Anthony Oyegoke Adesemoye
Soil Dynamics Research
Research Plant Pathologist
Phone: (334) 844-4741
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Fungicide sensitivity and non-target site resistance in Rhizoctonia zeae isolates collected from corn and soybean fields in Nebraska
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cuticular hydrocarbons as host recognition cues in specialist and generalist endoparasitoids
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kafle, B., Adesemoye, A.O., Fadamiro, H.Y. 2024. Cuticular hydrocarbons as host recognition cues in specialist and generalist endoparasitoids. Chemoecology.
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria differently influence crops growth and physiology depending on cultivar and rhizobacteria consortium’s composition
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ayelo, P.M., Adesemoye, A.O., Xiong, C., Fadamiro, H.Y. 2024. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria differently influence crops growth and physiology depending on cultivar and rhizobacteria consortium’s composition. Biologia.
Integration of corn and forage-based beef productions improve plant beneficial soil microbial community
- (Abstract Only)
Locally isolated bacteria reduced the growth of pathogens, hindered insect larva development, and transformed insect gut microbiota
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Adesemoye, A.O., Antony-Babu, S., Nagy, E.M., Kafle, B., Gregory, T.A., Xiong, C., Fadamiro, H.Y. 2024. Locally isolated bacteria reduced the growth of pathogens, hindered insect larva development, and transformed insect gut microbiota [ABSTRACT]. 101st Annual meeting of the Southern Division of American Phytopathological Society, South Carolina, February 26–29, 2024.
Use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in bermudagrass systems of the Southeast US
- (Abstract Only)
Mirahki, I., Crabtree, J., Pereria, J., Sanz Saez, A., Smith, B., Adesemoye, A.O., Mullenix, K., Dillard, L. 2024. Use of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in bermudagrass systems of the Southeast US [abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING, St. Louis, MO January 27-30, 2024.
Effects of selected manure sources on runoff, soil loss, and nutrient transport
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Watts, D.B., Horvath, T., Torbert III, H.A., Adesemoye, A.O. 2023. Effects of selected manure sources on runoff, soil loss, and nutrient transport. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 39(6):565-572.
Differential shifts in microbiome and pathogen populations associated with suppressive soil in long-term continuous corn field compared to rotation corn field
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adesemoye, A.O., Kodati, S., Watts, D.B., Maharjan, B. 2023. Differential shifts in microbiome and pathogen populations associated with suppressive soil in long-term continuous corn field compared to rotation corn field. Applied Soil Ecology. 192:105093.
PGPR-based formulations: lab to field optimization for better efficacy
- (Abstract Only)
Adesemoye, A.O., Akinrinlola, R.J., Parikh, L. 2023. PGPR-based formulations: lab to field optimization for better efficacy [abstract]. 12th International PGPR Workshop which will be held in Tolouse, France May 29 to June 2, 2023.
Linking rhizosphere soil aggregates with belowground and aboveground plant traits
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ul Khabir, I., Topps, D., Jhumur, J., Adesemoye, A.O., Brown, J., Newman, A., Robertson, B., Iqbal, J., Saleem, M. 2023. Linking rhizosphere soil aggregates with belowground and aboveground plant traits. Ecologies. 4(1):74-87.