Junping Chen
Plant Stress and Germplasm Development Research
Molecular Biologist (Plants)
Phone: (806) 749-5560 ext. 5220
Fax: (806) 723-5272
LUBBOCK , TX 79415
Research Interests
My research program at USDA-CSRL-PSGD focuses on characterizing abiotic tolerance traits of major crops (maize, sorghum and cotton) for heat and drought stresses, ranges from field-based physiology, metabolism to genetic and genomic studies. The long term goal of the projects is to expand the current knowledge and existing hypotheses in heat and combined heat and drought tolerance, leading to the formulation of novel concepts, and the development of improved germplasm and crop varieties.
B.S. Hebei Agricultural University. China. 1982. Agriculture: Plant Protection
M.S. University of Minnesota. USA. 1991. Plant Physiology
Ph.D. University of Minnesota. USA. 1996. Plant Pathology
Present and Past Positions
Plant Molecular Geneticist, Plant Stress & Germplasm Develop. Unit, USDA/ARS, 2003-present
Senior Associate Scientist, Cereon Genomics Inc. Monsanto Co., 1999 - 2002
Research Associate, Washington State University, 1997 - 1998
Visiting Scientist, University of Minnesota, 1987 - 1990
Research Scientist, Institute of Plant Protection, Hebei Province, China. 1982 - 1987
- (Clicking on the reprint icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
- A dominant multiple tiller mutant that dramatically increases biomass and grain yield in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Pugh, N.A., Chen, J., Tian, R., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Sattler, S.E., Xin, Z. 2024. A dominant multiple tiller mutant that dramatically increases biomass and grain yield in sorghum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- A Leucine-Rich Repeat Receptor Kinase as a regulator in the cuticular wax deposition in sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tian, R., Najera-Gonzalez, H., Nigam, D., Khan, A., Herrera-Estrella, L., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Jiao, Y. 2024. A Leucine-Rich Repeat Receptor Kinase as a regulator in the cuticular wax deposition in sorghum. Journal of Experimental Botany. 75(20):6331-6345.
- Multiple tiller-D1 and biomass production-(Other)
Xin, Z., Chen, J. 2024. Multiple tiller-D1 and biomass production. Invention Report.
- Functional genomics enabled by the large scale sequence indexed sorghum mutant population-(Abstract Only)
Jiao, Y., Tian, R., Chen, J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2024. Functional genomics enabled by the large scale sequence indexed sorghum mutant population. Plant Biology Annual Meeting.
- Assessment of growth and yield potential of a dominant multi-tillering sorghum mutant-(Abstract Only)
Pugh, N.A., Xin, Z., Chen, J., Burow, G.B. 2024. Assessment of growth and yield potential of a dominant multi-tillering sorghum mutant. Corn and Sorghum Improvement Conference Proceedings.
- A large sequenced mutant library- valuable reverse genetic resource that covers 98% of the genes in a Sorghum genome -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jiao, Y., Singh, D., Barry, K., Daum, C., Yoshinaga, Y., Khan, A., Lu, Z., Wang, X., Wei, X., Tello-Ruiz, M.K., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Mortimer, J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2023. A large sequenced mutant library- valuable reverse genetic resource that covers 98% of the genes in a Sorghum genome. Plant Journal. 117(5):1543-1557.
- Sorghum bicolor INDETERMINATE1 is a conserved primary regulator of flowering -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
De Riseis, S., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Harmon, F.G. 2023. Sorghum bicolor INDETERMINATE1 is a conserved primary regulator of flowering. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14. Article 1304822.
- Impacts of heat stress on sorghum seed development in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Khan, A., Tian, R., Xin, Z., Jiao, Y. 2024. Impacts of heat stress on sorghum seed development in sorghum. Annual International Plant & Animal Genome Conference.
- A large Sequenced Mutant library provides gene leads for breeding and genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2024. A large Sequenced Mutant library provides gene leads for breeding and genome editing. Plant and Animal Genome Conference.
- A large sequenced mutant library as a community resource for sorghum breeding and genomics-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2024. A large sequenced mutant library as a community resource for sorghum breeding and genomics. Meeting Abstract.
- Assessment of growth and yield potential of a dominant multi-tillering sorghum mutant-(Abstract Only)
Pugh, N.A., Xin, Z., Chen, J., Burow, G.B. 2023. Assessment of growth and yield potential of a dominant multi-tillering sorghum mutant. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- A large Sequenced Mutant library covers 98% of the genes in the genome of the inbred line BTx623-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2023. A large Sequenced Mutant library covers 98% of the genes in the genome of the inbred line BTx623. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Variations in total protein and amino acids in the sequenced sorghum mutant library -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Khan, A., Khan, N., Bean, S.R., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Jiao, Y. 2023. Variations in total protein and amino acids in the sequenced sorghum mutant library. Plants. 12(8).
- Registration of 252 sequenced sorghum mutants as a community reverse genetic resource -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2023. Registration of 252 sequenced sorghum mutants as a community reverse genetic resource. Journal of Plant Registrations. 17(3):599-604.
- Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2023. Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing. International Plant and Animal Genome IX Conference.
- Mutation in Endo-ß-1,4-Glucanase (KORRIGAN) is responsible for thick leaf phenotype in sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mendu, L., Jalathge, G., Dhillon, K., Singh, N., Balasubramanian, V., Fewou, R., Gitz, D.C., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Mendu, V. 2022. Mutation in Endo-ß-1,4-Glucanase (KORRIGAN) is responsible for thick leaf phenotype in sorghum. Plants. 11(24).
- Translational genetics for climate smart and sustainable sorghums-(Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Hughes, H.J., Chen, J., Payton, P.R. 2022. Translational genetics for climate smart and sustainable sorghums. 2022 ARS-TTU Research Conference Highlights.
- Pedigreed sorghum mutant library as a public resource for discovering trait for breeding and targets for genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Chen, J. 2022. Pedigreed sorghum mutant library as a public resource for discovering trait for breeding and targets for genome editing. John A. Browse Symposium on Plant Lipids and Beyond.
- Characterization of sorghum male sterile mutants and their potential use in sorghum breeding-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xin, Z., Haydee, L. 2022. Characterization of sorghum male sterile mutants and their potential use in sorghum breeding. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Sequenced Mutants as a Resource for Reverse Genetics in Sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Pugh, N.A., Ware, D. 2022. Sequenced Mutants as a Resource for Reverse Genetics in Sorghum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
- Genetics of enhanced sink capacity in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Hughes, H.J., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Payton, P.R. 2022. Genetics of enhanced sink capacity in sorghum. Crop Science Society of America.
- Registration of two novel grain sorghum nuclear male sterile mutants: BTx623ms9-1 and BTx623ms9-3 -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Laza, H., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J., Emendack, Y., Xin, Z. 2022. Registration of two novel grain sorghum nuclear male sterile mutants: BTx623ms9-1 and BTx623ms9-3. Journal of Plant Registrations.
- Transcriptome analysis of high-temperature stress in sorghum seed development-(Abstract Only)
Khan, A., Tian, R., Xin, Z., Yiao, Y., Chen, J. 2022. Transcriptome analysis of high-temperature stress in sorghum seed development (abstract). Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, March 28-30,2022, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.
- Morphological analysis and stage determination of anther development in sorghum [sorghum bicolor (l.) moench) -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Laza, H.E., Kaur-Kapoot, H., Xin, Z., Payton, P.R., Chen, J. 2022. Morphological analysis and stage determination of anther development in Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Planta. 255. Article 86.
- Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2022. Mutation breeding in the age of next-generation sequencing and genome editing. Plant and Animal Genome Conference.
- SorghumBase: a web-based portal for sorghum genetic information and community advancement -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gladman, N., Olson, A., Wei, S., Chogule, K., Lu, Z., Tello0ruiz, M., Meijs, I., Van Buren, P., Jiao, Y., Wang, B., Kumar, V., Kumari, S., Zhang, L., Burke, J.J., Chen, J., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Xin, Z., Ware, D. 2022. SorghumBase: a web-based portal for sorghum genetic information and community advancement. Planta. 255:35.
- Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2021. Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing. Meeting Abstract.
- Comparative physiological and transcriptomic analysis reveals salt tolerance mechanisms in sorghum bicolor (l.) moench -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ukwatta, J., Pabuayon, I.M., Park, J., Chen, J., Chai, X., Zhang, H., Zhu, J., Xin, Z., Shi, H. 2021. Comparative physiological and transcriptomic analysis reveals salt tolerance mechanisms in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Planta. 254(98).
- Sorghum genetic, genomic, and breeding resources -(Review Article)
Xin, Z., Wang, M.L., Chen, J., Harrison, M.L., Morris, G., Cuevas, H.E., Pugh, N.A. 2021. Sorghum genetic, genomic, and breeding resources. Planta. 114:254.
- Elevated [CO2]-induced changes prevented peanut plants from photosynthetic acclimation to water deficit -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Echevarria Laza, H.J., Baker, J.T., Yates, C.E., Mahan, J.R., Burow, M., Puppala, N., Gitz, D.C., Emendack, Y., Layland, N.L., Ritchie, G., Chen, J., Rowland, D., Payton, P.R. 2021. Elevated [CO2]-induced changes prevented peanut plants from photosynthetic acclimation to water deficit. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 308-309.
- Enhanced sink capacity inbred lines of sorghum for genetic dissection of source-sink dynamics-(Abstract Only)
Burow, G.B., Xin, Z., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Payton, P.R. 2021. Enhanced sink capacity inbred lines of sorghum for genetic dissection of source-sink dynamics [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. 2021 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, November 7-10, 2021 Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Comparative analysis of sorghum EMS mutants and natural populations -(Pre-print Publication)
Wang, L., Lipzen, A., Lu, Z., Chen, J., Wang, X., Tello-Ruiz, M.K., Barry, K., Mortimer, J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2021. Comparative analysis of sorghum EMS mutants and natural populations. bioRxiv.
- A sorghum gigantea mutant attenuates florigen gene expression and delays flowering time -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abdul-Awal, S., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Harmon, F.G. 2020. A sorghum gigantea mutant attenuates florigen gene expression and delays flowering time. Plant Direct. 4(11). Article e00281.
- BSAseq: An interactive and integrated web-based workflow for identification of causal mutations in bulked f2 populations -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, L., Lu, Z., Regulski, M., Jiao, Y., Chen, J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2021. BSAseq: An interactive and integrated web-based workflow for identification of causal mutations in bulked f2 populations. Bioinformatics. 37(3):382-387.
- Sorghum qTGW1a encodes a G-protein subunit and acts as a negative regulator of grain size -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zou, G., Zhai, G., Chen, H., Yan, S., Zhou, L., Ding, Y., Lu, P., Liu, H., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Zhen, X., Liu, X. 2020. Sorghum qTGW1a encodes a G-protein subunit and acts as a negative regulator of grain size. Journal of Experimental Botany.
- The DEAD-box RNA helicase SHI2 functions in repression of salt-inducible genes and regulation of cold-inducible gene splicing -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bangshing, W., Haoxi, C., Yingli, Z., Yun, S., Wannian, Y., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Huazhong, S. 2019. The DEAD-box RNA helicase SHI2 functions in repression of salt-inducible genes and regulation of cold-inducible gene splicing. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71(4):1598–1613.
- Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2020. Pedigreed mutant library as an efficient resource to discover targets for genome editing. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. PE0768.
- Genetic and molecular analyses of nuclear male sterility loci in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Echevarria Laza, H.J., Jiao, Y., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2019. Genetic and molecular analyses of nuclear male sterility loci in sorghum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. online.
- Fertility of pedicellate spikelets in sorghum is controlled by a jasmonic acid regulatory module -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gladman, N.P., Jiao, Y., Lee, Y., Zhang, L., Chopra, R., Regulski, M., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Christensen, S.A., Dampanaboina, L., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2019. Fertility of pedicellate spikelets in sorghum is controlled by a jasmonic acid regulatory module. Nature Plants. 20(19).
- Physiological Characterization of Maize Inbred Lines under Heat Stress Conditions-(Abstract Only)
Echevarria Laza, H.J., Payton, P.R., Mahan, J.S., Emendack, Y., Chen, J. 2019. Physiological Characterization of Maize Inbred Lines under Heat Stress Conditions. CSA News. Oral Presentation.
- Increased soil respiration and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under elevated [CO2] and soil water deficit in a peanut agroecosystem-(Abstract Only)
Echevarria Laza, H.J., Cano, A., Cotton, J.E., Slaughter, L., Baker, J.T., Lascano, R.J., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Acosta Martinez, V., Payton, P.R. 2019. Increased soil respiration and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under elevated [CO2] and soil water deficit in a peanut agroecosystem. Plant Biology. Presentation.
- EMS-induced mutant library as a tool for fast trait discovery-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Ware, D. 2019. EMS-induced mutant library as a tool for fast trait discovery. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. online.
- Identification of the first nuclear male sterility gene (Male-sterile 9) in sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Jiao, Y., Echevarria Laza, H.J., Payton, P.R., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2019. Identification of the first nuclear male sterility gene (Male-sterile 9) in sorghum. The Plant Genome. 12.
- The chloroplast envelope protease FTSH11 - interaction with CPN60 and identification of potential substrates -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adam, Z., Aviv-Sharon, E., Keren-Paz, A., Naveh, L., Rozenberg, M., Savidor, A., Chen, J. 2019. The chloroplast envelope protease FTSH11 - interaction with CPN60 and identification of potential substrates. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:428.
- Registration of BTx623dw5 - a new sorghum dwarf mutant -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Xin, Z., Echevarria Laza, H.J. 2019. Registration of BTx623dw5 - a new sorghum dwarf mutant. Journal of Plant Registrations. 13:254-257.
- Development of a pedigreed sorghum mutant library -(Book / Chapter)
Chen, J., Zou, G., Xin, Z. 2019. Development of a pedigreed sorghum mutant library. In: Walker, J.M. Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press, Clifford, New Jersey. 1931:61-73.
- Genetic mapping of foliar and tassel heat stress tolerance in maize -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mcnellie, J.P., Chen, J., Yu, J. 2018. Genetic mapping of foliar and tassel heat stress tolerance in maize. Crop Science. 58:2484-2493.
- Genetic diversity in the environmental conditioning of two sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) hybrids -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Emendack, Y., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J. 2018. Genetic diversity in the environmental conditioning of two sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) hybrids. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 9:817-831.
- Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis revealed essential roles of FtsH 11 protease in regulation of the adaptive responses of photosynthetic systems to high temperature-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2018. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis revealed essential roles of FtsH 11 protease in regulation of the adaptive responses of photosynthetic systems to high temperature. Biomed Central (BMC) Plant Biology. doi:10.1186/s12870-018-1228-2.
- Efficient identification of causal mutations through sequencing of bulked F2 from two allelic bloomless mutants-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Gladman, N., Acosta Martinez, V., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2018. Efficient identification of causal mutations through sequencing of bulked F2 from two allelic bloomless mutants. Frontiers in Plant Science.
- Sequenced sorghum mutant library- an efficient platform for discovery of causal gene mutations-(Abstract Only)
Jiao, Y., Burke, J.J., Chuang, K.J., Burow, P.D., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2017. Sequenced sorghum mutant library- an efficient platform for discovery of causal gene mutations [abstract]. Meeting Abstract. Paper No. 001.
- Evaluation of sweet sorghum accessions for seedling cold tolerance using both lab and field cold germination test-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, M.L., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Vankus, P.J., Pinnow, D.L., Tonnis, B.D., Cuevas, H.E., Yu, J. 2017. Evaluation of sweet sorghum accessions for seedling cold tolerance using both lab and field cold germination test. Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany. 1(1):1-8.
- Rapid identification of causal gene mutations through sequencing bulked F2 derived from independent alleles-(Abstract Only)
Jiao, Y., Burow, G.B., Gladman, N., Acosta Martinez, V., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2017. Rapid identification of causal gene mutations through sequencing bulked F2 derived from independent alleles [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Paper No. 001.
- Registration of BTx623ms8 - a new and easily identifiable nuclear male sterile mutant in sorghum -(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Chen, J., Jiao, Y., Gladman, N., Hayes, C.M., Burow, G.B., Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J. 2018. Registration of BTx623ms8 - a new and easily identifiable nuclear male sterile mutant in sorghum. Journal of Plant Registrations.
- Effect of drought stress on cotton fiber development and fiber quality traits-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Jiao, Y., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2017. Effect of drought stress on cotton fiber development and fiber quality traits [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Paper No. 001.
- Genome-wide annotation of mutations in a phenotyped mutant library provides an efficient platform for discovery of casual gene mutations-(Abstract Only)
Jiao, Y., Burke, J.J., Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Wang, J., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2016. Genome-wide annotation of mutations in a phenotyped mutant library provides an efficient platform for discovery of casual gene mutations [abstract]. January 8-14, 2016, San Diego, CA. Paper No. W852-112.
- Genome-wide association study of heat tolerance of developing leaves during vegetative growth stages in a sorghum association panel-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Chopra, R., Hayes, C.M., Morris, G., Sandeep, M., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B. 2017. Genome-wide association study of heat tolerance of developing leaves during vegetative growth stages in a sorghum association panel. The Plant Genome. 10(2):1-15.
- Morphological characterization of a new and easily recognizable nuclear male sterile mutant of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor).-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Huang, J., Smith, A., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Sattler, S.E., Zhao, D. 2017. Morphological characterization of a new and easily recognizable nuclear male sterile mutant of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). PLoS One. 12(1):1-14.
- The arabidopsis polyamine transporter LHRI/AtPUT3 modulates heat responsive gene expression by regulating mRNA stability-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shen, Y., Ruan, O., Chai, H., Yuan, Y., Yang, W., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Shi, H. 2016. The arabidopsis polyamine transporter LHRI/AtPUT3 modulates heat responsive gene expression by regulating mRNA stability. Plant Journal. 88(6):1006-1021.
- A sorghum mutant resource as an efficient platform for gene discovery in grasses-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jiao, Y., Burke, J.J., Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Wang, B., Hayes, C.M., Emendack, Y., Ware, D., Xin, Z. 2016. A sorghum mutant resource as an efficient platform for gene discovery in grasses. The Plant Cell. 28:1551-1562.
- Dhurrin content relates to sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] seedling growth in marginal soils-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Chopra, R. 2016. Dhurrin content relates to sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] seedling growth in marginal soils [abstract]. Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists. Paper No. 33.
- Transcriptome analysis and SNP validation in sorghum using RNA seq data from germplasm with differential response to cold tolerance.-(Proceedings)
urow, G.B., Chopra, R., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emendack, Y., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M. 2015. Transcriptome analysis and SNP validation in sorghum using RNA seq data from germplasm with differential response to cold tolerance. p.1.
- Dissecting the role of metabolites in drought tolerance in maize under hot and dry environments-(Abstract Only)
- Characterization of genetic diversity of high temperature tolerance in sorghum-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Marla, S., Morris, G., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2015. Characterization of genetic diversity of high temperature tolerance in sorghum [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, September 1-3, 2015, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Translational genomics for abiotic stress in sorghum: transcriptional profiling and validation of SNP markers between germplasm with differential cold tolerance-(Abstract Only)
Chopra, R., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Hayes, C.M., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Emendack, Y. 2015. Translational genomics for abiotic stress in sorghum: transcriptional profiling and validation of SNP markers between germplasm with differential cold tolerance [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, Setpember 1-3, 2015, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Dhurrin content relates to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) seedling growth in marginal soils.-(Abstract Only)
Emendack, Y., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M., Chen, J., Chopra, R. 2015. Dhurrin content relates to sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) seedling growth in marginal soils [abstract]. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, September 1-3, 2015, Manhattan, Kansas. p. 1.
- Developing fiber specific promoter-reporter transgenic lines to study the effect of abiotic stresses on fiber development in cotton-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Burke, J.J. 2015. Developing fiber specific promoter-reporter transgenic lines to study the effect of abiotic stresses on fiber development in cotton. PLoS One. 10(6):1-17.
- Pedigreed mutant library- a unique resource for sorghum improvement and genomics-(Book / Chapter)
- Enhancement of reproductive heat tolerance in plants-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Chen, J. 2015. Enhancement of reproductive heat tolerance in plants. PLoS One. 10(4):1-23.
- Metabolic responses of two contrasting sorghums to water-deficit stress-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Payton, P.R., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Hayes, C.M. 2015. Metabolic responses of two contrasting sorghums to water-deficit stress. Crop Science. 55:344-353.
- Phenotypic mutant library: potential for gene discovery-(Book / Chapter)
Xin, Z., Chen, J., Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J. 2014. Phenotypic mutant library: potential for gene discovery. In: Wang, Y-H, Upadhyaya, H.D., Kole, C., editors. Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Sorghum. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 284-302.
- Steers grazing of a rye cover crop influences growth of rye and no-till cotton-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Allelopathic influence of a wheat or rye cover crop on growth and yield of no-till cotton-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Gentic variation for high temperature tolerance in maize-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Xu, W., Yeater, K.M. 2013. Gentic variation for high temperature tolerance in maize [abstract]. 55th Maize Genetic Conference, March 14-17, 2013, St. Charles, Illinois. P271:191.
- Characterization of maize inbred lines for drought and heat tolerance-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Xu, W., Velten, J.P., Xin, Z., Stout, J.E. 2012. Characterization of maize inbred lines for drought and heat tolerance. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 67(5):354-364.
- A high throughput DNA extraction method with high yield and quality-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Chen, J. 2012. A high throughput DNA extraction method with high yield and quality. Plant Methods. 8:26.
- Sorghum mutant library and TILLING-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Burow, G.B., Chen, J., Burke, J.J. 2012. Sorghum mutant library and TILLING [abstract]. American Society of Plant Biologists. p. 132.
- Potential to develop crops to contribute to food security conservation, and sustainable systems-(Abstract Only)
- Adaptability and performance of short-season maize hybrids in the southern high plains-(Abstract Only)
- Leaf dhurrin content is a quantitative measure of the level of pre- and post-flowering drought tolerance in sorghum-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Chen, J., Burow, G.B., Rosenow, D., Mechref, Y., Payton, P.R., Xin, Z. 2013. Leaf dhurrin content is a quantitative measure of the level of pre- and post-flowering drought tolerance in sorghum. Crop Science. 53(3):1056-1065.
- Mapping QTLs for heat tolerance traits in maize using NAM population-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Mcmullen, M.D., Burke, J.J., Xu, W., Burow, G.B. 2012. Mapping QTLs for heat tolerance traits in maize using NAM population [abstract]. Maize Genetics Conference Abstracts. p. 154.
- Transgene silencing and transgene-derived siRNA production in tobacco plants homozygous for an introduced AtMYB90 construct-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Velten, J.P., Cakir, C., Youn, E., Chen, J., Cazzonelli, C. 2012. Transgene silencing and transgene-derived siRNA production in tobacco plants homozygous for an introduced AtMYB90 construct. PLoS One. 7(2):e30141. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0030141.
- Development of drought and/or heat tolerant crop varieties, an adaptation approach to mitigate impact of climate change on agriculture-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xu, W., Xin, Z. 2011. Development of drought and/or heat tolerant crop varieties, an adaptation approach to mitigate impact of climate change on agriculture [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. p. 121.
- Chloroplast targeting of FtsHprotease is essential for chloroplast development and thylakoid stability at elevated temperatures in plants-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Burke, J.J. 2011. Chloroplast targeting of FtsHprotease is essential for chloroplast development and thylakoid stability at elevated temperatures in plants [abstract]. Plant Biology Annual Meeting. Paper No. 03063.
- Regulated AtHKT1 Gene Expression by a Distal Enhancer Element and DNA Methylation in the Promoter Plays an Important Role in Salt Tolerance-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Baek, D., Jiang, J., Chung, J., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Shi, H. 2011. Regulated AtHKT1 gene expression by a distal enhancer element and DNA methylation in the promoter plays an important role in salt tolerance. Plant Cell Physiology. 52(1):149-161.
- Dissection of Heat Tolerance Mechanisms in Maize-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Xu, W., Burow, G.B. 2011. Dissection of Heat Tolerance Mechanisms in Maize [abstract]. Keystone Symposia. p. 63.
- An Essential Component in Chloroplast Development and Maintenance at Moderate High Temperature in Higher Plants: Chloroplast-targeted FtsH11 Proteases-(Abstract Only)
- Genetic Dissection High Temperature Tolerance Traits in Maize-a QTL Mapping Approach-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Burow, G.B., Burke, J.J. 2010. Genetic Dissection High Temperature Tolerance Traits in Maize-a QTL Mapping Approach [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. p. 86-4.
- Role of phosphatidic acid in high temperature tolerance in maize-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Xu, W., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2010. Role of phosphatidic acid in high temperature tolerance in maize. Crop Science. 50(6):2506-2515.
- New molecular tools to study fiber develop and the effect of environmental stresses: development of transgenic cotton lines harboring fiber specific-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
- Drought tolerance evaluation in maize germplasms: A field study-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Mahan, J.R., Payton, P.R., Xu, W., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z. 2009. Drought tolerance evaluation in maize germplasms: A field study [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. November 1-5, 2009, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. CDROM.
- Dissection of the roles of FtsH protease in chloroplast biogenesis and stability at moderately high temperature: a quantitative proteomics approach-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J. 2009. Dissection of the roles of FtsH protease in chloroplast biogenesis and stability at moderately high temperature: a quantitative proteomics approach[abstract]. Proteomics Workshop and Symposium. August 5-7, 2009, Gainesville, Florida.
- Temperature effects on hydroponically-grown peanut carbohydrates-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Burke, J.J., Chen, J., Rowland, D., Sanders, T.H., Dean, L.L. 2009. Temperature effects on hydroponically-grown peanut carbohydrates. Peanut Science. 36(2):150-156.
- Mechanism of high temperature adaptation in maize-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xu, W., Burke, J.J. 2008. Mechanism of high temperature adaptation in maize [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Joint Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. October 5-9, 2008. Abstract No. 633-1.
- Roles of FtsH protease in choloroplast biogensis and protection of photosystems from high temperatures stress in higher plants-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2008. Roles of FtsH protease in choloroplast biogensis and protection of photosystems from high temperatures stress in higher plants[abstract]. Plant Biology 2008. June 26-July 2, 2008, Merida, Mexico. CDROM.
- Characterization of high temperature tolerance mechanisms in Maize-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xu, W., Burke, J.J. 2008. Characterization of high temperature tolerance mechanisms in Maize[abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. San Diego, California. January 12-16, 2008.
- Impact of drought and high temperature stresses on cotton fiber development and fiber quality-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Burke, J.J. 2007. Impact of drought and high temperature stresses on cotton fiber development and fiber quality[abstact]. World Cotton Research Conference. Lubbock, Texas. September 10-14, 2007.
- The conserved role of FtsH11 protease in protection of photosynthetic system from high temperature stress in higher plants-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2007. The conserved role of FtsH11 protease in protection of photosynthetic system from high temperature stress in higher plants[abstract]. 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis. Glasgow, Scotland. July 22-27, 2007.
- Role of FtsH11 protease in thermoprotection of photosynthetic systems-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2007. Role of FtsH11 protease in thermoprotection of photosynthetic systems[abstract]. Drymen Photosynthesis Satellite Workshop. Drymen, Scotland. July 18-21, 2007.
- FtsH11 Proteases play a critical role in high temperature stress tolerance in plants-(Abstract Only)
Chen, J., Xin, Z., Burke, J.J. 2007. FtsH11 Proteases play a critical role in high temperature stress tolerance in plants [abstract]. Plant Biology and Botany 2007 Joint Congress, July 7-11, 2007, Chicago, Illinois. CD-ROM
- ESK1 is a Novel Component of Freezing Tolerance-(Abstract Only)
Xin, Z., Chen, J. 2007. ESK1 is a novel component of freezing tolerance[abstract]. Plant Biology Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. July 7-11, 2007.
- Functional Roles of FtsH11 in Thermotolerance and Photosynthetic Stress in Plants-(Proceedings)
Chen, J., Velten, J.P., Burke, J.J. 2007. Functional Roles of FtsH11 in Thermotolerance and Photosynthetic Stress in Plants[abstract]. Gordon Ressearch Conference: Temperature Stress in Plants. Ventura, California. January 21-26, 2007.
Welti, R., Shah, J., Li, W., Li, M., Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Fauconnier, M., Chapman, K., Chye, M., Wang, X. 2007. Plant lipidomics: Discerning biological function by profiling plant complex lipids using mass spectrometry. Frontiers in Bioscience. 12:2494-2506.
- Arabidopsis ESK1 encodes a novel regulator of freezing tolerance-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xin, Z., Chen, J., Mandaokar, A., Last, R., Browse, J. 2007. Arabidopsis ESK1 encodes a novel regulator of freezing tolerance. Plant Journal. 49:786-799.
Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Velten, J.P., Xin, Z. 2006. FtsH11 protease plays a critical role in Arabidopsis thermotolerance. The Plant Journal. 48(1):73-84.
Xin, Z., Chen, J. 2006. Allelic analysis of ESK1 gene[abstract]. Keystone Symposia: Plant Reponses to Abiotic Stress. Copper Mountain, Colorado. April 8-13, 2006.
Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Xin, Z., Xu, C., Velten, J.P. 2006. Characterization of the arabidopsis thermosensitive mutant ATTS02 reveals an important role for galactolipids in thermotolerance. Plant Cell and Environment. 29(7):437-1448.
Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Velten, J.P., Xin, Z. 2006. Ftsh11 protease plays a critical role in arabidopsis thermotolerance[abstract]. Keystone Symposia.
Chen, J., Burke, J.J., Velten, J.P., Xin, Z. 2006. Ftsh11 is essential to thermotolerance in arabidopsis. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P. 405 XIV Conference.
Xin, Z., Chen, J. 2006. Extraction of Genomic DNA from Plant Tissue. In: Kieleczawa, J., Editor. DNA Sequencing II: Optimizing Preparation and Cleanup. 2nd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. p. 47-59.
Xin, Z., Chen, J., Mandaokar, A., Last, R., Browse, J. 2005. Esk1 encodes a novel regulator of freezing tolerance[abstract]. American Society of Plant Biology. Paper No. 31001.
Burke, J.J., Chen, J. 2006. Cellular and molecular basis of plant tolerance to heat stress. In: Huang, B, editor. Plant-Environment Interactions. 3rd Edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 27-46.
Chen, J., Xin, Z. 2004. Identification of metabolites associated with freezing tolerance in constitutively freezing tolerant mutants of arabidopsis[abstract]. International Congress on Plant Metabolomics. Paper No. 62.
Xin, Z., Chen, J., Browse, J. 2004. Characterizarion of constitutively freezing tolerant mutants of arabidopsis suggests a critical role of proline in cold acclimation [abstract]. American Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting. Paper No. 136.
Burke, J.J., Chen, J., Xin, Z., Velten, J.P. 2004. Molecular mapping of arabidopsis genes contributing to thermotolerance [abstract]. Keystone Symposia.
Xin, Z., Chen, J., Burke, J.J. 2004. A low cost high efficient method for genetic mapping using indel markers[abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome. Paper No. 227.
Xin, Z. 2004. Esk1 encodes a novel involved in freezing tolerance[abstract]. Keystone Symposium.
Development of Climate Resilient Germplasm and Management Tools for Sustainable Row Crop Production In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:443543
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