Virginia Jin |
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•• B.S. DukeUniversity, 1996
•• M.F.R.University of Georgia, 2000
•• Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2004
Research Interests:
management effects on soil C and N cycling, including greenhouse gas emissions; soil microbial ecology; global change ecology
Damoff GA, Hamlett P, Grubh A, Jin VL, Johnson M-VV, Arnold JG, Fries L. 2013. Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae and Lumbricidae) associated with Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant, Travis County, Texas, USA. Megadrologica 15: 251-265.
Jin VL, Haney RL, Fay PA, Polley HW. 2013. Soil type and moisture regime control microbial C and N mineralization in grassland soils more than atmospheric CO2-induced changes in litter quality. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 58: 172-180.
Seabloom EW, Borer ET, Buckley Y, et al. 2013. (Jin VL is #40 of 73 co-authors) Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness? Global Change Biology 19: 3677-3687.
Fay PA, Polley HW, Jin VL, Aspinwall MJ. 2012. Productivity of well-watered Panicum virgatum does not increase with CO2 enrichment. Journal of Plant Ecology 5: 366-375.
Fay PA, Jin VL, Way DA, Potter KN, Gill RA, Jackson RB, Polley HW. 2012. Soil-mediated effects of subambient to elevated CO2 on grassland productivity. Nature Climate Change 2: 742-746.
Haney RL, Franzleubbers AJ, Jin VL, Johnson M-VV, Haney EB, White MJ, Harmel RD. 2012. Soil organic C:N vs water-extractable organic C:N. Open Journal of Soil Science 2: 269-274.
Polley HW, Jin VL, Fay PA. 2012. CO2-caused changes in plant species composition rivals the shift in vegetation between mid-grass and tallgrass prairies. Global Change Biology 18: 700-710.
Polley HW, Jin VL, Fay PA. 2012. Feedback from plant species change amplifies CO2 enhancement of grassland productivity. Global Change Biology 18: 2813-2823.
Adler PB, Seabloom E, Borer E, et al. 2011. (Jin VL is #32 of 58 co-authors). Productivity is a poor predictor of plant species richness. Science 333: 1750-1753.
Jin VL, Johnson M-VV, Haney RL, Arnold JG. 2011. Potential carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soils from a perennial forage production system amended with Class B biosolids. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 141: 461-465.
Jin VL, Schaeffer SA, Ziegler SE, Evans RD. 2011. Soil water availability and microsite mediate fungal and bacterial phospholipid fatty acid biomarker abundances in Mojave Desert soils exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2, Journal of Geophysical Research 116: G02001, doi:10.1029/2010JG001564.
Polley HW, Fay PA, Jin VL, Combs GF. 2011. CO2 enrichment increases element concentrations in grass mixtures by changing species abundances. Plant Ecology 212: 945-957.
Wienhold BJ, Varvel GE, Jin VL. 2011. Corn cob residue carbona dn nutrient dynamics during decomposition. Agronomy Journal 103: 1192-1197.
Jin VL, Romanek CS, Donovan LA, Sharitz RR. 2010. Soil nitrogen availability and in situ nitrogen uptake by Acer rubrum L. and Pinus palustris Mill. in the southeastern U. S. Coastal Plain. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 137: 339-347.
Jin VL, Evans RD. 2010. Elevated CO2 increases plant uptake of organic and inorganic N in the desert shrub Larrea tridentata L. Oecologia 163: 257-266.
Jin VL, Evans RD. 2010. Microbial 13C utilization patterns via stable isotope probing of phospholipid biomarkers in Mojave Desert soils exposed to ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2. Global Change Biology 16: 2334-2344.
Fay PA, Kelley AM, Procter AC, Hui D, Jin VL, Jackson RB, Johnson HB, Polley HW. 2009. Primary productivity and water balance of grassland vegetation on three soils in a continuous CO2 gradient: Initial results from the Lysimeter CO2 Gradient Experiment. Ecosystems 12: 699-714.
Jin VL, Evans RD. 2007. Elevated CO2 increases microbial carbon substrate use and N cycling in Mojave Desert soils. Global Change Biology 13: 452-465.
Kang S, Doh S, Lee DS, Lee D, Jin VL, Kimball JS. 2003. Topographic and climatic controls on soil respiration in six temperate mixed-hardwood forests slopes, Korea. Global Change Biology 9: 1427-1437.
Jin VL, West LT, Haines BL, Peterson CJ. 2000. P retention in tropical pre-montane soils across forest-pasture interfaces. Soil Science 165: 881-889.
Richter DD, Markewitz D, Heine PR, Jin V, Raikes J, Tian K, Wells CG. 2000. Legacies of agriculture and forest regrowth in the nitrogen of old field soils. Forest Ecology and Management 138: 233-248.
Wienhold BJ, Varvel GE, Jin VL, Mitchell RB, Vogel KP. 2013. Corn residue removal effects on subsequent yield. In Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. University of Nebraska-Extension No. MP98. The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. pp 40-41.
Campbell E, Johnson JM-F, Jin VL, Varvel GE, Adler PR, Paustian K. 2012. Using DAYCENT to model the soil impacts of harvesting corn stover for bioenergy. National Sun Grant Initiative Conference. (Conference Proceedings)
Jin VL, Baker JM, Johnson JM-F, Karlen DL, Lehman RM, Osborne SL, Sauer TJ, Stott DE, Varvel GE, Venterea RT. 2012. Greenhouse gas fluxes in response to corn stover harvest. National Sun Grant Initiative Conference. (Conference Proceedings)
Stott DE, Jin VL, Ducey TF, Karlen DL, Varvel GE, Johnson JM-F, Baker JM, Osborne SL, Novak JM, Adler PR, Roth GW, Birrell SJ. 2012. Influence of corn stover harvest on soil quality assessments at multiple locations across the U.S. National Sun Grant Initiative Conference. (Conference Proceedings)
Wienhold BJ, Varvel GE, Gilley JE, Jin VL. 2012. Cob component of corn residue can be used as a biofuel feedstock with little impact on soil and water conservation. USDA-ARS Natural Resources Research Update, No. 278169.
Ferguson R, Shaver T, Ward N, Irmak S, Van Donk S, Rudnick D, Wienhold B, Schmer M, Jin V, Francis D, Adamchuck V, Hendrickson L. 2012. Landscape influences on soil nitrogen supply and water holding capacity for irrigated corn. International Society of Precision Agriculture. (Conference Proceedings)
Derner J, Jin VL. 2011. Rangeland Management. In Managing Agricultural Greenhouse Gases. Eds. Liebig M, Franzluebbers AJ, Follett RF. Elsevier. San Diego, CA. pp 79-92.
Jin VL, Witherington EM, Johnson M-VV, Haney RL, Arnold JG. 2010. Impacts of land-applying class B municipal biosolids on soil microbial activity and soil nutrient and metal concentrations. Water Environment Research. (Conference Proceedings)
Lee DW, Jin VL, Choe JC, Son Y, Yoo S, Lee H-K, Hong S-K, Ihm B-S. 2002. (Eds.) Ecology of Korea. Bumwoo Publishing Company. Seoul, Korea. 406 p.