Physical Science Technician
I attended Iowa State University for graduate school where my thesis work focused on creating a calibration for a COSMOS sensor (cosmic-ray neutron probe) deployed in a corn/soybean canopy. While in grad school, I was introduced to NLAE and the variety of work done here. After grad school, I stayed on at Iowa State where I worked with a meteorology professor who was working on boundary layer meteorology and wind turbines. My main objective was to design and maintain an array of meteorologic sensors deployed on two 400’ towers located within and outside of a large windfarm for the purpose of studying possible boundary layer effects of wind turbines. As that project was winding down, I heard about an opening at NLAE and I jumped at the opportunity to work here. I now work on maintaining a network of eddy covariance and weather stations around central Iowa for use with micrometeorology research pertaining to agricultural systems. I started at NLAE in June 2020.
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