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Mapping Ecological States
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State maps are spatial representations of vegetation states of the ecological sites occurring in a landscape. They are high resolution vegetation and soil maps that are linked to Ecological Site Descriptions (ESDs) and state-and-transition models (STMs). 

 Quick links:
  1. What is 'state mapping'?
  2. What is needed to 'state map'?
  3. NRCS major land resource areas
  4. NRCS SSURGO . . .
  5. Obtain or create spatial data linking each soil component
  6. Existing spatial data layers, georeferenced ground data, field traverse data
  7. State codes via generalized ecological sites
  8. Products . . .
  9. State map uses
 "Better Maps Mean Better Rangeland Management" - from the July 2013 issue of Agricultural Research, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's science magazine