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Daniel L Brabec (Dan)


Dr. Dan Brabec
Research Agricultural Engineer

ATTN: Dan Brabec
1515 College Avenue
Manhattan, KS  66502
Telephone: 785.776.2731

  Dr. Dan Brabec

M.S., Grain Science, Kansas State University
Ph.D., Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University

Dan Brabec is a Research Agricultural Engineer with the USDA ARS Center for Grain and Animal Health Research in Manhattan, KS. His research interest include grain dust flammability/explosibility, grain dust monitoring and control, wheat hardness testing, single kernel characterization of weight, hardness, and moisture, seed sorting instrumentation and methods, and aerosol measurements and characterization.


via ARIS System

Numerical simulation of pyrethrin aerosol deposition - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Potential of flatbed scanner for evaluation of flour samples for dark specks and flour color - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brabec, D.L., Grothe, S.M., Perez-Fajardo, M.A., Pordesimo, L.O., Yeater, K.M. 2024. Potential of flatbed scanner for evaluation of flour samples for dark specks and flour color. Cereal Chemistry. 101:508–517.
Aerosolize insecticide spray distributions and relationships to storage insect efficacies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brabec, D.L., Lanka, S., Campbell, J.F., Arthur, F., Scheff, D.S., Zhu, K. 2023. Aerosolize insecticide spray distributions and relationships to storage insect efficacies. Insects. 14(12. Article 914.
Assessing the feasibility, safety, and nutritional quality of using wild-caught pest flies in animal feed - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Quantification of methoprene aerosol deposition using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Norton, A.E., Brabec, D.L., Tilley, M., Yeater, K.M., Scheff, D.S. 2022. Quantification of methoprene aerosol deposition using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Stored Products Research.
Immediate and delayed movement of resistant and susceptible adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) after short exposures to phosphine - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Morrison III, W.R., Brabec, D.L., Bruce, A., Arthur, F.H., Athanassiou, C.G. 2023. Immediate and delayed movement of resistant and susceptible adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) after short exposures to phosphine. Pest Management Science. 79:2006-2074.
Predicting single kernel and bulk milled rice alkali spreading value and gelatinization temperature class using nir spectroscopy - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, E.B., Chen, M., McClung, A.M., Yaptenco, K.F., Brabec, D.L., Wu, T., Wei, Y. 2022. Predicting single kernel and bulk milled rice alkali spreading value and gelatinization temperature class using nir spectroscopy. Cereal Chemistry. 99(6):1234-1245.
Estimating chalkiness in endosperm of typical and bleached durum kernels from transmission scanned images - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brabec, D.L., Pordesimo, L.O. 2022. Estimating chalkiness in endosperm of typical and bleached durum kernels from transmission scanned images. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(4):651-658.
Fumigation monitoring and modeling of hopper-bottom railcars loaded with corn grits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brabec, D.L., Kaloudis, E., Athanassiou, C., Campbell, J.F., Agrafioti, P., Scheff, D.S., Bantas, S., Sotiroudas, V. 2022. Fumigation monitoring and modeling of hopper-bottom railcars loaded with corn grits. Journal of Biosystems Engineering. 47:358-369.
Evaluation of dosimeter tubes for monitoring phosphine fumigations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brabec, D.L., Morrison III, W.R., Campbell, J.F., Arthur, F.H., Bruce, A.I., Yeater, K.M. 2021. Evaluation of dosimeter tubes for monitoring phosphine fumigations. Journal of Stored Products Research. 91. Article 101762.