B.S., Grain Science, Henan University of Technology
M.S., Food Microbiology, Henan University of Technology
Ph.D., Food Science, Kansas State University
Dr. Xiaorong (Shawn) Wu is a research chemist working on the development and application of methods and processes to improve the processing quality and application functionality of wheat and sorghum crops for the food industry and help breeders to monitor and select the desired traits in the breeding process. Currently, his research focuses on using rapid single-kernel near-infrared technology in sorting single wheat and sorghum kernels by their quality traits (protein, starch, amylose etc.) and exploring its possible impacts on the processing of wheat and sorghum and the applications in the food and baking industry. His group also conducts research on turning field sprouted wheat, which is sent to feedlot for animal feed, into valuable food ingredients.
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Peiris, K. H. S., Wu, X., Bean, S. R., Perez-Fajardo, M., Hayes, C., Yerka, M. K., Jagadish, S. V. K., Ostmeyer, T., Aramouni, F. M., Tesso, T., Perumal, R., Rooney, W. L., Kent, M. A. and Bean, B. 2021. Near infrared spectroscopic evaluation of starch properties of diverse sorghum populations. Processes 9(11): 1942.
Wu, X., Maghirang, E. & Armstrong, P. Predicting single kernel moisture and protein content of mushroom popcorn using NIR spectroscopy: Tool for detecting their effect on popping performance. 2022. Appl. Eng. Agric. https://doi: 10.13031/aea.14875.
Hein, N. T., Somayanda, I. M., Wagner, D., Bheemanahalli, R., Kumar, R., Tiwari, M., Prasad, P. V. V. Tilley, M., Wu, X., Neilsen, M. & Jagadish, S.V. K. 2022. Grain micronutrient composition and yield components in field‐grown wheat are negatively impacted by high night‐time temperature. Cereal Chem.
Xu, X., Bean, S., Wu, X., & Shi, Y. C. 2022. In vitro digestibility of starch in sorghum differing in endosperm hardness and flour particle size. Food Chem. 383: 132625.
Li, J., Zhao, R., Xu, Y., Wu, X., Bean, S. R. & Wang, D. 2022. Fuel ethanol production from starchy grain and other crops: An overview on feedstocks, affecting factors, and technical advances. Renew. Energy 188: 223-239.