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Jill Lake
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2021: Culinary Arts Certificate, Anne Arundel Community College
2009: MBA (Management), Johns Hopkins University
1999: MSc (Quantitative Genetics), Macdonald Campus of McGill University
1994: BSc (General Agriculture), Macdonald Campus of McGill University

Employment History:

2004 - current: IT Specialist (Internet), Web Development Team, ADB, ITSD, AFM, ARS
2002 - 2004: Animal Scientist (Bioinformatics), Bovine Functional Genomics Lab, BARC, ARS
1996 - 2002: Dairy Scientist, Animal Improvement Programs Lab, BARC, ARS

Current Focus:

Manage, support, and oversee the public ARS website program.

Application Development Branch 2019:

/ARSUserFiles/4429/adb 2019 small.jpg

Enterprise Applications Branch 2018:
