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Fei Wang (PhD)
Commodity Protection and Quality Research
Research Plant Pathologist

Phone: (559) 596-2812

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Postharvest application of natamycin to control gray mold in table grapes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, F., Saito, S., Xiao, C. 2024. Postharvest application of natamycin to control gray mold in table grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 210. Article 112777.
Sensitivity of Mucor piriformis to natamycin and efficacy of natamycin alone and with salt and heat treatments against Mucor rot of stored mandarin fruit Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Saito, S., Wang, F., Xiao, C. 2023. Sensitivity of Mucor piriformis to natamycin and efficacy of natamycin alone and with salt and heat treatments against Mucor rot of stored mandarin fruit. Plant Disease. 107(11):3602-3607.
Fungicide resistance of Alternaria alternata and A. arborescens isolates from mandarin fruit and its influence on control of postharvest Alternaria rot Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, F., Saito, S., Xiao, C. 2023. Fungicide resistance of Alternaria alternata and A. arborescens isolates from mandarin fruit and its influence on control of postharvest Alternaria rot. Plant Disease. 107(5):1538-1543.
Natamycin as a postharvest treatment to control gray mold on stored blueberry fruit caused by multi-fungicide resistant Botrytis cinerea Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Saito, S., Wang, F., Xiao, C. 2022. Natamycin as a postharvest treatment to control gray mold on stored blueberry fruit caused by multi-fungicide resistant Botrytis cinerea. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 187. Article 111862.
Fungicide resistance in Alternaria alternata from blueberry in California and its impact on control of Alternaria rot Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, F., Saito, S., Michailides, T., Xiao, C. 2022. Fungicide resistance in Alternaria alternata from blueberry in California and its impact on control of Alternaria rot. Plant Disease. 106(5):1446-1453.