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Edward Raynor
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Edward Raynor

Research Associate Ecologist

Contact Information



Crops Research Laboratory

1701 Center Ave.

Fort Collins, CO 80526

Phone: 970-492-7146

Fax: 970-492-7160





B.S. Environmental Studies                                       2006      University of Maine at Machias

M.S. Marine and Environmental Biology                   2010      Nicholls State University

Ph.D. Biology                                                              2015      Kansas State University

Research Interests:

Dr. Raynor’s research interests include behavioral ecology, plant-herbivore interactions, the ecology and management of rangelands, and conservation biology. His current research examines interactions among cattle, management strategies, and precipitation.


His specific research questions are:

At what scales (temporal and spatial) do forage resources mediate cattle foraging behavior and performance?

What vegetation measurement tools can benefit adaptive rangeland management?

What local and hemispherical meteorological factors can be incorporated into ranch decision-making to benefit year-to-year livestock performance?



Augustine, D.J., Kearney, S.P., Raynor, E.J., Porensky, L.M. and Derner, J.D. 2023. Adaptive, multi-paddock, rotational grazing management alters foraging behavior and spatial grazing distribution of free-ranging cattle. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 352: 108521.

Raynor, E.J., Derner, J.D., Augustine, D.J., Jablonski, K.E., Porensky, L.M., Ritten, J., Hoover, D.L. and Elliott, J. 2022. Balancing ecosystem service outcomes at the ranch-scale in shortgrass steppe: The role of grazing management. Rangelands 44: 391-397.

Raynor, E.J., Derner, J.D., Porensky, L.M., Hoover, D.L., Augustine, D.J., Jablonski, K.E., Dwyer, A.M., and K.P. Davis. 2022. Grazing Management Practices for Grassland Bird Breeding Habitat in the Shortgrass Steppe. Colorado State University Extension Fact Sheet No. 1.636 Nature Resources Management.

Augustine, D.J., Raynor, E.J., Kearney, S.P. and Derner, J.D. 2022. Can measurements of foraging behaviour predict variation in weight gains of free-ranging cattle? Animal Production Science.

Raynor, E.J., J. D. Derner, T. Baldwin, J. P. Ritten, D.J. Augustine. 2021. Multidecadal directional shift in shortgrass stocking rates. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 74: 72-80, 56

Raynor, E.J., S.P. Gersie, M.B. Stephenson, P.E. Clark, S.A. Spiegal, R.K. Boughton, D.W. Bailey, A. Cibils, B.W. Smith, J.D. Derner, R.E. Estell, R.M. Nielson, D.J. Augustine. 2021. Cattle grazing distribution patterns related to topography across diverse rangeland ecosystems of North America. Rangeland Ecology & Management 75: 91–103

Raynor E. J., J. D. Derner, D. L. Hoover, W. J. Parton, and D. J. Augustine. 2020. Large-scale and local climatic controls on large herbivore productivity: implications for adaptive rangeland management. Ecological Applications 00(00):e02053. 10.1002/eap.2053

Derner, J. D., E. J. Raynor, J. L. Reeves, D. J. Augustine, D. G. Milchunas. 2019. Climatic and management determinants of large herbivore production in semiarid grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 290:106761,

Raynor, E. J., J. J. Coon, T. M. Swartz, L. W. Morton, W. H. Schacht, J. R. Miller. 2019. Shifting Cattle Producer Beliefs on Stocking and Invasive Forage: Implications for Grassland Conservation. Rangeland Ecology & Management 72: 888e898

Raynor, E.J., J. O. Harrison, C. E. Whalen, J. A. Smith, W. H. Schacht, A. J. Tyre, J. F. Benson, M. B. Brown,. and L. A. Powell. 2019. Anthropogenic noise does not surpass land cover in explaining habitat selection of Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido). The Condor: Ornithological Applications XX:1–15; DOI: 10.1093/condor/duz044

Ling B., E.J. Raynor, D. G. Goodin and A. Joern. 2019. Effects of fire and large herbivores on canopy nitrogen in a tallgrass prairie. Remote Sensing. 11:1364; doi:10.3390/rs11111364

Ling, B., D. Goodin, E.J. Raynor, and A. Joern. 2019 Hyperspectral analysis of leaf pigments and nutritional elements in tallgrass prairie vegetation. Frontiers in Plant Science

 Hoppe, I., J. Olney Harrison, E.J. Raynor, M. Bomberger Brown, L. A. Powell, and A. J. Tyre. 2019. Temperature, wind, vegetation, and roads influence incubation patterns of greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) in the Nebraska Sandhills, USA. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97(2): 91-99

 Snyman, A., E.J. Raynor, C. Chizinski, L.A. Powell, and J. Carroll. 2018.  African lion (Panthera leo) space use in eastern Botswana's transfrontier conservation area. African Journal of Wildlife Research 48 (2) 1:12

 Raynor, E.J., C.E. Whalen, M.B. Brown, and L.A. Powell. 2017. Location matters: evaluating Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) boom chorus propagation. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12(2):17.

 Raynor, E.J., C.E. Whalen$, M.B. Brown, and L.A. Powell. 2017. Grassland bird community and acoustic complexity appear unaffected by proximity to a wind energy facility in the Nebraska Sandhills. Condor 119:484-496

 Dallmann, J.D.*, E.J. Raynor†, L.C. Anderson*, L.A. Powell, and W.H. Schacht. 2016. iButton temperature loggers effectively determine prairie grouse nest absences. Great Plains Research 26:117-123

 Cable, T.T., W.H. Fick, and E.J. Raynor. 2015. The potential impacts of saltcedar eradication      (Tamarix sp.) on the birds of the Cimarron National Grassland. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 118:41-47.

 Raynor, E.J., A.R. Pierce, T. M. Owen, C.M. Leumas, and F.C. Rohwer. 2013. Short-term demographic responses of a coastal waterbird community after two major hurricanes. Waterbirds 36: 88-93.

 Raynor, E.J., A.R. Pierce, C.M. Leumas, and F.C. Rohwer. 2012. Breeding habitat requirements and colony formation by Royal Tern and Sandwich Tern on barrier islands in the Gulf of Mexico. Auk 129:763-772.

 Soper, J .M., E. J. Raynor , C. Wienhold,  W. H. Schacht. 2019. Evaluating composition and conservation value of roadside plant communities in a grassland biome. Environmental Management;

Raynor, E.J., C. Griffith, D. Twidwell, W.H. Schacht, C.L. Wonkka, C. H. Bielski, C.P. Roberts, D.M. Debinski, and J.R. Miller.  2018.  The emergence of heterogeneity in an invasive-dominated grassland: a matter of the scale of detection. Landscape Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s10980-018-0725-x

Joern, A., and E.J. Raynor. 2018. Grazer Ecology. Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology. Ed. David Gibson. New York: Oxford University Press, doi: 10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0201

Raynor, E.J., L.A. Powell, and W.H. Schacht. 2018. Present and future thermal environments available to Sharp-tailed Grouse in an intact grassland. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0191233

Raynor, E.J., A. Joern, A. Skibbe, M. Sowers, J.M. Briggs, A.N. Laws, and D. Goodin. 2017. Temporal variability in space use of a large grazer in an experimental landscape. Ecosphere 8: e01674

Raynor, E.J., H.L. Beyer, J.M. Briggs, and A. Joern. 2017. Complex variation in habitat selection strategies among individuals driven by extrinsic factors. Ecology and Evolution 7:1802-1822

Raynor, E.J., T.T. Cable, and B.K. Sandercock. 2017. Effects of Tamarix removal on avian community dynamics in a semi-arid grassland. Restoration Ecology 25:778-787

Raynor, E.J., A. Joern, J.B. Nippert, and J.M. Briggs. 2016. Foraging decisions underlying restricted space-use: fire and forage maturation effects on large herbivore nutrient uptake. Ecology and Evolution 6:5843-5853

Raynor, E.J., A. Joern, and J.M. Briggs. 2015. Bison foraging responds to fire frequency in nutritionally heterogeneous grassland. Ecology 96:1586–1597