.K., J.S. Wallace, C. Renard, and C. Giroux (Eds.). Proc. Int. Workshop, Niamey, Niger, February 1991). IAHS Public. No. 1991. IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, U. K. pp. 401–411. (Peer reviewed).
- Payne, W.A., J. Lascano, and C.W. Wendt. 1991. Physical and hydrological characterization of three sandy millet fields in Niger. In: Sivakumar, M. V. K., J. S. Wallace, C. Renard, and C. Giroux (Eds.). Proc. Int. Workshop, Niamey, Niger, February 1991). IAHS Public. No. 1991. IAHS Press, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, U. K. pp. 199–207.
- Payne, W.A., J. Lascano, L.R. Hossner, and C.W. Wendt. 1991. Pearl millet growth as affected by phosphorus and water. Agron. J. 83:942–948.
- Lascano, R.J., and J.L. Hatfield. 1992. Spatial variability of soil evaporation along two transects of a bare soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:341–346.
- Lascano, R.J., R.L. Baumhardt, and W.N. Lipe. 1992. Measurement of water flow in young grapevines using the stem heat balance method. J. Enol. Vitic. 43:159–165.
- Payne, W.A.,C. Drew, L.R. Hossner, R.J. Lascano, A.B. Onken, and C.W. Wendt. 1992. Soil phosphorus availability and pearl millet water use efficiency. Crop Sci. 32:1010–1015.
- Bordovsky, J.P., W.M. Lyle, J. Lascano, and D.R. Upchurch. 1992. Cotton irrigation management with LEPA systems. Trans. ASAE. 35:879–884.
- Heilman, J.L., K.J. McInnes, R.W. Gesch, and J. Lascano. 1992. Evaporation from ridge-tilled soil covered with herbicide killed winter wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1278–1286.
- Baumhardt, R.L., and J. Lascano. 1992. Physical and hydraulic properties of a calcic horizon. Soil Sci. 155:368–375.
- Evett, S.R., and J. Lascano. 1993. ENWATBAL.BAS: A mechanistic evapotranspiration model written in compiled BASIC. Agron. J. 85:763–772.
- Lascano, R.J., and L. Stroosnijder. 1993. A simple method for predicting the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:1479–1484.
- Lascano, R.J., L. Baumhardt, S.K. Hicks, and J.L Heilman. 1994. Soil and plant water evaporation from strip tilled cotton: measurement and simulation. Agron. J. 86:987–994.
- Heilman, J.L., K.J. McInnes, M.J. Savage, R.W. Gesch, and J. Lascano. 1994. Soil and canopy energy balances in a west Texas vineyard. Agric. For. Meteorol. 71:99–114.
1995 – 1999
- Hicks, S.K., and J. Lascano. 1995. Estimation of leaf area index for cotton canopies using the LI-COR LAI–2000 plant canopy analyzer. Agron. J. 87:458–464.
- Heilman, J.L., K.J. McInnes, R.W. Gesch, J. Lascano, and M. J. Savage. 1996. Effects of trellising on the energy balance of a west Texas Vineyard. Agric. For. Meteorol. 81:79–93.
- Lascano, R.J., and R.L. Baumhardt. 1996. Effects of crop residue on soil and plant water evaporation in a dryland cotton system. Appl. Climatol. 54:69–84.
- McInnes, K.J., J.L. Heilman, and J. Lascano. 1996. Aerodynamic conductances at the soil surface in a vineyard. Agric. For. Meteorol. 79:29–37.
- Staggenborg, S.A., J. Lascano, and D.R. Krieg. 1996. Determining cotton water use in a semiarid climate with the GOSSYM cotton simulation model. Agron. J. 88:740–745.
- Baumhardt, R.L., and J. Lascano. 1996. Rain infiltration as affected by wheat residue amount and distribution in ridged tillage. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 60:1908–1913.
- Payne, W.A., M.C. Drew, L.R. Hossner, and J. Lascano. 1996. Measurement and modeling of photosynthetic response of pearl millet to soil phosphorus addition. Plant Soil. 184:67–73.
- Lascano, R.J.,T. Vorheis, R.L. Baumhardt, and D.R. Salisbury. 1997. Computer controlled variable intensity rain simulator. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61:1182–1189.
- Zaongo, C.G.L., C.W. Wendt, J. Lascano, and A.S.R. Juo. 1997. Interactions of water, mulch and nitrogen on sorghum in Niger. Plant Soil 197:119–126.
- Lascano, R.J. 1998. Technological basis for the irrigation of palm oil. Palmas. 19:229–241.
- Staggenborg, S.A., D.R. Krieg, and J. Lascano. 1998. Validation of GOSSYM on the Texas High Plains. Agron. J. 88:740–745.
- Qui, G. Y., K. Momii, T. Yano, and J. Lascano. 1999. Experimental verification of a mechanistic model to partition evapotranspiration into soil water and plant evaporation. Agric. For. Meteorol. 93:79–93.
- Baumhardt, R.L., and J. Lascano. 1999. Water budget of dryland cotton intercropped with terminated winter wheat. Agron. J. 91:922–927.
2000 – 2004
- Lascano, R.J. 2000. A general system to measure and to calculate daily crop water use. Agron. J. 92:821–832.
- Baumhardt, R.L., J. Lascano, and S.R. Evett. 2000. Soil material, temperature, and salinity effects on calibration of multisensor capacitance probe. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:1940–1946.
- Lascano, R.J., and F. Munévar. 2000. Technological criteria for irrigation systems selection: application to the oil palm crop in Colombia. 21:270–279.
- Machado, S.,D. Bynum, Jr., T.L. Archer, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, J.P. Bordovsky, E. Segarra, K.F. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, and Wenwei Xu. 2000. Spatial and temporal variability of corn grain yield: site-specific relationships of biotic and abiotic factors. Prec. Agric. 2:359–376.
- Bronson, K.F., A.B. Onken, J.D. Booker, J. Lascano, T.L. Provin, and H.A. Torberg. 2001. Irrigated cotton lint yield as affected by phosphorus fertilizer and landscape position. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32:1959–1967.
- Li, Hong,J. Lascano, Jill Booker, L.T. Wilson, and K.F. Bronson. 2001. Cotton lint yield variability in a heterogeneous soil at a landscape level. Soil Tillage Res. 58:245–258.
- Li, Hong, J. Lascano, E.M. Barnes, Jill Booker, L.T. Wilson, K.F. Bronson, and E. Segarra. 2001. Multispectral reflectance of cotton related to plant growth, soil water, texture and site elevation. Agron. J. 93:1327–1337.
- Li, Hong, J. Lascano, Jill Booker, L.T. Wilson, K.F. Bronson, and E. Segarra. 2002. State-space description of underlying field heterogeneity on water and nitrogen use in cotton. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:585–595.
- Lascano, R.J. 2002. Precision agriculture and nutrient cycling. Soil Sci. 1044–1047, Marcel Dekker.
- Machado, S.,D. Bynum, Jr., T.L. Archer, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, J.P. Bordovsky, E. Segarra, K.F. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, and Wenwei Xu. 2002. Spatial and temporal variability of corn growth and grain yield: implications for site-specific farming. Crop Sci. 42:1564–1576.
- Machado, S., D. Bynum, Jr., T.L. Archer, J. Bordovsky, D.T. Rosenow, C. Peterson, K. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, and E. Segarra. 2002. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Sorghum Grain Yield: Influence of Soil, Water, Pests, and Diseases Relationships. Prec. Agric. 3: 389–406.
- Chilcutt, C.F.,T. Wilson, and R.J. Lascano. 2003. Field evaluation of a Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) damage simulation model: effects of irrigation, H. zea density, and time of damage on cotton yield. J. Econ. Entomol. 96:1174–1183.
- Chua, T.C., K.F. Bronson, J.D. Booker, J.W. Keeling, A.R. Moser, J.P. Bordovsky, J. Lascano, G.J. Green, and E. Segarra. 2003. In-season nitrogen status sensing in irrigated cotton. I. Yields and Nitrogen15 recovery. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1428–1438.
- Bronson, K F., T.D. Chua, J.D. Booker, J.W. Keeling, and J. Lascano. 2003. In-season nitrogen status sensing in irrigated cotton: II. Leaf nitrogen and biomass. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1439–1448.
- Bronson, K.F., J.W. Keeling, J.D. Booker, T.T. Chua, T.A. Wheeler, R.K. Boman, and J. Lascano. 2003. Cotton lint yields: influence of phosphorus fertilizer, landscape position and soil type. Agron. J. 95:949–957.
- Officer, S.J., J. Lascano, Jill Booker, and S.J. Maas. 2003. Comparison of methods to extract correlations for canonical correlation analysis of cotton yields. Prec. Agric. 5:475–480.
- Lascano, R.J., and Hong Li. 2003. Precision agriculture and water use. Water Sci. 740–743.
- McMichael, B.L., and J. Lascano. 2003. Laboratory evaluation of a commercial dielectric soil water sensor. Vadose Zone J. 2:650–654.
- Yu, M., E. Segarra, J. Lascano, and Jill Booker. 2004. Economic impacts of precision farming in irrigated cotton production. Texas J. Agric. Nat. Res. 16:1–14.
- Watson, S.E., E. Segarra, M. Yu, Hong Li, J. Lascano, K. Bronson, and Jill Booker. 2004. Technological efficiency gains in irrigated cotton production. Texas J. Agric. Nat. Res. 17:72–86.
2005 – 2009
- Watson, S.E., E. Segarra, R.J. Lascano, K. Bronson, and A. M. Schubert. 2005. Guidelines for Recommending Precision Agriculture in Southern Crops. J. Extension. 43(2):8–15.
- Chilcutt, C.F.,T. Wilson, R.J. Lascano, K.F. Bronson, and Jill Booker. 2005. Scaling the effects of plant, soil, and landscape characteristics on sap-feeding herbivores in cotton. Environ. Entomol. 34:75–86.
- Ko, Johan, S.J. Maas, J. Lascano, and D.R. Wanjura. 2005. Modification of the GRAMI model for cotton. Agron. J. 97:1374–1379.
- Shahandeh, H., A.L. Wright, F.M. Hons, and J. Lascano. 2005. Spatial and temporal variation in soil nitrogen parameters related to soil texture and corn yield. Agron. J. 97:772–782.
- Bronson, K.F., J.D. Booker, J.W. Keeling, R.K. Boman, T.A. Wheeler, R.J. Lascano, and R. L. Nichols. 2005. Cotton canopy reflectance at landscape scale as affected by nitrogen fertilization. J. 97:654–660.
- Bronson, K.F., J.D. Booker, J. Officer, R.J. Lascano, S.J. Maas, S.W. Searcy, and Jill Booker. 2005. Apparent electrical conductivity, soil properties and spatial covariance in the U.S. Southern High Plains. Precision Agric. 6:297–311.
- Philipp D., V.G. Allen, J. Lascano, C.P. Brown, and D.B. Wester. 2007. Production and water use efficiency of three old world bluestems. Crop Sci. 47:787–794.
- Lascano, R.J., and C.H.M van Bavel. 2007. Explicit and recursive calculation of potential and actual evapotranspiration. J. 99:585–590.
- Baker, J.T., R.S. Van Pelt, D.C. Gitz III, P. Payton, J. Lascano, and B.L. McMichael. 2009. Canopy gas exchange measurements of cotton in an open system. Agron. J. 101:52–59.
- Baker, J.T., B.L. McMichael, J.J. Burke, D.C. Gitz III, J. Lascano, and J.E. Ephrath. 2009. Sand abrasion injury and biomass partitioning in cotton seedlings. Agron. J. 101:1297–1303.
[1]Name in italics are Technicians, Graduate Student, Research Associate, or Post-Doctoral that did their work under my supervision and/or with other Principal Investigators.
No projects listed for this employee.