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Huihui Zhang
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Huihui Zhang Dr. Huihui Zhang
Agricultural Engineer


Water Management Research Unit
2150 Centre Avenue, Bldg D, Suite 320
Fort Collins, CO 80526

PHONE: (970) 492-7413
FAX: (970) 492-7408


Research  Degrees  Publications

Research Interests:

My research interests at the WMSRU are to improve water productivity (yield per unit water consumed) of irrigated agronomic crops integrating remotely-sensed information from ground, UAV, or satellite sensors and to estimate crop water use, understand crop response to water stress, develop irrigation scheduling tools, and provide information to optimally allocate limited irrigation water.


Ph.D. Biological & Agricultural Engineering 2010 Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
M.S. Electrical Engineering 2005 San Francisco State University, CA, USA
B.S. Electrical Engineering 1998 Tongji University, Shanghai, China



Han, M., H. Zhang, K. C. DeJonge, L. H. Comas, T. J. Trout. 2016. Estimating maize water stress by standard deviation of canopy temperature in thermal imagery. Agricultural Water Management, 177: 400-409.

Dangi, S. R., H. Zhang, D. Wang, J. Gerik, B. D. Hanson. 2016. Soil microbial community composition in a peach orchard under different irrigation methods and postharvest deficit irrigation. Soil Science, 181 (5): 208-215. doi: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000153

Zhang, H., R. G. Anderson, D. Wang. 2015. Satellite-based crop coefficient and regional water use estimates for Hawaiian sugarcane. Field Crops Research, 180:143-154.

Anderson, R.G., D. Wang, R. Tirado-Corbala, H. Zhang, J. E. Ayars. 2015. Divergence of actual and reference evapotranspiration observations for irrigated sugarcane with windy tropical conditions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19: 583-599. doi:10.5194/hess-19-583-2015

Xue, X. Y., T. Kang, W. C. Qin, Y. Lan, H. Zhang. 2014 Drift and deposition of ultra-low altitude and low volume application in paddy field. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 7: 23-28.

Zhang, H., and D. Wang. Management of postharvest deficit irrigation of peach trees using infrared canopy temperature. 2013. Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0093

Zhang, H., Y. Lan, C. P. Suh, J. K. Westbrook, W. C. Hoffmann, C. H. Yang, Y. B. Huang. 2013. Fusion of remotely sensed data from airborne and ground-based sensors to enhance detection of cotton plants. Computers and Electronics in Engineering, 93: 55-59

Lan, Y., H. Zhang, W.C. Hoffmann, J. Lopez. 2013. Spectral response of spider mite infested cotton: Mite density and miticide rate study. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 6:48-52.

Zhang, H., Y. Lan, C. P. Suh, J. K. Westbrook, R. Lacey, W. C. Hoffmann. 2012. Differentiation of cotton from other crops at different growth stages using spectral properties and discriminant analysis. Transactions of the ASABE, 55:1-8.

Zhang, H., L. L. Hinze, Y. Lan, J. K. Westbrook, W. C. Hoffmann. 2012. Discriminating among cotton cultivars with varying leaf characteristics using hyperspectral radiometry . Transactions of the ASABE, 55, 275-280.

H. Zhu, T. Xu, T. Xu, Y. Lan, W. Wu, H. Zhang. 2012. Study on a method for fast selecting feature wavelengths from spectral information of crop nitrogen. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 32(8): 2185-2189.

Zhang, H., Y. Lan, R. Lacey, W. C. Hoffmann, J. K. Westbrook. 2011. Spatial analysis of NDVI readings with different sampling densities. Transactions of the ASABE, 54(1): 349- 354.

Zhang, H., Y. Lan, R. Lacey; W. C. Hoffmann, D. E. Martin, B. Fritz, J. Lopez Jr. 2010. Ground-based spectral reflectance measurements for efficacy evaluation of aerially applied glyphosate treatments. Biosystem Engineering, 107: 10-15.

Y. Lan, S. J. Thomson, Y. Huang, W. C. Hoffmann, H. Zhang. 2010. Current status and future directions of precision agriculture for aerial applications in the USA . Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, 74: 34-38.

Zhang, H., Y. Lan, R. Lacey, W. C. Hoffmann, Y. Huang. 2009. Analysis of vegetation indices derived from aerial multispectral and ground hyperspectral data. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2(3): 33-40.

Zhang, H., Y. Lan, R. Lacey, Y. Huang W. C. Hoffmann, D. Martin, G. C. Bora. 2009. Analysis of variograms with various sample sizes from a multispectral image. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2(4): 62-69.

Y. Lan, H. Zhang, R. Lacey, W.C. Hoffmann, W. Wu. 2009. Development of an integrated sensor and instrumentation system for measuring crop conditions. The Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal Manuscript IT-08 1115. Vol. XI: 1-16. April.