Information Systems
Information is key to understanding the status, trends, and actions needed to better conserve and use animal genetic resources. The Animal-Genetic Resources Information Network (Animal-GRIN) serves as a portal for users to explore and use the genetic resource collection developed by ARS. Animal-GRIN development is a collaborative effort with the agricultural research systems of Brazil (EMBRAPA), Canada (Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada), and the United States (ARS). Therefore it serves as a common platform for all three countries to understand genetic resources and to share insights about major animal genetic trends in the western hemisphere.
Animal-GRIN has been developed with flexibility in mind. Future plans include adding genomic, geographic, and production system information to provide a more complete view of how genetic resources will need to be used to increase and insure food security.
Users can perform database queries to explore the collection at the species, breed, or individual animal level. Animal-GRIN is the gateway for the livestock industry and public sector researchers to view the collection and determine which samples they may be interested in using for a variety of projects.
Click here to visit the ARS Animal-GRIN public report pages.