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ARS Home » Midwest Area » West Lafayette, Indiana » Livestock Behavior Research » People » Heng Wei Cheng

Heng-Wei Cheng

Research Biologist


Contact Information:

Phone:      +1 765-494-8022


Address:   270 S. Russell St.

                  West Lafayette, IN 47907

Areas of Expertise:


Poultry Behavior and Well-Being

Dr. Cheng's primary research interest is brain functioning in regulating stress response in farm animals, especially in poultry. His lab studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms of stress-induced neuronal plasticity and behavioral adaptation; and to develop neuroanatomical and neurophysiological quantitative indicators of animal well-being. His current research emphasis is on 1) pain in farm animals, following various management practices, such as beak trimming in poultry; 2) use of probiotics and synbiotics for improving animal well-being; 3) modification of caging environments to improve hen well-being; and 4) prenatal modification of neurotransmitter system for reducing aggression. Integrated morphological, molecular biological, pharmacological, and behavioral approaches to the goal have been designed in my laboratory.