Additional Biographical Information for Erskine, Robert |
Curriculum Vitae - Robert H. Erskine
B.S. Natural Resources,
B.S. Civil Engineering (Cum Laude),
M.S. Civil Engineering,
Ph.D. Candidate, Civil Engineering,
Chi Epsilon, National Civil Engineering Honor Society
Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society
American Geophysical Union, member
Soil Science Society of America, member
Engineer In Training (EIT),
USDA-ARS, New England Plant Soil and Water Lab,
Position: Biological Science Technician
?Supported research toward nitrogen use efficiency in crop production
?Performed laboratory analyses of soil and plant material
?Collected experimental data, maintained databases, and performed statistical analyses
?Designed and maintained field experimental plots
USDA-ARS, Great Plains Systems Research Unit,
Position: Biological Science Technician
?Supported research toward sustainable agricultural production through modeling of systems
?Analyzed hydrologic components of integrated systems model
?Conducted field and laboratory experiments for development and verification of model parameters
?Designed and maintained field experimental plots
?Maintained databases and performed statistical analyses
USDA-ARS, Agricultural Systems Research Unit (formerly Great Plains Systems Research),
Position: Physical Scientist
?Support research toward the understanding of spatial/temporal variability and scaling behaviors of soil properties and soil-water movement and their effects on crop yield
?Organize and perform field work to collect landscape topographic data, plant and soil samples, and monitor crop yield, soil-water content, and weather variables using state-of-the-art electronic equipment and Global Positioning System (GPS) technology
?Analyze spatial data using Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and statistical methods
?Analyze water-soil-plant dynamics with hydrologic and agricultural system model simulations
1. Developed module to simulate weed population/crop yield dynamics within an agricultural systems model (GPFARM) and designed a user interface for data input.
2. Developed GIS tools to process spatial grain yield monitoring data into accurate yield maps and to create yield maps for forage crops based on bale data.
3. Configured Trimble GPS with an external soil moisture sensing device (TDR) to create a mobile (all-terrain vehicle) and navigable soil probing unit for rapid, georeferenced surface soil moisture data collection.
4. Quantified sensitivities of land surface terrain attribute estimations to grid digital elevation model (DEM) accuracy and cell size.
5. Performed a quantitative comparison of common DEM grid-based flow routing algorithms for the estimation of flow contributing area.
6. Identified fractal behavior of various land surface terrains and scaling relationships for terrain attributes.
Green, T.R. and R.H. Erskine, 2004. Measurement, scaling, and topographic analyses of spatial crop yield and soil water content, Hydrol. Process. 18:1447-1465.
Erskine, R.H., T.R. Green, J.A. Ramirez and L.H. MacDonald, 2006. Comparison of grid-based algorithms for computing contributing area, Water Resources Research. 42, W09416, doi:09410.01029/02005WR004648.
Andales, A.A., T.R. Green, L.R. Ahuja, R.H. Erskine, and G.A. Peterson. 2007. Temporally stable patterns in grain yield and soil water on a dryland catena. Agric. Systems 94:119-127.
Erskine, R.H., T.R. Green, J.A. Ramirez, and L.H. MacDonald. 2007. Digital elevation accuracy and grid cell size: effects on computed topographic attributes. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 71:1371-1380.
Green, T.R., J.D. Salas, A. Martinez, and R.H. Erskine. 2007. Relating crop yield to topographic attributes using spatial analysis neural networks and regression. Geoderma 139:23-27.
Green, T.R., G.H. Dunn, R.H. Erskine, J.D. Salas, and L.R. Ahuja. 2009. Fractal analyses of steady infiltration and terrain on an undulating agricultural field. Vadose Zone J. 8:1-12.
Canner, S., L. Wiles, R.H. Erskine, G.S. McMaster, G.H. Dunn, and J.C. Ascough. 2009. Modeling with limited data: The influence of crop rotation and management on weed communities and crop yield loss. Weed Research. In press.
Ahuja, L.R., T.R. Green, R.H. Erskine, L. Ma, J.C. Ascough, G.H. Dunn, M.J. Shaffer, and A. Martinez. 2002. Topographic analysis, scaling and models to evaluate spatial/temporal variability of landscape processes and management. in Agricultural System Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer. edited by L.R. Ahuja, L. Ma, and T.A. Howell. pp. 265-272. CRC Press.
Erskine, R.H., J.A. Ramirez, and T.R. Green, Identifying opportunities for investigating the effects of temperature on infiltration and implications for modelling the hydrologic response of watersheds, Proceedings of the 20th Annual AGU Hydrology Days, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 2000.
Erskine, R.H., T.R. Green, and G.H. Dunn, GPS/GIS methods for collecting and analyzing grain and forage data, Proceedings of the 2001 ESRI Southwestern User Group Meeting, Tucson, AZ, 2001.