Molecular Biologist
Erin Galarneau
Grapevine Curator
(315) 787.2413
Grapes are an important crop grown throughout the USA. As a molecular biologist and curator of the PGRU Grapevine (Vitis) collection. My role is to conserve and distribute from the collection, acquire new vines to add to the collection, document and characterize various traits of the grapevines. My goal is to ensure these resources are available for future generations of researchers and educators. My program utilizes various molecular techniques and phenology to explore the genetic diversity within the collection and to facilitate stakeholder use of the collection. My research at this time is focused on 1) characterizing fruit aromas (both desirable and undesirable), 2) determining cold hardiness of the collection based on current research techniques, and 3) conducting high-throughput pathogenicity assays to determine resistance to several pathogens.
Learn more about our Grape Collection. Cold-Hardy Grape Collection : USDA ARS
Looking for Plant Germplasm? Germplasm Requests : USDA ARS
B.S. in Biology, 2010, Northland College, Ashland, WI
Ph.D. in Plant Pathology, 2019, University of California-Davis, Davis, CA
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Scholar, 2019-2021, Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California-Davis
Research Assistant, 2015-2019, University of California-Davis
- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- Grape cultivars adapted to hotter, drier growing regions exhibit greater photosynthesis but less negative leaf osmotic potentials under hot growing conditions -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sinclair, G., Galarneau, E.R., Hnizdor, J.F., McElrone, A.J., Walker, A.M., Bartlett, M.K. 2024. Grape cultivars adapted to hotter, drier growing regions exhibit greater photosynthesis but less negative leaf osmotic potentials under hot growing conditions. Annals of Botany. 134:205-217.
- Editing VvDXS1 for creation of muscat flavor in Vitis vinifera cv. Scarlet Royal -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, Y., Wheatley, M.S., Meakem, V.M., Galarneau, E.R., Gutierrez, B.L., Zhong, G. 2024. Editing VvDXS1 for creation of muscat flavor in Vitis vinifera cv. Scarlet Royal. Nature Communications.
- Mixed infections of fungal trunk pathogens and induced systemic phenolic compound production in grapevines -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wallis, C.M., Gorman, Z.J., Galarneau, E.R., Baumgartner, K. 2022. Mixed infections of fungal trunk pathogens and induced systemic phenolic compound production in grapevines. Frontiers in Fungal Biology. 3. Article 1001143.
- The U.S. National Plant Germplasm System...Preserves Genetic Diversity for All People for All Time-(Trade Journal)
Kinard, G.R., Bassil, N.V., Hummer, K.E., Reinhold, L.A., Aradhya, M.K., Smith, J.L., Kluepfel, D.A., Galarneau, E.R., Gutierrez, B.L. 2022. The U.S. National Plant Germplasm System...Preserves Genetic Diversity for All People for All Time. Fruit Gardener. March and April 2022/page 12-15.
- Conserving fruit and nut germplasm in the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System: foundation for our food supply-(Trade Journal)
Kinard, G.R., Bassil, N.V., Hummer, K.E., Reinhold, L.A., Aradhya, M.K., Smith, J.L., Galarneau, E.R., Gutierrez, B.L. 2022. Conserving fruit and nut germplasm in the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System: foundation for our food supply. Pomona. Volume LV, No. 1, Winter 2022:31-33.
- Neofusicoccum parvum colonization of the grapevine woody stem triggers asynchronous host responses at the site of infection and in the leaves -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Massonnet, M., Galarneau, E.R., Figueroa-Balderas, R., Lawrence, D.P., Miki, S., Sun, Q., Wallis, C.M., Baumgartner, K., Cantu, D. 2017. Neofusicoccum parvum colonization of the grapevine woody stem triggers asynchronous host responses at the site of infection and in the leaves. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:1117.
- Host colonization and substrate utilization by wood-colonizing Ascomycete fungi in the grapevine trunk disease complex-(Abstract Only)
Galarneau, E.R., Wallis, C.M., Baumgartner, K. 2016. Host colonization and substrate utilization by wood-colonizing Ascomycete fungi in the grapevine trunk disease complex. American Phytopathological Society Abstracts. 46-P.
- Wood-decay abilities of grapevine trunk pathogens Diaporthe ampelina, Diplodia seriata, Eutypa lata, and Neofusicoccum parvum-(Abstract Only)
Galarneau, E.R., Wallis, C.M., Morales-Cruz, A., Cantu, D., Baumgartner, K. 2015. Wood-decay abilities of grapevine trunk pathogens Diaporthe ampelina, Diplodia seriata, Eutypa lata, and Neofusicoccum parvum. American Phytopathological Society Abstracts. 50-P.
- Interactive Effects of Water Stress and Neofusicoccum Parvum on Botryosphaeria Dieback of Grapevines-(Abstract Only)
Lawrence, D., Galarneau, E.R., Travadon, R., Baumgartner, K. 2015. Interactive effects of water stress and Neofusicoccum parvum on Botryosphaeria dieback of grapevines. American Phytopathological Society Abstracts. 576-P.
- Genes expressed in grapevine leaves reveal latent wood infection by the fungal pathogen Neofusicoccum parvum-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Czemmel, S., Galarneau, E.R., Travadon, R., Mcelrone, A.J., Cramer, G., Baumgartner, K. 2015. Genes expressed in grapevine leaves reveal latent wood infection by the fungal pathogen Neofusicoccum parvum. PLoS One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121828.
- Plant-based markers of infection for Neofusicoccum parvum-(Abstract Only)
Baumgartner, K., Czemmel, S., Cramer, G.R., Galarneau, E.R., Travadon, R., Lawrence, D., Mcelrone, A.J., Cantu, D. 2014. Plant-based markers of infection for Neofusicoccum parvum. Workshop Proceedings. 9th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases November 18-20, 2014, Adelaide, Australia.
Management and Development of Apple, Cold-Hardy Grape, and Tart Cherry Genetic Resources and Associated Information In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:443957
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