Research Geneticist (Plants)
Grape Genetics Reseach Unit
630 W. North St., Geneva, NY 14456
315 787 2237 (office)
Research Genetics
My research program focuses on pre-breeding, trait integration for development novel grapevine germplasm to meet the U.S. grape industry needs including rootstock, wine, table, juice, and/or raisin grapes. This work involves close collaboration with scientists in both public and private sectors to advance genetic and breeding knowledge of grapevines. My research is particularly interested in the development of a rapid-cycling breeding system to be used for the introgression of numerous identified disease resistance genes and fruit quality traits into single lines useful for further breeding and genetic improvement.
- B.S. Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University
- Ph.D. Plant Breeding, Cornell University
Professional Experience
- Research Geneticist, 2024-Present, USDA-ARS, GGRU, Geneva, NY
- Research Geneticist, 2019-2024, USDA-ARS, U.S. National Arboretum, FNPRU, Beltsville, MD
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2016-2019, Cornell University, Cornell AgriTech, Geneva, NY
- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- Cultivars and production environments shape shoot endophyte profiles of boxwood with different blight resistance
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, X., Weiland, J.E., Ohkura, M., Luster, D.G., Daughtrey, M.L., Gouker, F.E., Chen, G., Kong, P., Hong, C. 2024. Cultivars and production environments shape shoot endophyte profiles of boxwood with different blight resistance. PhytoFrontiers.
- Production and verification of novel Osmanthus hybrids -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alexander, L.W., Wu, X., Gouker, F.E. 2024. Production and verification of novel Osmanthus hybrids. Frontiers in Horticulture.
- Boxwood phyllosphere fungal and bacterial communities and their differential responses to film-forming anti-desiccants -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, X., Omolehin, O., Hemmings, G., Tseng, H., Taylor, A., Taylor, C., Daughtrey, M., Luster, D.G., Gouker, F.E., Hong, C. 2023. Boxwood phyllosphere fungal and bacterial communities and their differential responses to film-forming anti-desiccants. BMC Microbiology.
- Optimizing efficient PCR-amplifiable DNA extraction from herbarium specimens -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gouker, F.E., Guo, Y.H., Svoboda, H.T., Pooler, M.R. 2023. Optimizing efficient PCR-amplifiable DNA extraction from herbarium specimens. Applications in Plant Sciences.
- Boxwood Epiphytic and Endophytic bacterial communities and their differential responses to systemic and contact fungicides -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, X., Tseng, H.T., Hemmings, G., Omolehin, O., Taylor, C., Taylor, A., Kong, P., Daughtrey, M., Gouker, F.E., Hung, C. 2023. Boxwood Epiphytic and Endophytic bacterial communities and their differential responses to systemic and contact fungicides. Microbiology Spectrum.
- Tsuga ‘Traveler’ and ‘Crossroad’ – the first adelgid-resistant interspecific hemlock hybrids -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bentz, S.E., Gouker, F.E., Olsen, R.T., Pooler, M.R. 2023. Tsuga ‘Traveler’ and ‘Crossroad’ – the first adelgid-resistant interspecific hemlock hybrids. HortScience. 58(3):289–290.
- Combating an invasive boxwood pathogen – Calonectria pseudonaviculata – in the United States by shifting production to less susceptible cultivars
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Omolehin, O., Keller, J., Gouker, F.E., Daughtrey, M., Luster, D.G., Pscheidt, J., Hong, C. 2022. Combating an invasive boxwood pathogen – Calonectria pseudonaviculata – in the United States by shifting production to less susceptible cultivars . Plant Disease.
- High-resolution melting analysis enables efficient detection and differentiation of two boxwood blight pathogens by qPCR assays -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gouker, F.E., Guo, Y.H., Pooler, M.R. 2022. High-resolution melting analysis enables efficient detection and differentiation of two boxwood blight pathogens by qPCR assays. PhytoFrontiers.
- cDNA transcriptome of Arabidopsis reveals various defense priming induced by a broad-spectrum biocontrol agent Burkholderia sp. SSG -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kong, P., Li, X., Gouker, F.E., Hong, C. 2022. cDNA transcriptome of Arabidopsis reveals various defense priming induced by a broad-spectrum biocontrol agent Burkholderia sp. SSG. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
- Analyzing the structural shifts in boxwood production due to boxwood blight -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hall, C., Hong, C., Gouker, F.E., Doughtrey, M. 2021. Analyzing the structural shifts in boxwood production due to boxwood blight. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 39(3):91-99.
- Integrative genomics reveals paths to sex dimorphism in Salix purpurea L.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hyden, B., Carlson, C.H., Gouker, F.E., Schmutz, J., Barry, K., Lipzen, A., Sharma, A., Sandor, L., Tuskan, G.A., Feng, G., Olson, M.S., Difazio, S.P., Smart, L.B. 2021. Integrative genomics reveals paths to sex dimorphism in Salix purpurea L. . Horticulture Research.
- Multiple independent recombinations led to hermaphrodism in domesticated grapevine -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zou, C., Massonnet, M., Minio, A., Patel, S., Llaca, V., Avi, K., Gouker, F.E., Cadle Davidson, L.E., Reisch, B., Fennell, A., Cantu, D., Sun, Q., Londo, J.P. 2021. Multiple independent recombinations led to hermaphrodism in domesticated grapevine. Nature Genetics.
- Sexual dimorphism in the dioecious willow Salix purpurea -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gouker, F.E., Carlson, C.H., Zou, J., Evans, L.M., Crowell, C.R., Smart, C.D., Difzio, S.P., Smart, L.B. 2021. Sexual dimorphism in the dioecious willow Salix purpurea. American Journal of Botany.
- Yield and biomass quality of shrub willow hybrids in differing rotation lengths and spacing designs -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gouker, F.E., Fabio, E., Serapiglia, M., Smart, L. 2021. Yield and biomass quality of shrub willow hybrids in differing rotation lengths and spacing designs. Biomass and Bioenergy. 146:105977.
- Using acetone for rapid PCR-amplifiable DNA extraction from recalcitrant woody plant taxa -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gouker, F.E., Guo, Y., Pooler, M.R. 2020. Using acetone for rapid PCR-amplifiable DNA extraction from recalcitrant woody plant taxa. Applications in Plant Sciences. 8(12):e114-3.
- Discovery of geographically robust hybrid poplar clones -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nelson, N.D., Berguson, W.E., Mcmahon, B.G., Meilan, R., Smart, L.B., Gouker, F.E., Bloese, P., Miller, R., Volk, T.A., Cai, M., Buchman, D. 2019. Discovery of geographically robust hybrid poplar clones. SILVAE GENETICA. 68:101-110.
Genetic Improvement of Grape Quality and Adaptation to Diseases and Abiotic Stress In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:445254 Improving Boxwood Blight Mitigation Through Innovation, Economic Analysis and Education Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R) Accession Number:439097
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