Elizabeth G Pruessner
Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research
Biological Science Lab Technician (Biochemistry)
Phone: (970) 492-7222
Fax: (970) 492-7213
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will take you to the publication reprint.)
Stable C isotope data of southern mixed-grass prairie vegetation from Oklahoma, United States
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Follett, R.F., Stewart, C.E., Bradford, J.A., Pruessner, E.G., Sims, P.L., Vigil, M.F. 2020. Stable C isotope data of southern mixed-grass prairie vegetation from Oklahoma, United States. Data in Brief. 32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2020.106204.
Long-term pasture management impacts on eolian sand soils in the southern mixed-grass prairie
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Follett, R.F., Stewart, C.E., Bradford, J.A., Pruessner, E.G., Sims, P.L., Vigil, M.F. 2020. Long-term pasture management impacts on eolian sand soils in the southern mixed-grass prairie. International Union for Quaternary Research. https://doi.org//10.1016/j.quaint.2020.07.019.
Seasonal switchgrass ecotype contributions to soil organic carbon, deep soil microbial community composition and rhizodeposit uptake during an extreme drought
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stewart, C.E., Roosendaal, D.L., Denef, K., Pruessner, E.G., Comas, L.H., Sarath, G., Jin, V.L., Schmer, M.R., Soundararajan, M. 2017. Seasonal switchgrass ecotype contributions to soil organic carbon, deep soil microbial community composition and rhizodeposit uptake during an extreme drought. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 112:191-203. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2017.04.021.
Switchgrass ecotypes alter microbial contribution to deep-soil C
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Roosendaal, D.L., Stewart, C.E., Denef, K., Follett, R., Pruessner, E.G., Comas, L.H., Varvel, G.E., Saathoff, A., Palmer, N.A., Sarath, G., Jin, V.L., Schmer, M.R., Madhavan, S. 2016. Switchgrass ecotypes alter microbial contribution to deep-soil C. Soil. SOIL 2, 185–197. doi:10.5194/soil-2-185-2016.
N fertilizer and harvest impacts on bioenergy crop contributions to SOC
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stewart, C.E., Follett, R.F., Pruessner, E.G., Varvel, G.E., Vogel, K.P., Mitchell, R.B. 2016. N fertilizer and harvest impacts on bioenergy crop contributions to SOC. GCB Bioenergy. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12326.
Great Plains climate and land-use effects on soil organic carbon
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Follett, R.F., Stewart, C.E., Pruessner, E.G., Kimble, J. 2015. Great Plains climate and land-use effects on soil organic carbon. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 79:261-271.
Switchgrass cultivars alter microbial contribution to deep soil C
- (Abstract Only)
Nitrogen and harvest effects on soil properties under rain-fed switchgrass and no-till corn over 9 years: implications for soil quality
- (Proceedings)
Stewart, C.E., Follett, R.F., Pruessner, E.G., Varvel, G.E., Vogel, K.P., Mitchell, R. 2014. Nitrogen and harvest effects on soil properties under rain-fed switchgrass and no-till corn over 9 years: implications for soil quality. Proceedings Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. 1-4.
Nitrogen and harvest effects on soil properties under rain-fed switchgrass and no-till corn over 9 years: Implications for soil quality
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stewart, C.E., Follett, R.F., Pruessner, E.G., Varvel, G.E., Vogel, K.P., Mitchell, R. 2015. Nitrogen and harvest treatment effects on soil properties under non-irrigated switchgrass and maize after 9 years: implications for soil quality . Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 7,288-301. DOI:10.1111/gcbb.12142.
Nitrogen and harvest effects on soil properties under rain-fed switchgrass and no-till corn over 9 years: implications for soil quality
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Switchgrass cultivars alter microbial contribution to deep soil C in Nebraska
- (Abstract Only)
Effects of Climate Change on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in the US Great Plains. Special Issue "Mitigation of Climate Change"
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Follett, R.F., Stewart, C.E., Pruessner, E.G., Kimble, J. 2012. Effects of Climate Change on soil carbon and nitrogen storage in the US Great Plains. Special Issue "Mitigation of Climate Change". Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 12:115-125.
Impact of biosolids and tillage on soil organic matter fractions: Implications of carbon saturation for conservation management in the Virginia Coastal Plain
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stewart, C.E., Follett, R.F., Wallace, J., Pruessner, E.G. 2012. Impact of biosolids and tillage on soil organic matter fractions: Implications of carbon saturation for conservation management in the Virginia Coastal Plain. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 76:1257-1267.
Soil N dynamics related to soil C and microbial changes during long-term incubation
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Paul, E., Follett, R.F., Haddix, M., Pruessner, E.G. 2011. Soil N dynamics related to soil C and microbial changes during long-term incubation. Soil Science. 176: 527-536.
Soil Organic C Stocks with Depth and Land Use at Various US Sites.
- (Book / Chapter)
Follett, R.F., Kimble, J.M., Pruessner, E.G., Samson-Liebig, S., Waltman, S. 2009. Soil Organic C Stocks with Depth and Land Use at Various US Sites. Soil Science Society of America Special Publication #57. pp. 29-46. 410p. Madison, WI.
Using Pyrolysis Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Soil Organic Carbon in Native Prairie Soils
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Magrini, K., Follett, R.F., Kimble, J., Davis, M., Pruessner, E.G. 2007. Using Pyrolysis Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Soil Organic Carbon in Native Prairie Soils. Soil Science. Vol. 172:659-672.
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Follett, R.F., Paul, E.A., Pruessner, E.G. 2007. Soil carbon dynamics during a long-term incubation study involving 13c and 14c measurements. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 172:189-208.
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Leavitt, S.W., Follett, R.F., Kimble, J., Pruessner, E.G. 2006. Paleoenvironment and paleovegetation from delta 13c of soil organic carbon in 14c-dated profiles in the U.S. great plains. Elsevier Quaternary International. doi:10.1016/j. quaint.2006.10.033.
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Follett, R.F., Kimble, J., Leavitt, S., Pruessner, E.G. 2004. The potential use of soil c isotope analyses to evaluate paleoclimate. Soil Science. pp. 471-488.