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Christopher Magee
Poultry Research
Veterinary Medical Officer

Phone: (662) 320-7608 ext. 662

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Effect of stocking density on growth performance and carcass characteristics of broilers grown to 3 kg under antibiotic free conditions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Effect of photoperiod on physiological parameters in broiler chicks from placement to 7-days-of-age1 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Magee, C.L., Olanrewaju, H.A., Purswell, J.L. 2023. Effect of photoperiod on physiological parameters in broiler chicks from placement to 7-days-of-age1. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 32:100353.
Design and development of a broiler mortality removal robot Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Chesser, Jr, G.D., Purswell, J.L., Magee, C.L., Gates, R.S., Xiong, Y. 2022. Design and development of a broiler mortality removal robot. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(6):853-863.
Effect of photoperiod on live performance in broiler chicks from placement to 14-days-of-age Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Magee, C.L., Olanrewaju, H.A., Campbell, J., Purswell, J.L. 2022. Effect of photoperiod on live performance in broiler chicks from placement to 14-days-of-age. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 31:100295.
Effect of increased ventilation during feeding on broiler breeder biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes parameters Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olanrewaju, H.A., Collier, S.D., Mccafferty, K.W., Magee, C.L., Fussell, L., Purswell, J.L. 2022. Effect of increased ventilation during feeding on broiler breeder biochemical, enzymatical, and electrolytes parameters. FASEB Letters. 36(S1).
Onset of the humoral immune response of layer chicks vaccinated in ovo with strain F Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine and evidence of male-biased mortality Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Collins Elliott, K.E., Branton, S.L., Evans, J.D., Magee, C.L., Peebles, E.D. 2022. Onset of the humoral immune response of layer chicks vaccinated in ovo with strain F Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine and evidence of male-biased mortality. Poultry Science. 101:101761.
Effects of feeder space on broiler feeding behaviors Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, G., Zhao, Y., Purswell, J.L., Magee, C.L. 2021. Effects of feeder space on broiler feeding behaviors. Poultry Science. 100:101016.
Effect of stocking density on crop fill progression in broilers grown to 14 d Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Linhoss, J.E., Purswell, J.L., Magee, C.L., Chesser, G.D. 2021. Effect of stocking density on crop fill progression in broilers grown to 14 d. Poultry Science. 100:100929.
Effects of elevated perching platform and robotic vehicle on broiler production, welfare, and housing environment Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Huo, X., Li, G., Purswell, J.L., Tabler, G.T., Chesser, G.D., Magee, C.L., Zhao, Y. 2020. Effects of elevated perching platform and robotic vehicle on broiler production, welfare, and housing environment. Transactions of the ASABE. 63(6):1981-1990.