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Jenny Maloney
Environmental Microbial & Food Safety Laboratory
Research Microbiologist

Phone: (301) 504-8750
Fax: (301) 504-6608

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Development of an Infrared-Functionalized Microbalance Sensor for Cyclospora Cayetanensis Detection and Differentiation
Cooperative Agreement (A)
  Accession Number: 443643
Detection and Characterization of Zoonotic and Emerging Parasites Affecting Food Safety and Public Health
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 439556
Development of an Infrared-Functionalized Microbalance Sensor for Cyclospora Cayetanensis Detection and Differentiation
Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R)
  Accession Number: 443241

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Blastocystis occurrence and subtype diversity in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) from the Iberian Peninsula - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Establishing the performance of next generation amplicon sequencing for detection of Giardia duodenalis in ready-to-eat packaged leafy greens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nichols, H., Santin, M., Maloney, J.G. 2024. Establishing the performance of next generation amplicon sequencing for detection of Giardia duodenalis in ready-to-eat packaged leafy greens. Journal of Food Protection. 87(10): P100355.
Zoonotic intestinal protists: A cross-sectional survey of non-human primates and caregivers in zoos Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Šejnohová, A., Koutenská, M., Jirku, M., Brožová, K., Pavlícková, Z., Kadlecová, O., Cinek, O., Maloney, J.G., Santin, M., Petrželková, K.J., Jirku, K. 2024. Zoonotic intestinal protists: A cross-sectional survey of non-human primates and caregivers in zoos. One Health. 19. Article e100862.
Molecular detection and characterization of Blastocystis in herbivore livestock species in Portugal Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Figueiredo, A.M., Santin, M., Köster, P.C., Dahsti, A., Maloney, J.G., Torres, R.T., Fonseca, C., Mysterud, A., Carvalho, J., Hipólito, D., Rossa, M., Palmeira, J.D., González-Barrio, D. 2024. Molecular detection and characterization of Blastocystis in herbivore livestock species in Portugal. International Journal for Parasitology. 327: Article e110147.
The first Cyclospora cayetanensis lineage A genome from an isolate from Mexico Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Santin, M., Molokin, A., Orozco-Mosqueda, G.E., Almeria, S., Maloney, J.G. 2024. The first Cyclospora cayetanensis lineage A genome from an isolate from Mexico. Veterinary Parasitology. 25: Article e246.
Identification and molecular characterization of four new Blastocystis subtypes designated ST35-ST38 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., Seguí, R., Maravilla, P., Martínez-Hernández, F., Villalobos, G., Tsaousis, A.D., Gentekaki, E., Carmena, D., Santin, M., Muñoz-Antolií, C., Klisiowicz, D.R., Oishi, C.Y., Toledo, R. 2023. Identification and molecular characterization of four new Blastocystis subtypes designated ST35-ST38. Microorganisms. 11:43.
Iberian wild leporidae as hosts of zoonotic enteroparasites in Mediterranean ecosystems of Southern Spain Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rego, L., Castro-Scholten, S., Cano, C., Jimenez-Martin, D., Koster, P.C., Caballero-Gomez, J., Bailo, B., Dashti, A., Hernanadez-Castro, C., Cano-Terriza, D., Vioque, F., Maloney, J.G., Santin, M. 2023. Iberian wild leporidae as hosts of zoonotic enteroparasites in Mediterranean ecosystems of Southern Spain. Zoonoses and Public Health. 70(3):223-237.
Detection of gastrointestinal protists Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Santin, M, Ng-Hublin, J.S.Y, Maloney, J.G. 2024. In: Detection of gastrointestinal protists. Sulaiman, I.M. (Editor). Recent Advancements in the Diagnosis of Human Disease (1st Edition). CRC Press. pp 46-103.
Cyclospora cayetanensis: A perspective (2020–2023) with em-phasis on epidemiology and detection methods Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Almeria, S., Chacin-Bonilla, L., Maloney, J.G., Santin, M. 2023. Cyclospora cayetanensis: A perspective (2020–2023) with em-phasis on epidemiology and detection methods. Microorganisms. 11(9):2171.
Division of Blastocystis ST10 into three new subtypes: ST42-ST44 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Santin, M., Figueiredo, A., Molokin, A., George, N.S., Koster, P.C., Dahsti, A., Gonzalez-Barri, D., Carmena, D., Maloney, J.G. 2023. Division of Blastocystis ST10 into three new subtypes: ST42-ST44. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 71(1): e12998.
Identification and validation of novel Blastocystis subtype ST41 in a Colombian patient undergoing colorectal cancer screening Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hernández-Castro, C., Maloney, J.G., Agudelo-López, S.P., Toro-Londoño, M.A., Botero-Garcés, J.H., Orozco, M.C., Quintero-Quinchia, Y.C., Correa-Cote, J.C., Múnera-Duque, A., Ricaurte-Ciro, J.C., Londoño-Álvarez, L.I., Escobar, R.M., Köster, P.C., Carmena, D., Santin, M. 2023. Identification and validation of novel Blastocystis subtype ST41 in a Colombian patient undergoing colorectal cancer screening. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 70. Aricle e12978.
Molecular characterization of Blastocystis and Entamoeba of muskoxen and sheep in Greenland Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stensvold, C.R., Berg, R.P., Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., Santin, M. 2023. Molecular characterization of Blastocystis and Entamoeba of muskoxen and sheep in Greenland. International Journal for Parasitology. 53(11-12):673-685. .
A longitudinal study of Blastocystis in dairy calves from birth through 24 months demonstrates dynamic shifts in infection rates and subtype prevalence and diversity by age Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Santin, M., Molokin, A., Maloney, J.G. 2023. A longitudinal study of Blastocystis in dairy calves from birth through 24 months demonstrates dynamic shifts in infection rates and subtype prevalence and diversity by age. Parasites & Vectors. 16(1):177.
Exploring Blastocystis genetic diversity in rural schoolchildren from Colombia using next-generation amplicon sequencing reveals signifcant associations between contact with animals and infection risk Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hernández, P.C., Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., George, N.S., Morales, L., Chaparro-Olaya, J., Santin, M. 2023. Exploring Blastocystis genetic diversity in rural schoolchildren from Colombia using next-generation amplicon sequencing reveals signifcant associations between contact with animals and infection risk. Parasitology Research. 122(7):1451-1462.
Diversity of Blastocystis subtypes in horses in Colombia and identification of two new subtypes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baek, S., Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., George, N.S., Cortes Vecino, J.A., Santin, M. 2022. Diversity of Blastocystis subtypes in horses in Colombia and identification of two new subtypes. Microorganisms. 10:1693.
Enhanced detection of Giardia duodenalis mixed assemblage infections in pre-weaned dairy calves using next generation sequencing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hublin, J.S., Maloney, J.G., George, N.S., Molokin, A., Lombard, J.E., Urie, N.J., Shivley, C., Santin, M. 2022. Enhanced detection of Giardia duodenalis mixed assemblage infections in pre-weaned dairy calves using next generation sequencing. Veterinary Parasitology. 304:109702.
A hybrid sequencing and assembly strategy for generating culture free Giardia genomes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., Solano Aguilar, G., Dubey, J.P., Santin, M. 2022. A hybrid sequencing and assembly strategy for generating culture free Giardia genomes. Current Research in Microbial Science.
Molecular detection and characterization of Blastocystis sp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in cattle in Northern Spain Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abarca, N., Santin, M., Maloney, J.G., George, N.S., Molokin, A., Cardona, G., Sashti, A., Köster, P., Bailo, B., Hernández-De-Mingo, M., Muadica, A.S., Calero-Bernal, R., Carmena, D. 2021. Molecular detection and characterization of Blastocystis sp. and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in cattle in Northern Spain. Veterinary Sciences.
Investigation of neglected protists Blastocystis and Dientamoeba fragilis in immunocompetent and immunodeficient diarrheal patients using both conventional and molecular methods Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sarzhanov, F., Dogruman-All, F., Santin, M., Maloney, J.G., Gureser, A.S., Karasartova, D., Taylan-Ozkan, A. 2021. Investigation of neglected protists Blastocystis and Dientamoeba fragilis in immunocompetent and immunodeficient diarrheal patients using both conventional and molecular methods. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 15(10):e0009779.
Identification of multiple Blastocystis subtypes in domestic animals from Colombia using amplicon-based next generation sequencing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Higuera, A., Herrera, G., Jimenez, P., Garcia, D.J., Pulido, M., Bulla, D.M., Pinilla, J.C., Moreno, A., Maloney, J.G., Santin, M., Ramirez, J.D. 2021. Identification of multiple Blastocystis subtypes in domestic animals from Colombia using amplicon-based next generation sequencing. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.
Wide genetic diversity of Blastocystis in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from Maryland, USA Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Jang, Y., Molokin, A., George, N.S., Santin, M. 2021. Wide genetic diversity of Blastocystis in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from Maryland, USA. Microorganisms.
Mind the gap: new full-length sequences of Blastocystis subtypes generated via Oxford Nanopore Minion sequencing allow for comparisons between full-length and partial sequences of the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA gene Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Santin, M. 2021. Mind the gap: new full-length sequences of Blastocystis subtypes generated via Oxford Nanopore Minion sequencing allow for comparisons between full-length and partial sequences of the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA gene. Microorganisms.
Next generation sequencing reveals widespread presence of human-pathogenic Blastocystis subtypes in chickens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Da Cunha, M., Molokin, A., Cury, M.C., Santin, M. 2021. Next generation sequencing reveals widespread presence of human-pathogenic Blastocystis subtypes in chickens. Veterinary Parasitology. 12:2219-2231.
Next-generation sequencing reveals wide genetic diversity of Blastocystis subtypes in chickens including potentially zoonotic subtypes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Da Cunha, M.J., Molokin, A., Cury, M.C., Santin, M. 2021. Next-generation sequencing reveals wide genetic diversity of Blastocystis subtypes in chickens including potentially zoonotic subtypes. Parasitology Research.
An Illumina MiSeq based amplicon sequencing method for the detection of mixed parasite infections using the Blastocystis SSU rRNA gene as an example Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Maloney, J.G., George, N.S., Molokin, A., Santin, M. 2021. An Illumina MiSeq based amplicon sequencing method for the detection of mixed parasite infections using the Blastocystis SSU rRNA gene as an example. Methods in Molecular Biology.
Occurrence and genetic diversity of protist parasites in captive non-human primates, zookeepers, and free-living sympatric rats in the Córdoba Zoo Conservation Centre, southern Spain Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Koster, P., Dashti, A., Bailo, B., Muadica, A.S., Maloney, J.G., Santin, M., Chicharro, C., Miguelanez, S., Nieto, F.J., Cano-Terriza, D., Garcia-Bocanegra, I., Guerra, R., Ponce-Gordo, F., Calero-Bernal, R. 2021. Occurrence and genetic diversity of protist parasites in captive non-human primates, zookeepers, and free-living sympatric rats in the Córdoba Zoo Conservation Centre, southern Spain. Animals. 11(3):700.
How to live in a dysbiosed environment: gut microbiota profiling in patients with co-occurrence of Blastocystis and Clostridioides difficile Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vega, L., Herrera, G., Muñoz, M., Patarroyo, M.A., Maloney, J.G., Santin, M., Ramirez, J.D. 2021. How to live in a dysbiosed environment: gut microbiota profiling in patients with co-occurrence of Blastocystis and Clostridioides difficile. Scientific Reports.
Use of Oxford Nanopore MinION to generate full-length sequences of the Blastocystis small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., Santin, M. 2020. Use of Oxford Nanopore MinION to generate full-length sequences of the Blastocystis small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene. Parasites & Vectors. 13(1):595.
Assessment of next generation amplicon sequencing of the beta-giardin gene for the detection of Giardia duodenalis assemblages and mixed infections Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., Santin, M. 2020. Assessment of next generation amplicon sequencing of the beta-giardin gene for the detection of Giardia duodenalis assemblages and mixed infections. Food and Waterborne Parasitology. 21:e00098.
Blastocystis in domesticated and wild mammals and birds Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hublin, J., Maloney, J.G., Santin, M. 2020. Blastocystis in domesticated and wild mammals and birds. Research in Veterinary Science.
Blastocystis subtype distribution in domestic and captive wild birds from Brazil using next generation amplicon sequencing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., Cury, M.C., Santin, M., Da Cunha, M.J. 2020. Blastocystis subtype distribution in domestic and captive wild birds from Brazil using next generation amplicon sequencing. Parasite Epidemiology and Control. 9:e00138.
Use of next generation amplicon sequencing to study Blastocystis genetic diversity in a rural human population from Mexico Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rojas-Velazquez, L., Maloney, J.G., Molokin, A., Moran, P., Vazquez-Serrano, A., Gonzalez, E., Perez-Juarez, H., Ximenez, C., Santin, M. 2019. Use of next generation amplicon sequencing to study Blastocystis genetic diversity in a rural human population from Mexico. Parasites & Vectors.
Proliferation of resident macrophages is dispensable for protection during Giardia duodenalis infections Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fink, M.Y., Maloney, J.G., Keselman, A., Li, E., Menegas, S., Jones, C., Singer, S.M. 2019. Proliferation of resident macrophages is dispensable for protection during Giardia duodenalis infections. ImmunoHorizons. 3(8):412-421.